Man pages for lwaldron/LeviRmisc
Levi's miscellaneous handy R functions

adjPuser-friendly wrapper to the multtest package to adjust for...
cladeFilterFilter rows of a table of relative abundances
collapseProbesets## Wrapper for jetset or possibly other
ComBatWrapperWrapper for the ComBat.R function
cvPredictionscvPredictions - get cross-validated predictions
expandProbesets## expand featureNames of an ExpressionSet that are 2+...
foldfold - also known variously as reduce, accumulate, compress,...
geoLookup## Look up basic experiment and platform information from GEO...
geoPmidLookup## Look up metadata for any combination of GEO series and...
getFoldssplit N samples into nfolds folds.
getGEO2## Wrapper for GEOquery::getGEO
heatmap.3Enhanced heatmap based on gplots::heatmap.2
LeviRmisc-packageLevi's miscellaneous handy R functions
makeCLSfunction to create a valid cls file
makeTXTfunction to create a valid cls file
multiHist## Plot one or more histograms on the same axes using lines
readGMTRead a gmt (gene matrix transposed) file
readPCLRead numeric plus metadata from a .pcl file
shortenCladeNameShorten Maaslin-compliant or QIIME-compliant taxonomical...
writeGMTCreate a gmt (gene matrix transposed) file
writePCLWrite a PCL file
lwaldron/LeviRmisc documentation built on May 21, 2019, 8:59 a.m.