readPCL: Read numeric plus metadata from a .pcl file

Description Usage Arguments Value Author(s)


This function assumes that the first row is a header. It can attempt to automatically determine which rows are metadata and which are phenotype data, or the number of phenotype rows can be specified explicitly. Function by Levi Waldron.


readPCL(filename, number.pheno.rows = NA, ...)



fully specified path to a .pcl file


If number.pheno.rows is NA, this function will figure out the number of rows of phenotypes, under the assumption that 5 consecutive rows of numeric values signifies the start of the numeric data at the startn of those consecutive rows. If number.pheno.rows is specified, it tells the program how many rows at the start of the file (not including the header) are phenotype data.


... are arguments passed on to read.table()


a list object containing two elements: phenodat, a dataframe containing the potentially non-numeric phenotype data, and numericdat, a matrix containing the numeric expression data.


Levi Waldron and Markus Riester

lwaldron/LeviRmisc documentation built on May 21, 2019, 8:59 a.m.