
Defines functions print_anova_ print_anova

Documented in print_anova

#' Print the results of an \code{afex} ANOVA
#' @param afex_object An object returned by one of \code{afex}'s ANOVA
#'     functions. See details.
#' @param italic_eta Should the effect size symbol eta be printed in
#'     italic font. Defaults to \code{TRUE}. See details.
#' @param decimals How many decimals should be printed for F values
#'     and eta-squared. Defaults to 2.
#' @param decimals_p How many decimals should be printed for p-values.
#'     Defaults to 3.
#' @return A list whose elements are strings describing the ANOVA; to be 
#'     included in an R markdown document.
#' @details
#' To use this function, you have to install the package afex to compute
#' an ANOVA object, see \code{\link[afex]{aov_car}}. Pass this object 
#' as the first argument.
#' According to APA style, the _greek_ eta symbol - indicating the
#' effect size in  the ANOVA - should be printed in non-italic font.
#' However, the standard Latex \\eta symbol is italic. To print a
#' non-italic eta, use the argument \code{italic_eta = FALSE}. However, this
#' option requires that you load the package \code{upgreek} in the YAML
#' header of your R markdown document. To this end, use the following
#' option in your YAML header:
#' header-includes:
#'   -\\usepackage{upgreek}
#' @examples
#' library("afex")
#' # see ?aov_ez
#' data(md_12.1)
#' aov_results <- aov_ez("id", "rt", md_12.1, within = c("angle", "noise"))
#' print_anova(aov_results)
#' # Print nonitalic eta, which is required according to APA guidelines
#' print_anova(aov_results, italic_eta = FALSE)
#' # Example using other (or no) effect size index
#' pes <- aov_ez("id", "rt", md_12.1, within = c("angle", "noise"),
#'               anova_table = list(es = "pes"))
#' print_anova(pes)
#' print_anova(pes, italic_eta = FALSE)
#' noes <- aov_ez("id", "rt", md_12.1, within = c("angle", "noise"),
#'                anova_table = list(es = "none"))
#' print_anova(noes)
#' ## Access individual elements of the ANOVA print list:
#' aovpr <- print_anova(aov_results, italic_eta = FALSE)
#' # By index: 
#' aovpr[[1]]
#' # By name (main effect): 
#' aovpr$angle
#' aovpr[["angle"]]
#' # By name (interaction effect, here, the $-notation does not work 
#' # due to non-standard `:` in name): 
#' aovpr[["angle:noise"]] 
#' @references 
#' Singmann, H., Bolker, B., Westfall, J., & Aust, F. (2019). afex: 
#'     Analysis of Factorial Experiments. https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=afex
#' @author Martin Papenberg \email{martin.papenberg@@hhu.de}
#' @export

print_anova <- function(afex_object, italic_eta = TRUE,
                        decimals = 2, decimals_p = 3) {
  validate_input(afex_object, "afex_object", "afex_aov")
  validate_input(italic_eta, "italic_eta", "logical", 1)
  validate_input(decimals, "decimals", "numeric", 1, TRUE, TRUE)
  validate_input(decimals_p, "decimals_p", "numeric", 1, TRUE, TRUE)

  font <- ifelse(italic_eta == TRUE, "italic", "nonitalic")
  rows <- rownames(afex_object$anova)
  return_list <- list()
  for (i in seq_along(rows)) {
    ## name the elements of the returned list by effect
    return_list[[rows[i]]] <- print_anova_(afex_object, i, font, decimals, decimals_p)

print_anova_ <- function(afex_object, row, font, decimals, decimals_p) {

  aov.table <- afex_object$anova_table # contains the relevant values

  ## Set symbol for effect size
  cols <- names(aov.table)
  has_effect_size <- length(cols) == 6 # maybe afex object does not have effect size
  if (has_effect_size)
    es <- cols[5]
    es <- ""

  if (es == "pes") es.symbol <- "p"
  else if (es == "ges") es.symbol <- "G"
  else es.symbol <- "" # if there was no eta-squared in the object

  # p-value
  p_value <- aov.table[row, "Pr(>F)"]
  p <- format_p(p_value, decimals_p)

  # F-value
  F <- paste0("$F(", force_or_cut(aov.table[row,"num Df"], decimals), "$, $",
              force_or_cut(aov.table[row,"den Df"], decimals), ") = ",
              force_decimals(aov.table[row,"F"], decimals), "$")

  # Print eta^2; either according to APA-style nonitalic (using
  # font="nonitalic"), or using font = "italic"; font = "nonitalic"
  # requires latex package \upgreek (for \upeta)
  if (font == "nonitalic") {
    eta_symbol <- paste0("$\\upeta_\\mathrm{", es.symbol ,"}^2 = ")
  } else if (font == "italic") {
    eta_symbol <- paste0("$\\eta_", es.symbol, "^2 = ")
  eta <- paste0(eta_symbol, decimals_only(aov.table[row,es], decimals), "$")
  ret <- paste(F, p, eta, sep = ", ")
  if (!has_effect_size)
    ret <- paste(F, p, sep = ", ")
m-Py/prmisc documentation built on Aug. 23, 2023, 1:20 a.m.