#' Collect all local objects and return them as named list.
#' Makes it easier to return a named list from a function.
#' @return \code{named list} of all objects in the function that don't
#' start with a dot.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Function that uses return_named_list()
#' func <- function(a, b) {
#' # objects prefixed with a dot get ignored
#' .not_include = b
#' x = a
#' y = NULL
#' return_named_list()
#' }
#' func(1, 2)
return_named_list <- function() {
# Get parent environment
parent_env = parent.frame()
# Get parent function arguments (we don't want those)
args = formals(sys.function(sys.parent(1))) %>%
# Get objects and return them as named list. Filter out args
objs = objects(name = parent_env,
all.names = F)
list = objs[!(objs %in% args)] %>%
mget(envir = parent_env)
is_empty = function(x){
length(x) == 0 | is.null(x)
# Replace empty values by NA
list[sapply(list, is_empty) %>%
which()] = NA
#' Find the positions of nodes in a \code{xml_nodeset} that match a regex pattern
#' @param nodelist \code{xml_nodeset}, as e.g. returned from
#' \code{\link[rvest]{html_elements}}.
#' @param regex \code{string scalar} giving the regular expression to search for.
#' See the stringr cheatsheet on \url{https://www.rstudio.com/resources/cheatsheets/}
#' @param inc \code{numeric scalar}. Increment added to the returned index. See
#' examples for a use case.
#' @return Returns a \code{numeric scalar or vector}.
#' @export
#' @importFrom stringr str_which
#' @importFrom rvest html_text
#' @examples
#' library(rvest)
#' library(scrapurrr)
#' # Lets suppose we want to know the owner of "Alfreds Futterkiste":
#' html = "<table>
#' <tr>
#' <th>Company</th>
#' <th>Contact</th>
#' <th>Country</th>
#' </tr>
#' <tr>
#' <td>Alfreds Futterkiste</td>
#' <td>Maria Anders</td>
#' <td>Germany</td>
#' </tr>
#' <tr>
#' <td>Centro comercial Moctezuma</td>
#' <td>Francisco Chang</td>
#' <td>Mexico</td>
#' </tr>
#' </table>" %>%
#' read_html()
#' # Searching for `td` elements returns a list:
#' html_elements(x = html, "td")
#' # Of course we could match by position, but it may not be fixed if we have
#' # many tables. Let's use `node_which()`. since the "owner" is always two rows
#' # behind the "company" we increment by 2:
#' html_elements(x = html, "td") %>%
#' node_which("Alfreds Futterkiste", inc = 2)
node_which <- function(nodelist, regex, inc = 0) {
str_which(html_text(nodelist), regex) + inc
#' Find and return the node(s) in a \code{xml_nodeset} that match a regex pattern
#' @inheritParams node_which
#' @return Returns a \code{xml_nodeset}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(rvest)
#' library(scrapurrr)
#' # Lets suppose we want to know the owner of "Alfreds Futterkiste":
#' html = "<table>
#' <tr>
#' <th>Company</th>
#' <th>Contact</th>
#' <th>Country</th>
#' </tr>
#' <tr>
#' <td>Alfreds Futterkiste</td>
#' <td>Maria Anders</td>
#' <td>Germany</td>
#' </tr>
#' <tr>
#' <td>Centro comercial Moctezuma</td>
#' <td>Francisco Chang</td>
#' <td>Mexico</td>
#' </tr>
#' </table>" %>%
#' read_html()
#' # Searching for `td` elements returns a list:
#' html_elements(x = html, "td")
#' # Of course we could match by position, but it may not be fixed if we have
#' # many tables. Let's use `node_which()`. since the "owner" is always two rows
#' # behind the "company" we increment by 1:
#' html_elements(x = html, "td") %>%
#' html_find("Alfreds Futterkiste", inc = 1)
html_find <- function(nodelist, regex, inc = 0) {
nodelist[node_which(nodelist, regex, inc)]
#' Download html and/or display it in the RStudio Viewer / Browser
#' @param link \code{string scalar}(optional). Link to a webpage. It will be
#' downloaded via \code{\link[xml2]{read_html}}.
#' @param html \code{string scalar or html} containing the html to be displayed.
#' @return Opens the RStudio viewer and displays the webpage or html.
#' @export
#' @importFrom xml2 read_html
#' @importFrom rstudioapi viewer
#' @importFrom utils browseURL
#' @examples
#' # Using link to webpage:
#' view_html("https://www.google.de")
#' # Using downloaded html
#' google = xml2::read_html("https://www.google.de")
#' view_html(html = google)
view_html = function(link = NULL, html = NULL){
# Get html using xml2 read_html if none is provided
html = read_html(link)
html = as.character(html)
# Create local temp file with html content
tempDir <- tempfile()
htmlFile <- file.path(tempDir, "index.html")
writeLines(text = html,
con = htmlFile)
# Use RStudio Viewer to access file
viewer <- getOption("viewer", default = utils::browseURL)
#' Invoke the "Quick Connect" command of NordVPN
#' @param nordvpn_exe \code{string scalar} giving the path to the NordVPN.exe.
#' @return Invokes the `-c` command of NordVPN
#' @export
#' @importFrom crayon green white
#' @importFrom httr GET
NordVPN_quick_connect = function(
nordvpn_exe = "C:\\Program Files\\NordVPN\\NordVPN.exe"){
# System command to connect to new proxy
NordVPN_connect = function(){
message(green("Executing NordVPN Quick Connect ..."))
system(paste0('"', nordvpn_exe, '" -c'),
wait = T)
# GET request to popular page
get_testpage = function(){
try(httr::GET("https://www.google.com"), silent = T)
# First try at connection
testpage = get_testpage()
# While loop that reconnects until the testpage could be reached
start = Sys.time()
duration = difftime(Sys.time(), start,
units = "secs")
while ("try-error" %in% class(testpage)) {
duration = difftime(Sys.time(), start,
units = "secs")
message("Waiting on proxy, time elapsed: ",
" seconds")
if(duration > 20){
start = Sys.time()
testpage = get_testpage()
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.