
Defines functions read_otg_csv_wrapper

Documented in read_otg_csv_wrapper

#' @title Read DASH OTG Data - Wrapper
#' @description A wrapper function for `read_otg_csv()`. The function imports .csv delimited
#' files containing on-the-ground (OTG) data collected using the DASH protocol. This function
#' can be performed on multiple (all if desired) "types" of OTG data at once to create a
#' list of data frames, each containing data for one of the data types.
#' @author Mike Ackerman
#' @inheritParams get_file_nms
#' @inheritParams get_otg_col_specs
#' @param otg_type_names an optional character vector that can be used to name each
#' data frame of `otg_type`. If the `otg_type_names` argument is provided, it
#' MUST be the same length as `otg_type`. If the default `otg_type_names = NULL`
#' is used, data frames will be named using the `otg_type` character
#' vector (i.e., the .csv file names).
#' @export
#' @return a list of data frames, each containing data from `otg_type`

read_otg_csv_wrapper = function(path = ".",
                                otg_type = c("surveyPoint_0.csv",
                                otg_type_names = c("survey",
                                                   "discharge")) {

  # if otg_type_names is NOT NULL, verify it is the same length as otg_type_list
  if(!is.null(otg_type_names)) {
    chk = identical(length(otg_type), length(otg_type_names))
    if(chk == FALSE) stop("If argument otg_type_names is not NULL, otg_type_list and otg_type_names MUST be of the same length. Stopping execution.")

  # create empty list
  df_list = list()

  # initiate counter
  ctr = 1

  # for loop over otg_type
  for (o in otg_type) {

    tmp = read_otg_csv(path = path,
                       otg_type = o)

    # add tmp df to otg_data list, assign a new name if otg_type_names is not NULL
    if(!is.null(otg_type_names)) {
      df_list[[ otg_type_names[ctr] ]] = assign(otg_type_names[ctr], tmp)
    } else {
      df_list[[ o ]] = assign(o, tmp)

    ctr = ctr + 1

  } # end for loop


} # end read_otg_csv_wrapper()
mackerman44/DASH documentation built on Sept. 5, 2024, 8:14 a.m.