
Defines functions lets.overlap

Documented in lets.overlap

#' Compute pairwise species' geographic overlaps
#' @author Fabricio Villalobos & Bruno Vilela
#' @description Creates a species geographic overlap matrix from a
#'   Presence-absence matrix.
#' @param pam A presence-absence matrix (sites in rows and species in columns,
#'   with the first two columns containing the longitudinal and latitudinal
#'   coordinates, respectively), or an object of class
#'   \code{\link{PresenceAbsence}}.
#' @param method The method used to calculate the overlap matrix. "Chesser&Zink"
#'   calculates the degree of overlap as the proportion of the smaller range
#'   that overlaps within the larger range (Chesser & Zink 1994). "Proportional"
#'   calculates the proportion of a range that overlaps another range, the
#'   resultant matrix is not symmetric. "Cells" will show the number of
#'   overlapping grid cells between a pair of species' ranges (same for both
#'   species in a pair), here the resultant matrix is symmetric.
#' @param xy Logical, if \code{TRUE} the input matrix contains geographic
#'   coordinates in the first two columns.
#' @references Chesser, R. Terry, and Robert M. Zink. "Modes of speciation in
#'   birds: a test of Lynch's method." Evolution (1994): 490-497.
#' @references Barraclough, Timothy G., and Alfried P. Vogler. "Detecting the
#'   geographical pattern of speciation from species-level phylogenies." The
#'   American Naturalist 155.4 (2000): 419-434.
#' @seealso \code{\link{lets.presab}}
#' @seealso \code{\link{lets.presab.birds}}
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' data(PAM)
#' CZ <- lets.overlap(PAM, method = "Chesser&Zink")
#' prop <- lets.overlap(PAM, method = "Proportional")
#' cells <- lets.overlap(PAM, method = "Cells")
#' }
#' @export

lets.overlap <- function(pam, method = "Chesser&Zink",
                         xy = NULL) {
  # Check PAM
  if (!methods::is(pam, "PresenceAbsence")) {
    if(!inherits(pam, "matrix")) {
      stop(paste("Object pam should be either a PresenceAbsence or a matrix.
         Not a", class(pam)))
  } else {
    pam <- .check_pam(pam)
  methods <- c("Chesser&Zink", "Proportional", "Cells")
  if (!any(method == methods)) {
    stop(paste("The method",  method , "is not implemented.", 
               "Please check the spelling."))
  if (is.matrix(pam)) {
    if (is.null(xy)) {
      stop(paste("Please set if your matrix contains ",
                 "coordinates in the first two columns",
                 "(xy argument)."), sep = "")
    if (xy) {
      pam <- pam[, -(1:2), drop = FALSE]
  if (class(pam)[1] == "PresenceAbsence") {
    pam <- pam[[1]][, -(1:2), drop = FALSE]    
  nomes <- colnames(pam)
  n <- ncol(pam)
  resu <- matrix(NA, ncol = n, nrow = n)
  if (method == "Cells") {
    diag(resu) <- 1
    for(i in 1:(n - 1)) {
      for(j in ((i + 1):n)) {
        over <- sum(rowSums(pam[, c(i, j)]) == 2)
        resu[i, j] <- over
    ind <- lower.tri(resu)
    resu[ind] <- t(resu)[ind]
  if (method == "Proportional") {
    range <- colSums(pam)
    for(i in 1:n) {
      for(j in 1:n) {
        over <- sum(rowSums(pam[, c(i, j)]) == 2)
        if(range[i] == 0) {
          over2 <- 0
        } else {
          over2 <- over/range[i]  
        resu[i, j] <- over2
  if (method == "Chesser&Zink") {
    range <- colSums(pam)
    diag(resu) <- 1
    for(i in 1:(n - 1)) {
      for(j in ((i + 1):n)) {
        over <- sum(rowSums(pam[, c(i, j)]) == 2)
        if(any(range[c(i, j)] %in% 0)) {
          resu[i, j] <- 0
        } else {
          resu[i, j] <- over / min(range[c(i, j)])  
    ind <- lower.tri(resu)
    resu[ind] <- t(resu)[ind]
  colnames(resu) <- nomes
  rownames(resu) <- nomes
macroecology/letsR documentation built on April 29, 2024, 1:31 p.m.