v 0.0.1 (under development)

本包开发宣告中止,弃坑。请大家直接从CRAN下载John Coene开发的echarts4r.

An R Interface to Baidu Echarts3

Echarts3 is an open source JavaScript library developed by Baidu Inc. for interactive charts. Compared to other popular js libraries, Echarts is more Chinese-friendly. The latest stable release of Echarts3 is 3.2.3.

This package is to facilitate R users to make use of Echarts3 library (use recharts package for Echarts2 library). A hello world example is as below:

echartr(iris, Sepal.Length, Sepal.Width, Species) %>% setTheme('macarons')


The initial recharts package was developed by Yang Zhou and Taiyun Wei. The current branch was forked from Yihui Xie.


if (!require(devtools)) library(devtools)

As the package is under development, you may come across errors when requiring the package directly from Github. You can alternatively download the codes from Github and compile the codes using RStudio.



The package was developed using RStudio under Ubuntu 16.


The Echarts object is an S3 list, comprising of the following elements:

(1) Timeline contained

- timeline
- options
    - series
        - list 1
        - ...
    - widgets (title, legend, toolbox, dataRange, dataZoom, roamController)
    - ...

(2) No timeline contained

- series
    - list 1
    - ...
- widgets (title, legend, toolbox, dataRange, dataZoom, roamController)
- ...

The basic design is to configure an S3 object widget by widget and concatenate them by pipe operator (%>%). It is inspired by ggplot2.

The core function is echartr, which accepts basic settings of data source, variables, chart types and then constructs the framework of the S3 object (options part of the Echarts DOM object).

Then echartr parses the data source and calls series processing functions (series_scatter, series_bar, series_line, ...) to build the series part of the options object.

Then you can tune the series using the low-level function setSeries.

Then you can add more objects (addMarkLine, addMarkPoint, addHeatmap, addNameMap, ...) to the echarts object.

Then you can configure other widgets in the echarts object created by echartr to create/modify the widgets. E.g, setTitle, setLegend, setToolbox, setDataZoom, setDataRange, setTimeline, setRoam, axes such as setAxis, setPolar and aesthetics such as setGrid, setSymbols, setTooltip, setTheme.

Finally, you can use relocWidgetfunctions to relocate/resize the echarts object step further.



Current version is 0.0.6.

Supported chart types

  1. Mono-coordinate System
    1. Cartesian Coordinate System
      1. Scatter
        1. scatter|bubble
      2. Bar
        1. bar|hbar
        2. vbar|column
        3. histogram|hist
      3. Line
        1. line
        2. curve
        3. area
        4. wave
      4. K
        1. k|candlestick
      5. eventRiver
        1. eventRiver
    2. Others
      1. Force
      2. Chord
      3. Word Cloud
      4. Venn Chart
      5. Heatmap
  2. Multi-coordinate System
    1. Polar Coordinate System
      1. Pie
        1. pie
        2. ring
        3. Rose
      2. Funnel
        1. Funnel
        2. Pyramid
      3. Radar Chart
      4. Gauge Chart
    2. Others
      1. Map
      2. Tree Chart
      3. Treemap



Under the terms of MIT + file license.



该加载包是为了便利R用户使用Echarts3库 (Echarts2库的话,用recharts包). 下面是一个hello world案例:

echartr(iris, Sepal.Length, Sepal.Width, Species) %>% setTheme('macarons')


recharts起先由Yang Zhou和Taiyun Wei开发。当前分支fork自Yihui Xie


if (!require(devtools)) library(devtools)




该包在Ubuntu 16下用RStudio开发。



(1) Timeline contained

- timeline
- options
    - series
        - list 1
        - ...
    - widgets (title, legend, toolbox, dataRange, dataZoom, roamController)
    - ...

(2) No timeline contained

- series
    - list 1
    - ...
- widgets (title, legend, toolbox, dataRange, dataZoom, roamController)
- ...


核心函数是echartr,它接受源数据、变量、图类型等基本设置,然后构建出一个基础的S3对象框架(Echarts DOM对象的options部分)。

然后echartr解析源数据并调用数据系列处理函数(series_scatter, series_bar, series_line, ...)构建出options对象中的series部分。


然后可以往这个Echarts对象中添加其他控件(addMarkLine, addMarkPoint, addHeatmap, addNameMap, ...)。

在然后可以在这个Echarts对象中配置其他控件的各项参数,比如setTitle, setLegend, setToolbox, setDataZoom, setDataRange, setTimeline, setRoam, 或者坐标轴,如setAxis, setPolar 以及美工,比如setGrid, setSymbols, setTooltip, setTheme.






  1. 单坐标系
    1. 直角坐标系
      1. 散点图
        1. scatter|bubble
      2. 柱图
        1. bar|hbar
        2. vbar|column
        3. histogram|hist
      3. 线图
        1. line
        2. curve
        3. area
        4. wave
      4. K线图
        1. k|candlestick
      5. 事件河流图
        1. eventRiver
    2. 其他
      1. Force
      2. Chord
      3. Word Cloud
      4. Venn Chart
      5. Heatmap
  2. 多坐标系
    1. 极坐标系
      1. 饼图
        1. pie
        2. ring
        3. Rose
      2. 漏斗图
        1. Funnel
        2. Pyramid
      3. Radar Chart
      4. Gauge Chart
    2. 其他
      1. Map
      2. Tree Chart
      3. Treemap



MIT + file license

madlogos/recharts2 documentation built on May 21, 2019, 11:03 a.m.