
context('enotes() Tests')

test_that('object with existing commented class is trapped', {
  df <- enotes(cars)
  expect_output(enotes(df), regexp = 'This object is already enabled for comments')
  expect_equal(class(df)[1], 'commented')
  expect_false(isTRUE(all.equal(class(df)[2], 'commented')))

test_that('non-character comments are rejected with correct error message', {
  expect_equal(capture_output(enotes(cars, comment = c(1,2,3,4,5,6))),'Comment should be a string or character vector. See ?notes for for correct usage')

test_that('> 66 character comments are rejected with correct error message', {
  expect_equal(capture_output(enotes(cars, comment = rep('a',67))),'Your comment should be less than 66 characters.')

test_that('object is enabled for comments', {
  # data.frame
  df <- enotes(cars)
  expect_equal(capture_output(notes(df)), '#    Comments                                                       \n----------------------------------------------------------------------\n1 :  Comments enabled                                                 ')
  # vector
  df <- enotes(c(1,2,3,4,5,6))
  expect_equal(capture_output(notes(df)), '#    Comments                                                       \n----------------------------------------------------------------------\n1 :  Comments enabled                                                 ')
  # list
  df <- enotes(list(1,2,3,4,'a','b'))
  expect_equal(capture_output(notes(df)), '#    Comments                                                       \n----------------------------------------------------------------------\n1 :  Comments enabled                                                 ')

test_that('comments parameter works correctly', {
  df <- enotes(cars, comment = 'first comment')
  expect_equal(capture_output(notes(df)), '#    Comments                                                       \n----------------------------------------------------------------------\n1 :  first comment                                                    ')
mandpd/comments documentation built on May 5, 2019, 7:57 p.m.