
#     Function that creates a pretty name for longitude and latitude.                      #
pretty.lonlat <<- function(x,type="longitude",,...){
   s.type = tolower(substring(type,1,2))
   if (! s.type %in% c("lo","la")){
      cat(" type = ",type,"\n")
      stop(" Variable 'type' must be either 'longitude' or 'latitude'...")
   }#end if

   #----- Use pretty to find the typical tick marks. --------------------------------------#
   px  = pretty(range(x,na.rm=TRUE),...)
   npx = length(px)

   #----- Decide whether to make 0 part of North (East) or South (West). ------------------#
   if ({
      ne = px >= 0
      ne = px > 0
   }#end if
   if (s.type == "lo"){
      flag = ifelse(ne,"E","W")
      flag = ifelse(ne,"N","S")
   }#end if
   canvas = rep("xxx*degree*yyy",times=npx)
   canvas = mapply(FUN=sub,replacement=abs(px),x=canvas,MoreArgs=list(pattern="xxx"))
   canvas = mapply(FUN=sub,replacement=flag   ,x=canvas,MoreArgs=list(pattern="yyy"))

   #    Save the output list.                                                              #
   ans = list(at=px,labels=parse(text=canvas))
}#end pretty.lonlat
manfredo89/ED2io documentation built on May 21, 2019, 11:24 a.m.