
#     This function plots roads, given the road name and the path.  Additional options for #
# the "lines" command are welcome!                                                         #
roadmap <<- function(rpath=NULL,roads,stroad=FALSE,...){

  if (is.null(rpath)) rpath = file.path(srcdir,"roads")
  if (missing(roads)) roads = sub(pattern=".csv",replacement="",x=basename(dir(rpath)))

  #----- Remove state roads unless the user wants them. -----------------------------------#
  if (! stroad){
     all.states = c("ac","al","ap","am","ba","ce","df","es","go","ma","mt","ms","mg"
     keep       = ! tolower(substring(roads,1,2)) %in% all.states
     roads      = roads[keep]
  }#end if

  roadfiles = file.path(rpath,paste(roads,".csv",sep=""))
  nroads    = length(roads)

  for (r in sequence(nroads)){
     datum        = read.table( file       = roadfiles[r]
                              , header     = FALSE
                              , sep        = ","
                              , na.strings = "NA"
                              , colClasses = rep("numeric",3)
                              )#end read.table
     names(datum) = c("lon","lat","hgt")
  }#end for
} #end function

#     This function plots roads, given the road name and the path, when using the lattice  #
# plots.  Additional options for the "llines" command are welcome!                         #
panel.roadmap <<- function(rpath=NULL,roads,stroad=FALSE,...){

  if (is.null(rpath)) rpath = file.path(srcdir,"roads")
  if (missing(roads)) roads = sub(pattern=".csv",replacement="",x=basename(dir(rpath)))

  #----- Remove state roads unless the user wants them. -----------------------------------#
  if (! stroad){
     all.states = c("ac","al","ap","am","ba","ce","df","es","go","ma","mt","ms","mg"
     keep       = ! tolower(substring(roads,1,2)) %in% all.states
     roads      = roads[keep]
  }#end if

  roadfiles = file.path(rpath,paste(roads,".csv",sep=""))
  nroads    = length(roads)

  for (r in sequence(nroads)){
     datum        = read.table( file       = roadfiles[r]
                              , header     = FALSE
                              , sep        = ","
                              , na.strings = "NA"
                              , colClasses = rep("numeric",3)
                              )#end read.table
     names(datum) = c("lon","lat","hgt")
  }#end for
} #end function
manfredo89/ED2io documentation built on May 21, 2019, 11:24 a.m.