
#    This function is very similar to vioplot, except that it allows different violin      #
# widths to be scaled by a single KDE, and uses function density instead of sm.density.    #
#  Also, all elements must be provided as a list.                                          #
violins <<- function( x
                    , at         = seq_along(x)
                    , names      = if(is.null(names(x))){seq_along(x)}else{names(x)}
                    , box.range  = 1.5
                    , ylim       = NULL
                    , horizontal = FALSE
                    , col        = "grey66"
                    , border     = "black"
                    , lty        = 1
                    , lwd        = 1
                    , rectCol    = "black"
                    , colMed     = "white"
                    , pchMed     = 19
                    , add        = FALSE
                    , wex        = 1
                    , drawRect   = TRUE
                    , plog       = FALSE
                    , from
                    , to
                    , pwidth     = FALSE
                    , n          = 512
                    , na.rm      = FALSE
                    , ...

   #----- Initialise several vectors that will be used to generate the violins. -----------#
   nx        = length(x)
   x.upper   = numeric(length=nx)
   x.lower   = numeric(length=nx)
   x.q250    = numeric(length=nx)
   x.q500    = numeric(length=nx)
   x.q750    = numeric(length=nx)
   x.width   = numeric(length=nx)
   base      = replicate(n=nx,list())
   height    = replicate(n=nx,list())
   baserange = NULL

   #     Define the common axis.                                                           #
   if (missing(from) | missing(to)){
      x.range = range(unlist(x),finite=TRUE)
      if (missing(from)) from = x.range[1]
      if (missing(to)  ) to   = x.range[2]
      dbase = mean(diff(seq(from=from,to=to,length.out=n)))
   }#end if

   #     Go through each list element, and estimate the density function.                  #
   for (i in sequence(nx)){
       #----- Load data, remove missing values in case na.rm is TRUE. ---------------------#
       xnow = x[[i]]
       if (na.rm) xnow = xnow[!]

       #----- Find the boxplot limits. ----------------------------------------------------#
       x.min     = min(xnow)
       x.max     = max(xnow)
       x.q250[i] = quantile(xnow, 0.25)
       x.q750[i] = quantile(xnow, 0.75)
       x.q500[i] = median(xnow)
       x.iqd     = x.q750[i] - x.q250[i]
       x.upper[i] = min(x.q750[i] + box.range * x.iqd, x.max)
       x.lower[i] = max(x.q250[i] - box.range * x.iqd, x.min)

       #----- Estimate kernel density, keep only values within range. ---------------------#
       densout     =,from=from,to=to,n=n,...)
       keep        = densout$x %wr% c(x.min-0.5*dbase,x.max+0.5*dbase)
       base  [[i]] = densout$x[keep]
       height[[i]] = densout$y[keep]
       if (any(is.finite(height[[i]]))){
          x.width[i] = max(height[[i]],na.rm=TRUE)
          x.width[i] = NA
       }#end if

       #----- Update candidate limit. -----------------------------------------------------#
       baserange   = range(c(baserange,base[[i]]),finite=TRUE)
   }#end for (i in sequence(nx))

   #      Define x and y limits in case they aren't provided.                              #
   if (! add){
      if (nx == 1){
         xlim = c(at-0.5,at+0.5)
         xlim = range(at) + min(diff(at))/2 * c(-1, 1)
      }#end if
      if (is.null(ylim)) ylim = baserange
   }#end if (! add)

   #     Standardise the scaling factor.                                                   #
   for (i in sequence(nx)){
      if (pwidth){
         x.scale = 0.4 / max(x.width,na.rm=TRUE)
      }else if (is.finite(x.width[i])){
         x.scale = 0.4 / x.width[i]
         x.scale = 0.4
      }#end if (pwidth)

      height[[i]] = height[[i]] * x.scale
   }#end for (i in sequence(nx))

   #     Define the box width.                                                             #
   boxwidth = 0.05 * wex

   #     Start device.                                                                     #
   if (! add){
      if (horizontal){
      }#end if (horizontal)
   }#end if (! add)

   #     Go through the list elements.                                                     #
   for (i in sequence(nx)){
      #----- Polygon coordinates. ---------------------------------------------------------#
      poly.height = c(at[i] - height[[i]],rev(at[i] + height[[i]]))
      poly.base   = c(base[[i]],rev(base[[i]]))

      if (horizontal){
         #----- Plot violin. --------------------------------------------------------------#

         #----- Plot box-and-whisker plot. ------------------------------------------------#
         if (drawRect){
             lines (x=c(x.lower[i], x.upper[i]),y=at[c(i,i)],lwd = lwd,lty = lty)
             rect  ( xleft   = x.q250[i]
                   , ybottom = at[i] - boxwidth/2
                   , xright  = x.q750[i]
                   , ytop    = at[i] + boxwidth/2
                   , col     = rectCol
                   )#end rect
         }#end if (drawRect)
         #----- Plot violin. --------------------------------------------------------------#

         #----- Plot box-and-whisker plot. ------------------------------------------------#
         if (drawRect){
             lines (x=at[c(i,i)],y=c(x.lower[i],x.upper[i]),lwd=lwd,lty=lty)
             rect  ( xleft   = at[i] - boxwidth/2
                   , ybottom = x.q250[i]
                   , xright  = at[i] + boxwidth/2
                   , ytop    = x.q750[i]
                   , col     = rectCol
                   )#end rect
         }#end if (drawRect)
      }#end if (horizontal)
   }#end for (i in sequence(n))

   #----- Make invisible output. ----------------------------------------------------------#
   ans = list( upper  = x.upper
             , lower  = x.lower
             , median = x.q500
             , qlwr   = x.q250
             , qupr   = x.q750
             , width  = x.width
             )#end list
}#end function violins
manfredo89/ED2io documentation built on May 21, 2019, 11:24 a.m.