
Defines functions myTarGetStats

Documented in myTarGetStats

myTarGetStats <- 
  function(date_from   = Sys.Date() - 7,
           date_to     = Sys.Date(), 
           object_type = "campaigns",
           object_id   = NULL, 
           stat_type   = "day",
           metrics     = "base",
           auth        = NULL,
           token_path  = getwd(), 
           login       = NULL) {
    start_time <- Sys.time()
    # check period
    if ( as.Date(date_from) < (Sys.Date() -  92) ) {
      message("You can get data only by last 92 days.")
      message("Date from convert to ", Sys.Date() -  92)
      date_from <- Sys.Date() -  92
    if (is.null(auth)) {
      auth <- myTarAuth(login = login, token_path = token_path)
    # if null obj id
    if ( is.null(object_id)) {
      message("Loading object list.")
      # define function
      f <- switch(object_type,
                  "campaigns" = "myTarGetCampaignList",
                  "banners"   = "myTarGetAdList",
                  "users"     = "myTarGetClientList")
      # load obj
      objects <- do.call(f, 
                         list(login = login,
                              token_path = token_path))
      object_id <- objects$id
    # create tables
    # table list
    if ("all" %in% metrics) {
      tables_name <- c("base", "events", "uniques", "video", "viral", "carousel", "ad_offers", "tps", "moat", "romi")
    } else {
      tables_name <- metrics
    # create table
    for (t in tables_name) {
      assign(t, data.frame())
    # pars of object
    nparts <- ceiling( length(object_id) / 200 )
    objects_parts <- suppressWarnings( split(object_id, 1:nparts) )
    # start progressbar
    if ( nparts > 1 ) {
      pb_step <- 1
      pb <- utils::txtProgressBar(pb_step, nparts, style = 3)}
    for (p in objects_parts) {
      ans <- GET(url = str_interp("https://target.my.com/api/v2/statistics/${object_type}/${stat_type}.json"),
                 query = list(date_from = date_from,
                              date_to   = date_to,
                              id        = paste0(p, collapse = ","),
                              metrics   = paste0(metrics, collapse = ",")),
                 add_headers(Authorization = paste0("Bearer ",auth$access_token)))
      temp_all_data <- content(ans, as = "parsed")
      if ( !is.null(temp_all_data$error) ) {
        stop( temp_all_data$error$code, ": ", temp_all_data$error$message)
      # daily stat
      if ( stat_type == "day" ) {
          # start cycle by each element, object
          for ( i in 1:length(temp_all_data$items) ) {
            # get id of current obj
            id <- temp_all_data$items[[i]]$id
            # cycle by each rows in obj
            for( r in 1:length(temp_all_data$items[[2]]$rows) ) {
              # get date
              date <- temp_all_data$items[[i]]$rows[[r]]$date
              # get metrics list
              m <- names(temp_all_data$items[[i]]$rows[[r]])[names(temp_all_data$items[[i]]$rows[[r]]) != "date"]
              for ( cur_metric in m ) {
                                 bind_cols(c(id = id, 
                                             date = date, 
                                             temp_all_data$items[[i]]$rows[[r]][[cur_metric]] ))))
      } else {
        # summary stat
        # start cycle by each element, object
        for ( i in 1:length(temp_all_data$items) ) {
          # get id of current obj
          id <- temp_all_data$items[[i]]$id
          # get metrics list
          m <- names(temp_all_data$items[[i]][[2]])
          for ( cur_metric in m ) {
                             bind_cols(c(id = id, 
                                         temp_all_data$items[[i]][[2]][[cur_metric]] ))))
        #Progresbar step
        if ( nparts > 1 ) {
          pb_step <- pb_step + 1
          utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, pb_step)}
      if ( exists("pb") ) {
      #Progresbar step
      if ( nparts > 1 ) {
        pb_step <- pb_step + 1
        utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, pb_step)}
    if ( exists("pb") ) {
    message("Create result table.")
    # joined all data
    assign("result", get(m[1])) 
    for ( j in m ) {
      if ( j == m[1] ) next
      if ( stat_type == "day" ) {
        if ( j == "viral") {
          assign(j, setNames(get(j),  c("id", "date", paste0( "viral_", names(get(j))[ !names(get(j)) %in% c("id", "date") ] ))))
        } else {
          assign(j, setNames(get(j),  c("id", paste0( "viral_", names(get(j))[ !names(get(j)) %in% "id" ] ))))
      # join to result
      if ( stat_type == "day" ) {
        assign("result", left_join(result, get(j), by = c("id", "date")))
      } else {
        assign("result", left_join(result, get(j), by = "id"))
    stop_time <- Sys.time()
    message("Total time: ", as.numeric(difftime(stop_time, start_time), units = "secs"), " sec.")
    # return total result
maraevdima/rmytarget documentation built on May 26, 2019, 6:56 p.m.