#' Make the GEKS matrix
#' @noRd
geks_matrix <- function(index, p, q, product, n, nper, window, na.rm) {
# Making base prices/quantities is the slowest part of the calculation;
# the algorithm calculates the lower-triangular part of the GEKS matrix
# to avoid making relatives with different bases, then uses the
# time-reversal property of the 'index' function.
rows <- seq_len(nper)
lt <- lapply(rows, function(i) {
if (i < max(window - n, 2L)) {
# Only the last n + 1 rows are needed for each window,
# so pad the top rows left of the diagonal with NA.
ans <- rep_len(NA_real_, i - 1L)
} else {
# Matching is only done for the lower-triangular part of the matrix.
# Match products for window - 1 periods left of the diagonal
# to minimize the number of back prices to find.
js <- seq.int(to = i - 1L, length.out = min(window, i) - 1L)
m <- .mapply(
list(product[js], product[i]),
list(incomparables = NA)
bp <- .mapply(`[`, list(p[i], m), list())
bq <- .mapply(`[`, list(q[i], m), list())
ans <- .mapply(
list(p1 = p[js], p0 = bp, q1 = q[js], q0 = bq),
list(na.rm = na.rm)
# Add the diagonal at the end and pad with NAs.
ans <- c(unlist(ans, use.names = FALSE), 1)
front_pad <- rep_len(NA_real_, max(i - window, 0L))
back_pad <- rep_len(NA_real_, nper - length(ans) - length(front_pad))
c(front_pad, ans, back_pad)
res <- do.call(rbind, lt)
rownames(res) <- colnames(res) <- names(p) # time periods
# Exploit time reversal.
ut <- upper.tri(res)
res[ut] <- 1 / t(res)[ut]
#' GEKS index
#' Calculate a generalized inter-temporal GEKS price index over a rolling
#' window.
#' @param f A [price index function][price_indexes] that uses information on
#' both base and current-period prices and quantities, and satisfies the
#' time-reversal test. Usually a Törnqvist, Fisher, or Walsh index.
#' @param r A finite number giving the order of the generalized mean used to
#' average price indexes over the rolling window. The default uses a
#' geometric mean.
#' @param p A numeric vector of prices, the same length as `q`.
#' @param q A numeric vector of quantities, the same length as `p`.
#' @param period A factor, or something that can be coerced into one, that
#' gives the corresponding time period for each element in `p` and
#' `q`. The ordering of time periods follows the levels of `period`
#' to agree with [`cut()`][cut.Date].
#' @param product A factor, or something that can be coerced into one, that
#' gives the corresponding product identifier for each element in `p` and
#' `q`.
#' @param window A positive integer giving the length of the rolling window.
#' The default is a window that encompasses all periods in `period`.
#' Non-integers are truncated towards zero.
#' @param n A positive integer giving the length of the index series for each
#' window, starting from the end of the window. For example, if there are 13
#' periods in `window`, setting `n = 1` gives the index for period 13. The
#' default gives an index for each period in `window`. Non-integers are
#' truncated towards zero.
#' @param na.rm Passed to `f` to control if missing values are removed.
#' @returns
#' `geks()` returns a function:
#' \preformatted{function(p, q, period, product, window = nlevels(period), n =
#' window - 1, na.rm = FALSE){...}}
#' This calculates a period-over-period GEKS index with the desired
#' index-number formula, returning a list for each window with a named-numeric
#' vector of index values.
#' `tornqvist_geks()`, `fisher_geks()`, and `walsh_geks()` each return a list
#' with a named numeric vector giving the value of the respective
#' period-over-period GEKS index for each window.
#' @note
#' Like [back_period()], if multiple prices
#' correspond to a period-product pair, then the back price at a point in time
#' is always the first price for that product in the previous period. Unlike a
#' bilateral index, however, duplicated period-product pairs can have more
#' subtle implications for a multilateral index.
#' @seealso
#' `GEKSIndex()` in the \pkg{indexNumR} package for an implementation of the
#' GEKS index with more options.
#' @references
#' Balk, B. M. (2008). *Price and Quantity Index Numbers*.
#' Cambridge University Press.
#' IMF, ILO, Eurostat, UNECE, OECD, and World Bank. (2020).
#' *Consumer Price Index Manual: Concepts and Methods*.
#' International Monetary Fund.
#' Ivancic, L., Diewert, W. E., and Fox, K. J. (2011). Scanner data, time
#' aggregation and the construction of price indexes.
#' *Journal of Econometrics*, 161(1): 24--35.
#' @examples
#' price <- 1:10
#' quantity <- 10:1
#' period <- rep(1:5, 2)
#' product <- rep(letters[1:2], each = 5)
#' cumprod(tornqvist_geks(price, quantity, period, product)[[1]])
#' # Calculate the index over a rolling window
#' (tg <- tornqvist_geks(price, quantity, period, product, window = 3))
#' # Use a movement splice to combine the indexes in each window
#' splice_index(tg, 2)
#' # ... or use a mean splice
#' splice_index(tg)
#' #---- Missing data ----
#' quantity[2] <- NA
#' # Use all non-missing data
#' fisher_geks(price, quantity, period, product, na.rm = TRUE)
#' # Remove records with any missing data
#' fg <- geks(balanced(fisher_index))
#' fg(price, quantity, period, product, na.rm = TRUE)
#' #---- Make a Jevons GEKS index ----
#' jevons_geks <- geks(\(p1, p0, ..., na.rm) jevons_index(p1, p0, na.rm))
#' jevons_geks(price, quantity, period, product)
#' @family price index functions
#' @export
geks <- function(f, r = 0) {
f <- match.fun(f)
gen_mean <- generalized_mean(r)
function(p, q, period, product,
window = nlevels(period), n = window - 1L, na.rm = FALSE) {
period <- as.factor(period)
product <- as.factor(product)
attributes(product) <- NULL # faster to match on numeric codes
if (different_lengths(p, q, period, product)) {
stop("'p', 'q', 'period', and 'product' must be the same length")
nper <- nlevels(period)
if (nper == 0L) {
window <- as.integer(window)
if (length(window) > 1L || window < 2L) {
stop("'window' must be a integer greater than or equal to 2")
if (window > nper) {
"'window' must be less than or equal to the number of levels in",
" 'period'"
n <- as.integer(n)
if (length(n) > 1L || n < 1L) {
stop("'n' must be an integer greater than or equal to 1")
if (n > window - 1L) {
stop("'n' must be less than or equal to 'window' minus 1")
p <- split(p, period)
q <- split(q, period)
product <- split(product, period)
if (duplicate_products(product)) {
warning("there are duplicated period-product pairs")
mat <- geks_matrix(f, p, q, product, n, nper, window, na.rm)
rows <- seq_len(window) - 1L
# Only the last n + 1 indexes in each window need to be kept.
cols <- seq.int(window - n, window) - 1L
res <- vector("list", nper - window + 1L)
# Move down the diagonal to make the geks index.
for (i in seq_along(res)) {
index <- apply(
mat[rows + i, cols + i, drop = FALSE], 2L,
na.rm = na.rm
res[[i]] <- index[-1L] / index[-length(index)]
#' Tornqvist GEKS
#' @rdname geks
#' @export
tornqvist_geks <- geks(geometric_index("Tornqvist"))
#' Fisher GEKS
#' @rdname geks
#' @export
fisher_geks <- geks(fisher_index)
#' Walsh GEKS
#' @rdname geks
#' @export
walsh_geks <- geks(arithmetic_index("Walsh"))
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