
Defines functions coeff.check

## The coeff.check functions checks wheter the specified directions are linearly independent.
## For this purpose the vectors consiting of the polynomial coefficients
## (rewrite w(x) = sum_{k=1}^maxpower c_k x^k ) are checked to be
## linearly independet. When the directions are linearly dependent then a subgroup of directions
## will be determined such that the consisting directions are linearly independent and there is
## no subgroup of larger size with this property.

## Output
#  rg:     a list containing the exponents r,g.
#  cross:  logical. Is the directions corresponding to crossing hazards included?
#  indep: logical. Were the original directions linearly dependent?

coeff.check <- function(cross = cross, rg = rg){
  if ( is.null(rg) ){
    return( list( rg = rg, cross = cross, indep = TRUE) )
  pairs <- rg
  npairs <- length(rg)
  maxpower <- max( sapply( rg, sum) )
  if( maxpower == 0 ){
    # If maxpower = 0 then we have only proportional hazards and/or crossing hazards.
    # In particular, the corresponing weight functions are linearly independent)
    return( list( rg = rg, cross = cross, indep = TRUE) )
  coeff <- function(x){
      r<- x[1]
      g <- x[2]
      k <- 0:g
      c( numeric( r ), choose(g,k)*(-1)^k, numeric( max(maxpower-r-g,0)) )
        # Note that the coefficient vector need to be of the same length for all directions

  Mcoeff <- sapply( rg, coeff)

  if( cross == TRUE ){
    coeff_cross <- c(1,-2,numeric( max( c(0, maxpower-1) )))
    Mcoeff <- cbind( Mcoeff, coeff_cross )
    npairs <- npairs + 1
    pairs <- c(pairs, "cross")

  change <- FALSE
    rank_coeff  <- qr(Mcoeff)$rank
    ndepend_rows <- npairs - rank_coeff
    if (ndepend_rows > 0){
      # If TRUE then there are linearly dependent rows, which need to be deleted
      change <- TRUE
      for (i in  1:ndepend_rows){
        index <- sapply(1:npairs,  function(x){ qr(Mcoeff[ ,-x ])$rank == rank_coeff } )
        index_remove <- min( which( index ) )
        Mcoeff <- Mcoeff[, -index_remove ]
        pairs <- pairs[ -index_remove ]
        npairs <- npairs - 1
      if ( pairs[npairs] == "cross" ){
          return( list( rg = pairs[ - npairs], cross = TRUE, indep = FALSE) )
          return( list(rg = pairs, cross = FALSE, indep = FALSE))
      return( list(rg = rg, cross = cross, indep = TRUE))
marcdii/mdir.logrank documentation built on Feb. 6, 2021, 9:21 p.m.