
Defines functions otp_plan_batch

Documented in otp_plan_batch

#' Get multiple routes from OTP
#' @param otpcon OTP connection object produced by otp_connect()
#' @param fromPlace Numeric matrix of two columns, Latitude/Longitude pairs
#' @param toPlace Numeric matrix of two columns, Latitude/Longitude pairs
#' @param ... Other variables passed to otp_plan
#' @return
#' Returns a data.frame of SF POLYLINES
#' @export
#' @details
#' This function is a batch version of otp_plan() and is useful if you want to produce many routes at once.
otp_plan_batch <- function(otpcon = NA,
                           fromPlace = NA,
                           toPlace = NA,
  # Check Valid Inputs
  if (!"otpconnect" %in% class(otpcon)) {
    message("otpcon is not a valid otpconnect object")
  if (class(fromPlace) != "matrix" | ncol(fromPlace) != 2) {
    message("fromPlace is not a valid matrix of latitude, longitude pairs")
  } else{
    if (max(fromPlace[, 1]) <= 90 &
        min(fromPlace[, 1]) >= -90 &
        max(fromPlace[, 2]) <= 180 & min(fromPlace[, 2]) >= -180) {

    } else{
      message("fromPlace coordinates exceed valid values +/- 90 and +/- 180 degrees")

  if (class(toPlace) != "matrix" | ncol(toPlace) != 2) {
    message("toPlace is not a valid matrix of latitude, longitude pairs")
  } else{
    if (max(toPlace[, 1]) <= 90 &
        min(toPlace[, 1]) >= -90 &
        max(toPlace[, 2]) <= 180 & min(toPlace[, 2]) >= -180) {

    } else{
      message("toPlace coordinates exceed valid values +/- 90 and +/- 180 degrees")


  if (nrow(fromPlace) != nrow(fromPlace)) {
    message("Number of fromPlaces and toPlaces do not match")

  get_results <- function(x, otpcon, fromPlace, toPlace, ...) {
    res <- otp_plan(otpcon = otpcon,
                    fromPlace = fromPlace[x, ],
                    toPlace = toPlace[x, ],
    res$fromPlace = paste(fromPlace[x, ], collapse = ",")
    res$toPlace = paste(toPlace[x, ], collapse = ",")

  results <- pbapply::pblapply(
    seq(1, nrow(fromPlace)),
    otpcon = otpcon,
    fromPlace = fromPlace,
    toPlace = toPlace,
    ... = ...

  results_class <- sapply(results, function(x) {
    "sf" %in% class(x)
  if (all(results_class)) {
    results_routes <- results[results_class]
    results_errors <- NA
  } else if (all(!results_class)) {
    results_routes <- NA
    results_errors <- results[!results_class]
  } else{
    results_routes <- results[results_class]
    results_errors <- results[!results_class]

  # Bind together
  suppressWarnings(results_routes <-
  results_routes <- as.data.frame(results_routes)
  results_routes$geometry <- sf::st_sfc(results_routes$geometry)
  results_routes <- sf::st_sf(results_routes)
  sf::st_crs(results_routes) <- 4326

  if (length(results_errors) > 1) {
    message("Some errors occurred")
marcusyoung/opentripplanner documentation built on May 20, 2019, 4:42 p.m.