#' Plot domoic acid monthly, original
#' @param Data.File ...
#' @param Date ...
#' @param Location ...
#' @param DA ...
#' @param Species ...
#' @param spp ...
#' @param THRESH ...
#' @param COL ...
#' @param Xlim ...
#' @param Ylab ...
#' @param Ymax ...
#' @param Title ...
#' @param LegendLoc ...
#' @param legend.cex ...
#' @param legend.inset ...
#' @param pt.cex ...
#' @param LWD ...
#' @return
#' @export
#' @concept plot_original
Plot_Domoic_Acid_Monthly <- function(
Data.File = NA,
Date = "Date",
Location = "Waterbody",
DA = "DA.ppm",
Species = "Species", # this is the column in the data set
spp = NA, # set this to control the order of plotting. Otherwise alphabetic
THRESH = c(30, 20),
COL = c('black', 'darkgrey'),
Xlim = NA, #c(1990,2020),
Ylab = "Monthly max (ppm)",
Ymax = NA,
Title = NA,
LegendLoc = "topleft",
legend.cex = 0.8,
legend.inset = c(0.0),
pt.cex = 0.1,
LWD = 1){
## rename column names
cn = colnames(Data.File)
cn[cn == Date] <- "Date"
cn[cn == Species] <- "Species"
cn[cn == Location] <- "Location"
cn[cn == DA] <- "DA"
colnames(Data.File) <- cn
# start calculation and plotting
# add month-15
year = as.numeric(substring(Data.File$Date,1,4))
month = as.numeric(substring(Data.File$Date,6,7))
Data.File$Date2 = as.POSIXct(paste(year,month,15,sep='-'))
########## get monthly max ###########
MonthlyMax = aggregate(DA ~ Location + Species + Date2, data = Data.File, FUN = max)
# head(MonthlyMax)
# set up file with year-month for all dates
# to fill with NAs for missing data.
# for plotting
y1 = min(year)
y2 = max(year)
y3 = y1:y2
for(i in 1:length(y3)){
ym = paste(y3[i],1:12,15,sep = '-')
if(i == 1){YM = ym}else{YM = c(YM, ym)}
YM = data.frame(as.POSIXct(YM))
colnames(YM) = 'Date'
if(is.na(spp[1]) == TRUE){spp = levels(as.factor(MonthlyMax$Species))}
# for each spp in file, transfer data to new file, rename
for(k in 1:length(spp)){
x = MonthlyMax[MonthlyMax$Species == spp[k],]
DF$Species = spp[k]
DF$Location =x$Location[1]
DF$DA = x$DA[match(DF$Date, x$Date2)]
if(k == 1){DA_Monthly_Max = DF}else{DA_Monthly_Max = rbind(DA_Monthly_Max, DF)}
} # end k
####### begin function
# set x axis
# set y max-
if(is.na(Ymax[1]) == TRUE){ymax = max(DA_Monthly_Max$DA,na.rm = TRUE)}else{ymax = Ymax}
# set xlim
if(is.na(Xlim[1]) == TRUE){
xmin = min(DA_Monthly_Max$Date, na.rm = TRUE)
xmax = max(DA_Monthly_Max$Date, na.rm = TRUE)
if(nchar(as.character(Xlim[1]))>10){ xmin = substring(Xlim[1],1,10)}
if(nchar(as.character(Xlim[1]))==10){ xmin = as.POSIXct(Xlim[1])} # year-month-day
if(nchar(as.character(Xlim[1]))== 7){ xmin = as.POSIXct(paste(Xlim[1],15,sep='-'))} # year-month
if(nchar(as.character(Xlim[1]))== 4){ xmin = as.POSIXct(paste(Xlim[1],01,15,sep='-'))}# year
if(nchar(as.character(Xlim[2]))>10){ xmax = substring(Xlim[2],1,10)}
if(nchar(as.character(Xlim[2]))==10){ xmax = as.POSIXct(Xlim[2])} # year-month-day
if(nchar(as.character(Xlim[2]))== 7){ xmax = as.POSIXct(paste(Xlim[2],15,sep='-'))} # year-month
if(nchar(as.character(Xlim[2]))== 4){ xmax = as.POSIXct(paste(Xlim[2],01,15,sep='-'))}# year
XLIM = c(xmin, xmax)
# some info
# spp set above
Nspp = length(spp)
#### plot spp 1 - alphabetic order ####
spp1 = DA_Monthly_Max[DA_Monthly_Max$Species == spp[1],]
Title = if(is.na(Title)==TRUE){Title = spp1$Location[1]}else{Title = Title}
plot(spp1$Date, spp1$DA, bty = 'n',
xlab = NA, ylab = Ylab,
type = 'o', pch = 19, cex = pt.cex, lwd = LWD,
xlim = XLIM, ylim = c(0,ymax),
col = COL[1],
main = Title)
segments(XLIM[1], THRESH[1], XLIM[2], THRESH[1], col = COL[1], lty = 'dashed', lwd=1)
##### plot spp 2
for(k in 1:Nspp){
spp2 = DA_Monthly_Max[DA_Monthly_Max$Species == spp[k],]
lines(spp2$Date, spp2$DA, col = COL[k], type = 'o', pch = 19, cex = pt.cex)
segments(XLIM[1], THRESH[k], XLIM[k], THRESH[k], col = COL[k], lty = 'dashed', lwd = LWD)
} # end if
# set minor tics
x1 = as.numeric(substring(XLIM[1],1,4))
x2 = as.numeric(substring(XLIM[2],1,4))
x3 = x1:x2
x4 = as.POSIXct(paste(x3,01,01,sep="-"))
axis(side = 1, at = x4, labels = FALSE, tcl = -0.25)
legend(LegendLoc, legend = spp, col = COL[1:Nspp], lty='solid',
pch=19, cex=legend.cex, bty='n', inset = legend.inset)
} # end Function
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