#' QuadPlot, original
#' @param dframe ...
#' @param X ...
#' @param Y ...
#' @param Name ...
#' @param PERIOD ...
#' @param d2.col ...
#' @param rng ...
#' @param Title ...
#' @param plot.type ...
#' @param style ...
#' @param flip.colors ...
#' @param bg.polys ...
#' @param Xlab ...
#' @param Ylab ...
#' @param Label ...
#' @param Symbol ...
#' @param bg.color ...
#' @param ol.color ...
#' @param Xlim ...
#' @param Ylim ...
#' @param AxisCex ...
#' @param LabelCex ...
#' @param XYLabCex ...
#' @param LegendCex ...
#' @param LegendPointCex ...
#' @param TitleCex ...
#' @param TextCex ...
#' @param PointCex ...
#' @param Period.Label ...
#' @param Bmar ...
#' @param Lmar ...
#' @param Tmar ...
#' @param Rmar ...
#' @param AltTxt ...
#' @param l.inset ...
#' @param TextOffset ...
#' @param PlotLegend ...
#' @return
#' @export
#' @concept plot_original
QuadPlot <- function(
dframe = NULL,
X = NA, # year
Y = NA, # index
Name = NA, # time series name
PERIOD=5, # analysis period, usually 5 years.
d1.col = NULL,
d2.col = NULL,
rng = NULL,
plot.type=1, # include sd or not, I think
style=1, # flip the axes
bg.polys=FALSE, # turn on and off the yellow, red, green background
Label=NULL, # orders the legend. Must match timeseries. If excluded, uses timesseries.
# Label = DF$timeseries,
Xlim = NA,
Ylim = NA,
XYLabCex =0.9,
Bmar = NA, # to alter margines
Lmar = NA,
Tmar = NA,
Rmar = NA,
l.inset = c(0,0), # move legend around a bit
TextOffset = 0.5,# to move the High & increasing lables away from the zero axis.
PlotLegend=NULL ){
######### start function ####
################ Normalize Input Data ############################
########## apply some names
X = dframe$year
Y = dframe$index
Name = dframe$timeseries
############ load up normalization function
GetNormY <- function(X,Y,Name, PERIOD){
#X = DF$year # for testing code
#Y = DF$index # for testing code
#print(paste("Normalizing data for figure", i))
if(nchar(as.character(X[1]))==10){ x = as.POSIXct(X)} # year-month-day
if(nchar(as.character(X[1]))== 7){ x = as.POSIXct(paste(X,01,sep='-'))} # year-month
if(nchar(as.character(X[1]))== 4){ x = as.POSIXct(paste(X,01,01,sep='-'))}# year
Y[Y %in% c(-999, -9999)]<- NA
# normalize all data & get mn and stdev
mn = mean(Y, na.rm=TRUE)
stdev = sd(Y, na.rm=TRUE)
Ynorm = (Y-mn)/stdev
# get info for evaluation PERIOD
if(is.na(PERIOD[1])==TRUE){PERIOD2 = 5}else{if(length(PERIOD)==1){PERIOD2 = PERIOD}else{PERIOD2 = PERIOD[i]}}
x1 = as.numeric(substring(as.POSIXct(strptime(x, "%Y")),1,4))
xmin = min(x1)
xmax = max(x1)
labrange = c(xmin:xmax)
atx = as.POSIXct(paste(labrange,01,01,sep='-'))
period = PERIOD-1
# xeval = atx[(length(atx)-period)]
# x1 = x[match(xeval,x):length(x)]
# y1 = Y[match(xeval,x):length(Y)]
xeval = atx[(length(atx)-period)]
yloc = length(Y)-period
y1 = Ynorm[yloc:length(Y)]
x1 = x[yloc:length(x)]
# mean of the last 5 years = LONGTERM axix for Quadplot
mn5 = mean(y1, na.rm=TRUE)
mod1 = lm(y1~x1)
s1 <- summary(mod1)
slope <- s1$coefficients[2,1]
pred <- predict(mod1)
diff <- pred[length(pred)]-pred[1] # predicted change over the last five years. ## short term axis for Quadplot
name1 <- as.character(Name)
n = length(Y)
results <- data.frame(cbind(name1, mn,stdev, mn5, slope, diff,n))
##### some prelim calculations to decide whether and how to normalize ####
timeseries = levels(as.factor(as.character(Name)))
no.ts = length(timeseries)
df1 = data.frame(cbind(X,Y,as.character(Name)))
df1$Y = as.numeric(as.character(df1$Y))
colnames(df1)<- c('X','Y','Name')
Qdata = NA
########### normalize data ###########
# normalize if the time series length is > 1, which is raw data.
# if ts.length = 1, data are already normalized
for(i in 1:no.ts){
df2 = df1[df1$Name==timeseries[i],]
qd = GetNormY(df2$X, df2$Y, df2$Name[1],PERIOD=PERIOD)
Qdata = rbind(Qdata,qd)
DF = Qdata[-1,]
colnames(DF)[1] <- 'timeseries'
if(is.null(Label)){Label = as.character(DF$timeseries)}
plot.order = data.frame(Label)
plot.order$order = 1:length(Label)
DF$order = plot.order$order[match(DF$timeseries,plot.order$Label)]
DF = DF[order(DF$order),]
DF$timeseries = as.character(DF$timeseries)
d1 = as.numeric(as.character(DF$diff))
d2 = as.numeric(as.character(DF$mn5))
# legend toggle land margins ####
title.font = 2
if(PlotLegend %in% c("Yes",'yes','YES',TRUE)==TRUE){PlotLegend=TRUE}
if(PlotLegend %in% c("No",'no','NO',NA,FALSE)==TRUE){PlotLegend=FALSE}
if(is.na(Bmar)==TRUE){Bmar = 3}else{Bmar = Bmar}
if(is.na(Lmar)==TRUE){Lmar = 3}else{Lmar = Lmar}
if(is.na(Tmar)==TRUE){Tmar = 1}else{Tmar = Tmar}
if(is.na(Rmar)==TRUE){Rmar = 6.25}else{Rmar = Rmar}
par(pty = "s", ps = 10, cex = 1, cex.axis = AxisCex, cex.main = TitleCex, cex.lab=LabelCex, mar=c(Bmar, Lmar, Tmar, Rmar), xpd=NA)}
if(is.na(Bmar)==TRUE){Bmar = 4}else{Bmar = Bmar}
if(is.na(Lmar)==TRUE){Lmar = 3}else{Lmar = Lmar}
if(is.na(Tmar)==TRUE){Tmar = 1}else{Tmar = Tmar}
if(is.na(Rmar)==TRUE){Rmar = 1}else{Rmar = Rmar}
par(pty = "s", ps = 10, cex = 1, cex.axis = AxisCex, cex.main = TitleCex, cex.lab=LabelCex, mar=c(Bmar, Lmar, Tmar, Rmar), xpd=NA)
d1 <- as.numeric(as.character(d1))
d2 <- as.numeric(as.character(d2))
rng = max(ceiling(na.omit(abs(c(d1,d2)))))*1.1 # goes to whole number plus 10%
if(is.na(Xlim[1]) == TRUE){XLIM = c(-rng,rng)}else{XLIM = Xlim}
if(is.na(Ylim[1]) == TRUE){YLIM = c(-rng,rng)}else{YLIM = Ylim}
# swap plot style ####
if(is.null(Xlab)){Xlab = "Recent trend"}
if(is.null(Ylab)){Ylab = "Recent average"}
plot(d1,d2, xlim=XLIM, ylim=YLIM,xlab=NA, ylab=NA, type="n", cex=2, cex.lab=XYLabCex, bty="n")
if(is.null(Xlab)){Xlab = "Recent average"}
if(is.null(Ylab)){Ylab = "Recent trend"}
plot(d2,d1, xlim=XLIM, ylim=YLIM, xlab=NA, ylab=NA, type="n", cex=2, cex.lab=XYLabCex, bty="n")
title(xlab = Xlab, line = 2)
title(ylab = Ylab, line = 2)
# get dimensions for plotting ####
nx = xx$usr[1]
px = -xx$usr[1]
ny = xx$usr[3]
py = xx$usr[4]
# some polygons to color each section differently ####
polygon(x=c(0,0,px,px),y=c(py,0,0,py), col="#00FF0055") #
polygon(x=c(0,0,nx,nx),y=c(ny,0,0,ny), col="#FF000055")
polygon(x=c(0,0,px,px),y=c(ny,0,0,ny), col="#FFFF0055")
polygon(x=c(0,0,nx,nx),y=c(py,0,0,py), col="#FFFF0055")
polygon(x=c(0,0,px,px),y=c(py,0,0,py), col="#FF000055")
polygon(x=c(0,0,nx,nx),y=c(ny,0,0,ny), col="#00FF0055")
polygon(x=c(0,0,px,px),y=c(ny,0,0,ny), col="#FFFF0055")
polygon(x=c(0,0,nx,nx),y=c(py,0,0,py), col="#FFFF0055")
# plot xy if there are no polygons ####
segments(nx,0,px,0) # X
segments(0,ny,0,py) # Y
# add mean and 1 SD lines ####
mod = 0.95
segments(0,-rng*mod,0,rng*mod, lwd=1)
segments(-rng*mod,1,rng*mod,1, lty="dotted", lwd=1.5)
segments(-rng*mod,-1,rng*mod,-1, lty="dotted", lwd=1.5)
segments(-1,-rng*mod,-1,rng*mod, lty="dotted", lwd=1.5)
segments(1,-rng*mod,1,rng*mod, lty="dotted", lwd=1.5)
# plot errors if requested ####
if(!is.null(SE.d1)){ # for symetric errors
SE.d1.up = d1 + SE.d1
SE.d1.lo = d1 - SE.d1
if(!is.null(SE.d2)){# for symetric errors
SE.d2.up = d2 + SE.d2
SE.d2.lo = d2 - SE.d2
# for asymetric errors
if(is.null(SE.d1.up)){SE.d1.up = SE.d1.up}
if(is.null(SE.d1.lo)){SE.d1.lo = SE.d1.lo}
if(is.null(SE.d2.up)){SE.d2.up = SE.d2.up}
if(is.null(SE.d2.lo)){SE.d2.lo = SE.d2.lo}
# line colors
d1.col = as.character(d1.col)
d2.col = as.character(d2.col)
lwd1 = ifelse(d1.col=="black",3,1)
lwd2 = ifelse(d2.col=="black",3,1)
# plot errors
arrows(SE.d1.lo,d2,SE.d1.up,d2, col = d1.col, length=0, lwd=lwd1)
# arrows(SE.d1.lo,d2,SE.d1.up,d2, col = d1.col, length=0)
arrows(d1,SE.d2.lo,d1,SE.d2.up, col = d2.col, length=0, lwd=lwd2)
# arrows(d1,SE.d2.lo,d1,SE.d2.up, col = d2.col, length=0)
arrows(SE.d2.lo,d1,SE.d2.up,d1, col = d2.col, length=0, lwd=lwd2)
# arrows(SE.d2.lo,d1,SE.d2.up,d1, col = d2.col, length=0)
arrows(d2, SE.d1.lo,d2,SE.d1.up, col = d1.col, length=0, lwd=lwd1)
# arrows(d2, SE.d1.lo,d2,SE.d1.up, col = d1.col, length=0)
} # end plot errors
# re-graph the points so that they are on top ####
if(is.na(Symbol[1])==TRUE & style==1){text(d1,d2, Label, cex=1.5)}
if(is.na(Symbol[1])==TRUE & style==2){text(d2,d1, Label, cex=1.5)}
# if(is.numeric(Symbol[1])==TRUE){if(max(Symbol)>20){col.1="black"}else{col.1=Color}}
if(is.numeric(Symbol[1])==TRUE & style==1){points(d1,d2,pch=Symbol, col=ol.color, bg=bg.color, cex=PointCex)}
if(is.numeric(Symbol[1])==TRUE & style==2){points(d2,d1,pch=Symbol, col=ol.color, bg=bg.color, cex=PointCex)}
text(0, rng,"high & increasing", pos=4, cex=TextCex, offset = TextOffset)
text(0, -rng,"low but increasing", pos=4, cex=TextCex, offset = TextOffset)
text(0, rng,"high but decreasing", pos=2,cex=TextCex, offset = TextOffset)
text(0, -rng,"low & decreasing", pos=2, cex=TextCex, offset = TextOffset)
text(0, rng,"high & increasing", pos=4, cex=TextCex, offset = TextOffset)
text(0, -rng,"high but decreasing", pos=4, cex=TextCex, offset = TextOffset)
text(0, rng,"low but increasing", pos=2, cex=TextCex, offset = TextOffset)
text(0, -rng,"low & decreasing", pos=2, cex=TextCex, offset = TextOffset)
# if(style==1){
# text(par()$usr[2], rng,"high & increasing", pos=2, cex=TextCex)
# text(par()$usr[2], -rng,"low but increasing", pos=2, cex=TextCex)
# text(par()$usr[1], rng,"high but decreasing", pos=4,cex=TextCex)
# text(par()$usr[1], -rng,"low & decreasing", pos=4, cex=TextCex)
# }
# if(style==2){
# text(rng, rng,"high & increasing", pos=2, cex=TextCex)
# text(rng, -rng,"high but decreasing", pos=2, cex=TextCex)
# text(-rng, rng,"low but increasing", pos=4, cex=TextCex)
# text(-rng, -rng,"low & decreasing", pos=4, cex=TextCex)
# }
# title and legend ####
title(Title, cex.main=TitleCex, line=0.5)
if(PlotLegend==TRUE){if(is.numeric(Symbol[1])==TRUE){legend(px+l.inset[1],py+l.inset[2],DF$timeseries, pch=Symbol, col=ol.color, pt.bg=bg.color,cex=LegendCex, bty="n", pt.cex=LegendPointCex)}}
# update note on figure ####
if(note.update.status == TRUE){if(dframe$type[1] != 'current.data'){legend('center',legend='old data', bg='red')}else{
legend('center',legend='new data', bg='green')}}
############ PRODUCE ALTERNATE TEXT ###############
xy = data.frame(cbind(d1,d2))
colnames(xy) <- c('x1', 'y1')
xy$label = Label
if(style==1){at1 = paste0("The figure shows a quad-plot of summarized time-series data. Each point represents one normalized time series. The x-axis shows whether the mean of the last ",PERIOD," ",Period.Label," was higher or lower than the mean of the full time series. The y-axis shows whether the trend over the last ",PERIOD," ",Period.Label, " increased or decreased. ")}
if(style==2){at1 = paste0("The figure shows a quad-plot of summarized time-series data. Each point represents one normalized time series. The x-axis shows whether the trend over the last ",PERIOD," ",Period.Label," increased or decreased. The y-axis shows whether the mean of the last ",PERIOD," ",Period.Label, " was higher or lower than the mean of the full time series. ")}
at2 = paste("Both axes range between negative ",rng," and ",rng,". ",sep='')
# ABOVE text #################
dfxy = xy[xy$y1>0 & xy$y1<=1,]
# if(nrow(dfxy)==0){ab = "No time series was"}
if(nrow(dfxy)==1){ab = dfxy$label}
if(nrow(dfxy)==2){ab = paste(dfxy$label[1]," and ",dfxy$label[2], sep='')}
no.yrs = nrow(dfxy)
dfxy.first = dfxy$label[1]
dfxy.last = dfxy$label[no.yrs]
dfxy1 = dfxy.first
for(i in 2:(no.yrs-1)){
dfxy1 = paste(dfxy1,", ",dfxy$label[i], sep='')
ab = paste(dfxy1," and ",dfxy.last,sep = '')
if(nrow(dfxy)>0){ab.at = paste("For ",ab,", the mean of the last ",PERIOD," ",Period.Label," was greater than the mean of the full time series but by less than one standard deviation. ", sep='')}else{ab.at=""}
### ABOVE SD text #############
dfxy = xy[xy$y1>1,]
#if(nrow(dfxy)==0){absd = "No time series was"}
if(nrow(dfxy)==1){absd = dfxy$label}
if(nrow(dfxy)==2){absd = paste(dfxy$label[1]," and ",dfxy$label[2], sep='')}
no.yrs = nrow(dfxy)
dfxy.first = dfxy$label[1]
dfxy.last = dfxy$label[no.yrs]
dfxy1 = dfxy.first
for(i in 2:(no.yrs-1)){
dfxy1 = paste(dfxy1,", ",dfxy$label[i], sep='')
absd = paste(dfxy1," and ",dfxy.last,sep = '')
if(nrow(dfxy)>0){absd.at = paste("For ", absd,", the mean of the last ",PERIOD," ",Period.Label," was greater than the mean of the full time series by more than one standard deviation. ", sep='')}else{absd.at=""}
# TREND Increase text #################
dfxy = xy[xy$x1>0 & xy$x1<=1,]
#if(nrow(dfxy)==0){tr = "No time series "}
if(nrow(dfxy)==1){tr = dfxy$label}
if(nrow(dfxy)==2){tr = paste(dfxy$label[1]," and ",dfxy$label[2],sep='')}
no.yrs = nrow(dfxy)
dfxy.first = dfxy$label[1]
dfxy.last = dfxy$label[no.yrs]
dfxy1 = dfxy.first
for(i in 2:(no.yrs-1)){
dfxy1 = paste(dfxy1,", ",dfxy$label[i], sep='')
tr = paste(dfxy1," and ",dfxy.last,sep = '')
if(nrow(dfxy)>0){tru.at = paste("For ", tr,", the trend over the last ",PERIOD," ",Period.Label," increased but by less than one standard deviation of the full time series. ", sep='')}else{tru.at=""}
### TREND Increase SD text #############
dfxysd = xy[xy$x1>1,]
#if(nrow(dfxysd)==0){trsd = "No time series"}
if(nrow(dfxysd)==1){trsd = dfxy$label}
if(nrow(dfxysd)==2){trsd = paste(dfxy$label[1]," and ",dfxy$label[2],sep='')}
no.yrs = nrow(dfxysd)
dfxy.first = dfxysd$label[1]
dfxy.last = dfxysd$label[no.yrs]
dfxy1 = dfxy.first
for(i in 2:(no.yrs-1)){
dfxy1 = paste(dfxy1,", ",dfxysd$label[i], sep='')
trsd = paste(dfxy1," and ",dfxy.last,sep = '')
if(nrow(dfxy)>0){trusd.at = paste("For ", tr,", the trend over the last ",PERIOD," ",Period.Label," increased by more than one standard deviation of the full time series. ", sep='')}else{trusd.at=""}
# BELOW text #################
dfxy = xy[xy$y1<0 & xy$y1>= -1,]
#if(nrow(dfxy)==0){ab = "No time series was"}
if(nrow(dfxy)==1){ab = paste(dfxy$label, "was", sep='')}
if(nrow(dfxy)==2){ab = paste(dfxy$label[1]," and ",dfxy$label[2], " were ", sep='')}
no.yrs = nrow(dfxy)
dfxy.first = dfxy$label[1]
dfxy.last = dfxy$label[no.yrs]
dfxy1 = dfxy.first
for(i in 2:(no.yrs-1)){
dfxy1 = paste(dfxy1,", ",dfxy$label[i], sep='')
ab = paste(dfxy1," and ",dfxy.last,sep = '')
if(nrow(dfxy)>0){bl.at = paste(ab," less the mean of the full time series but by less than one standard deviation. ", sep='')}else{bl.at=""}
### BELOW SD text #############
dfxy = xy[xy$y1< (-1),]
#if(nrow(dfxy)==0){absd = "No time series was"}
if(nrow(dfxy)==1){blsd = paste(dfxy$label, "was", sep='')}
if(nrow(dfxy)==2){blsd = paste(dfxy$label[1]," and ",dfxy$label[2], " were ", sep='')}
no.yrs = nrow(dfxy)
dfxy.first = dfxy$label[1]
dfxy.last = dfxy$label[no.yrs]
dfxy1 = dfxy.first
for(i in 2:(no.yrs-1)){
dfxy1 = paste(dfxy1,", ",dfxy$label[i], sep='')
blsd = paste(dfxy1," and ",dfxy.last,sep = '')
if(nrow(dfxy)>0){blsd.at = paste(blsd," less than the mean of the full time series by more than one standard deviation. ", sep='')}else{blsd.at=""}
# TREND Decrease text #################
dfxy = xy[xy$x1<0 & xy$x1>= -1,]
#if(nrow(dfxy)==0){tr = "No time series "}
if(nrow(dfxy)==1){tr = dfxy$label}
if(nrow(dfxy)==2){tr = paste(dfxy$label[1]," and ",dfxy$label[2],sep='')}
no.yrs = nrow(dfxy)
dfxy.first = dfxy$label[1]
dfxy.last = dfxy$label[no.yrs]
dfxy1 = dfxy.first
for(i in 2:(no.yrs-1)){
dfxy1 = paste(dfxy1,", ",dfxy$label[i], sep='')
tr = paste(dfxy1," and ",dfxy.last,sep = '')
if(nrow(dfxy)>0){trd.at = paste(tr," decreased over the evaluation period but by less than one standard deviation of the full time series. ", sep='')}else{trd.at=""}
### TREND Decrease SD text #############
dfxy = xy[xy$x1< (-1),]
#if(nrow(dfxy)==0){trsd = "No time series"}
if(nrow(dfxy)==1){trsd = dfxy$label}
if(nrow(dfxy)==2){trsd = paste(dfxy$label[1]," and ",dfxy$label[2],sep='')}
no.yrs = nrow(dfxysd)
dfxy.first = dfxysd$label[1]
dfxy.last = dfxysd$label[no.yrs]
dfxy1 = dfxy.first
for(i in 2:(no.yrs-1)){
dfxy1 = paste(dfxy1,", ",dfxysd$label[i], sep='')
trsd = paste(dfxy1," and ",dfxy.last,sep = '')
if(nrow(dfxy)>0){trdsd.at = paste(trsd," decreased over the evaluation period by more than one standard deviation of the full time series. ", sep='')}else{trdsd.at=""}
##### put together alt text ####
AltText = paste0(at1, at2, ab.at, absd.at, bl.at, blsd.at, tru.at, trusd.at, trd.at, trdsd.at)
prefix= opts_current$get()$label
if(is.null(prefix)){prefix <- "X"}
file.name = paste(AltTxt,"QuadPlot_",prefix,"_",style,"_",Title,"_alt.txt", sep='')
writeLines(AltText, fileConn)
} # end AltText
} #end function
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