knitr::opts_chunk$set(collapse = TRUE, comment = "#")
settings(show.scale=FALSE, show.meta=FALSE)


The Intensity index has been suggested by @bannister_conceptual_1960 as a measure of the amount of construct linkage. Bannister suggested that the score reflects the degree of organization of the construct system under investigation [@bannister_evaluation_1968]. The index resulted from his and his colleagues work on construction systems of patient suffering schizophrenic thought disorder. The concept of intensity has a theoretical connection to the notion of "tight" and "loose" construing as proposed by @kelly_psychology_1991. While tight constructs lead to unvarying prediction, loose constructs allow for varying predictions. Bannister hypothesized that schizophrenic thought disorder is liked to a process of extremely loose construing leading to a loss of predictive power of the subject’s construct system. The Intensity score as a structural measure is thought to reflect this type of system disintegration [@bannister_conceptual_1960].


The index can be prompted in OpenRepGrid as follows. It calculates an intensity score for each construct and each element, an average score for both types and an overall intensity value [cf. @feixas_gridcor:_2002].



markheckmann/OpenRepGrid documentation built on April 14, 2024, 8:15 a.m.