knitr::opts_chunk$set(collapse = TRUE, comment = "#")
settings(show.scale=FALSE, show.meta=FALSE)


Percentage of Variance Accounted for by the First Factor (PVAFF) is used as a measure of cognitive complexity. The idea was introduced in an unpublished PhD thesis by Jones [-@jones_identification_1954, cit. @bonarius_research_1965]. To calculate it, the first factor is extracted from the construct correlation matrix by principal component analysis. The PVAFF reflects the amount of variation that is accounted for by a single latent linear component. If a single component is able to explain a lot of variation in the grid, the cognitive complexity is said to be low and the construct system is attributed the term simple [@bell_evaluation_2003]. It is argued, that as a consequence of a simple constructs system, less differentiation in anticipated events can be generated [cf. @adams-webber_analysis_1970].



Note that the value returned is the proportion not the percentage.


markheckmann/OpenRepGrid documentation built on April 14, 2024, 8:15 a.m.