importScivescoInternal: Internal parser for sci:vesco files (suffix 'scires').

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importScivescoInternalR Documentation

Internal parser for sci:vesco files (suffix scires).


Internal parser for sci:vesco files (suffix scires).


importScivescoInternal(file, dir = NULL)



filename including path if file is not in current working directory. File can also be a complete URL. The fileformat is .dat.


alternative way to supply the directory where the file is located (default NULL).


a list with extracted parameters.


     Sci:Vesco offers the options to rate the construct poles separately or using
           a bipolar scale. The separated rating is done using the "tetralemma" field.
           The field is a bivariate plane on which each of the four (tetra) corners
           has a different meaning in terms of rating. Using this approach also allows ratings
           like: "both poles apply", "none of the poles apply" and all intermediate ratings
           can be chosen. This relaxes the bipolarity assumption often assumed in grid theory and
           allows for deviation from a strict bipolar rating if the constructs are not applied
           in a bipolar way. Using the tetralemma field for rating requires to analyze
           each construct separately though. This means we get a double entry grid where the
           emergent and contrast pole ratings might not simply be a reflection of on another.
           If a tetralemma field has been used for rating, `OpenRepGrid` offers the option
           to transform the scores into "normal" grid ratings (i.e. restricted to bipolarity)
           by projecting the ratings from the bivariate tetralemma field onto the diagonal
           of the tetralemma field and thus forcing a bipolar rating type. This option is
           not recommended due to the fact that the conversion is susceptible to error
           when both ratings are near to zero.
     TODO: The element IDs are not used yet. This might cause wrong assignments.


## Not run: 

# supposing that the data file scivesco.scires is in the current directory
file <- "scivesco.scires"
imp <- importScivescoInternal(file)

# specifying a directory (arbitrary example directory)
dir <- "/Users/markheckmann/data"
imp <- importScivescoInternal(file, dir)

# using a full path
imp <- importScivescoInternal("/Users/markheckmann/data/scivesco.scires")

## End(Not run)

markheckmann/OpenRepGrid documentation built on Sept. 17, 2024, 3:49 a.m.