dot-findParallel: find parallel nodes

Description Usage Arguments Value Examples


.findParallel is to find target nodes that could build up a tree with some specified nodes. The returned target nodes is the combination that has the minimum number of nodes. In other words, a tree is cut in a way that the number of branches is the minimum in all possibilities and the specified branches are obtained. A branch is represented by its branch node. A leaf node represents the edge connecting the leaf and its parent.


.findParallel(tree, input, use.alias = FALSE)



A phylo object.


A numeric or character vector. Node labels or node numbers.


A logical value, TRUE or FALSE. The default is FALSE, and the node label would be used to name the output; otherwise, the alias of node label would be used to name the output. The alias of node label is created by adding a prefix "Node_" to the node number if the node is an internal node or adding a prefix "Leaf_" if the node is a leaf node.


A vector of nodes. The numeric value is the node number, and the vector name is the corresponding node label. If a node has no label, it would have NA as name when use.alias = FALSE, and have the alias of node label as name when use.alias = TRUE.


# data(tinyTree)
# .findParallel(tree = tinyTree, input = 12,
#             use.alias = FALSE)

markrobinsonuzh/treeAGG documentation built on May 26, 2019, 9:32 a.m.