
Defines functions STP_Track subs.STP_Track

Documented in STP_Track

#' @title STP_Track class
#' @description A class to represent Space-Time Prism(STP) trajecories.
#' These are trajectories with a maximum speed for each segment.
#' The maximum speed is added to the connections slot of class \link{Track}.
#' The STP_Track can also combined in classes \link{Tracks} and \link{TracksCollection} of the trajecories package.
#' The STP_Track method can be used to create a STP_Track from a \link{Track} of the trajectories package.
#' @param Track  Object of class  \link{Track}
#' @param vmax  The maxium speed of the individual. Must be large enough to reach the next point.
#' Either one vmax for entire track or a vector with the max speed for each segment.
#' @param activity_time  Time of an activity in minutes. During this the time the individual cannot move.
#' Either one activity_time for entire track or a vector with the activity_time for each segment.
#' @param location_uncertainty Uncertainty of the location of the space-time points in meters.
#' Either one location_uncertainty for entire track or a vector with the location_uncertainty for each point.
#' @param time_uncertainty Uncertainty of the time of the space-time points in minutes.
#' Either one time_uncertainty for entire track or a vector with the time_uncertainty for each point.
#' @inheritSection trajectories::Track Slots of class "Track"
#' @importFrom sp is.projected
#' @seealso trajecotries package :\url{https://cran.rstudio.com/web/packages/trajectories/index.html}
#' @examples
#'#--------------------------create a STP_Track--------------------------
#'#------------------------------example 1------------------------------
#'## create trajectory data
#'t1 <- as.POSIXct(strptime("01/01/2017 12:00:00", "%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S"))
#'t2 <- as.POSIXct(strptime("01/7/2017 12:00:00", "%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S"))
#'time <- seq(t1,t2,2*60*60)
#'n <- length(time)
#'x = cumsum(runif(n) * 8000)
#'y = smooth(cumsum(runif(n,-0.7,1) * 16000))
#'crs_NL = CRS("+init=epsg:28992")
#'points <- SpatialPoints(cbind(x,y),crs_NL)
#'temp <-18 + cumsum(runif(n,-0.3,0.25))
#'altitude <- 200 + cumsum(runif(n,-0.75,1)*50)
#'data <- data.frame(temperature = temp, elevation = altitude)
#'## create a STP_track
#'# create class STIDF
#'stidf1 = STIDF(points, time, data)
#'# Track-class {trajectories}
#'# set maximum speed
#'v1<-10/3.6# speed 10 km/h = 2.777778 m/s
#'# STP_track class
#'# plot
#'# calculate PPA and add to plot
#'#------------------------------example 2------------------------------
#'## vmax depends on elevation
#'# assuming that max speed is lower as result of the thinner air
#'vmax<- getVmaxtrack(STP_track1) + (max(STP_track1@data$elevation[1:n-1])-STP_track1@data$elevation[1:n-1])*0.01
#'# calculate PPA
#'# create tracksCollection and plot
#'tracks = Tracks(list(tr1 = STP_track1))
#'tracksCollection = TracksCollection(list(tr = tracks))
#'stplot(tracksCollection, attr = "elevation", lwd = 3, scales = list(draw =TRUE),
#'       sp.layout=PPA,xlim = PPA@bbox[1,],ylim = PPA@bbox[2,],main= "Track with PPA\n vmax depends on altitude",
#'       sub='colour is altitude in meters',xlab='x',ylab='y')
#'#------------------------------example 3------------------------------
#'## vmax depends on the distance to get to next point.
#'# Thus on the distance that needs to be covered in the avialable time
#'# Assuming that if two points are closer together the max speed is lower
#'# calculate PPA
#'# create tracksCollection and plot
#'tracks = Tracks(list(tr1 = STP_track1))
#'tracksCollection = TracksCollection(list(tr = tracks))
#'stplot(tracksCollection, attr = "vmax", lwd = 3, scales = list(draw = TRUE),
#'       sp.layout=PPA,xlim = PPA@bbox[1,],ylim = PPA@bbox[2,],
#'       main= "Track with PPA\n vmax depends on the distance and time budget between consecutive points",
#'       sub='colour is vmax in m/s',xlab='x',ylab='y',cex.main = 0.75)
#'#--------------------------subset a STP_Track--------------------------
#'# make sure vmax is high enough
#'#------------------------------example 1------------------------------
#'## subset based on space-time points
#'# get first 10 points
#'# only keep every second point
#'#------------------------------example 2------------------------------
#'## subset based on time
#'STP_track1_a<-STP_track1[1:n,'2017-01-01 12:00:00 CET::2017-01-02 16:00:00 CET']
#'# only keep every second point within the time interval
#'STP_track1_b<-STP_track1[seq(1,n,2),'2017-01-01 12:00:00 CET::2017-01-02 16:00:00 CET']
#'# all points in the night(between 22:00 and 08:00)
#'STP_track1_c<-STP_track1[1:n,"T22:00/T08:00"] # see package xts for more handy subsetting tricks
  # Class for storing Space-time Prism trajecotries. These are trajecories with maximum speeds.
  contains = "Track",representation=representation(
    rough_sets = "list"),

  validity = function(object) {

    # time uncertainty in seconds
    tu <- object@rough_sets$time_uncertainty*60

    n <- length(object)
    # time to travel
    time<-difftime((object@endTime[2:n])+tu,(object@endTime[1:n-1])-tu,units = 'secs')-object@connections$activity_time*60
    # distance that can be covered must be equal to or smaller than the distance between two points

    if((FALSE %in% speedCheck)) {
      return(paste0("The vmax for connection ",which(speedCheck %in% F),
                    " is smaller than minimal speed required to reach the next point"))
    # if not projected not a valid STP track
      return('Track is not projected, unable to create spac-time prisms.')
STP_Track = function(track,vmax,activity_time=0,location_uncertainty=0, time_uncertainty=0) {
  # vmax distance unit projection/seconds
  # degrees are converted to Great Circle distance in meters and thus m/s
  track@connections$vmax <- vmax
  track@connections$activity_time <- activity_time
  # track@connections$location_uncertainty <- location_uncertainty
  # track@connections$time_uncertainty <- time_uncertainty

  STP_track <- new("STP_Track", track,rough_sets = list(location_uncertainty=location_uncertainty,time_uncertainty=time_uncertainty))


subs.STP_Track <- function(x, i, j, ..., drop = TRUE) {
  # Provide selection methods.
  # i selection of record index (spatial/temporal/spatio-temporal entities)
  # j selection of temporal entities (see syntax in package xts)
  track <- Track(as(x, "STIDF")[i, j, ..., drop = drop])

  new_time <- x@endTime %in% track@endTime
  # get values that are not in track
  vmax <- head(x[['vmax']][new_time],-1)
  at <- head(x[['activity_time']][new_time],-1)
  loc_error <- x@rough_sets$location_uncertainty
  time_error <- x@rough_sets$time_uncertainty
  # warning if intermediate space-time points are removed
  if (max(diff(which(new_time,TRUE)))>1){
    warning('Some intermediate space-time points will be removed.
             If vmax values differ along the STP_track, the vmax values might change.
             The maxmimum speed of a new line segments will depend on the first point of the segment.
             This also applies to the activity time.')


setMethod("[", "STP_Track", subs.STP_Track)
markvregel/STPtrajectories documentation built on May 21, 2019, 12:25 p.m.