afs_effrs_afsact1 | Retrieve effrs afsact1 data from afs database |
afs_effrs_afsact2 | Retrieve effrs afsact2 data from afs database |
afs_effrs_afsap | Retrieve effrs afsap data from afs database |
afs_effrs_afsapp | Retrieve effrs afsapp data from afs database |
afs_effrs_afscms | Retrieve effrs afscms data from afs database |
afs_effrs_afsplt1 | Retrieve effrs afsplt1 data from afs database |
afs_effrs_afsplt2 | Retrieve effrs afsplt2 data from afs database |
afs_effrs_afssubp | Retrieve effrs afssubp data from afs database |
br_bgm_offsite_shipment | Retrieve bgm offsite shipment data from br database |
br_bgm_waste_code | Retrieve bgm waste code data from br database |
br_breport_cycle | Retrieve breport cycle data from br database |
br_bwr_basic | Retrieve bwr basic data from br database |
br_rcr_bgm_basic | Retrieve rcr bgm basic data from br database |
br_rcr_bwr_waste_code | Retrieve rcr bwr waste code data from br database |
br_rcr_hhandler | Retrieve rcr hhandler data from br database |
br_rcr_lu_form_code2 | Retrieve rcr lu form code2 data from br database |
br_rcr_lu_source_code2 | Retrieve rcr lu source code2 data from br database |
br_rcr_lu_waste_code | Retrieve rcr lu waste code data from br database |
cerclis_cer_action | Retrieve cer action data from cerclis database |
cerclis_cer_cmt_site | Retrieve cer cmt site data from cerclis database |
cerclis_cer_contact | Retrieve cer contact data from cerclis database |
cerclis_cer_federal_register | Retrieve cer federal register data from cerclis database |
cerclis_cer_financial_transaction | Retrieve cer financial transaction data from cerclis database |
cerclis_cer_location | Retrieve cer location data from cerclis database |
cerclis_cer_operable_unit | Retrieve cer operable unit data from cerclis database |
cerclis_cer_ref_action_anomaly | Retrieve cer ref action anomaly data from cerclis database |
cerclis_cer_ref_action_critical_flag | Retrieve cer ref action critical flag data from cerclis... |
cerclis_cer_ref_action_lead_type | Retrieve cer ref action lead type data from cerclis database |
cerclis_cer_ref_action_qualifier | Retrieve cer ref action qualifier data from cerclis database |
cerclis_cer_ref_action_type | Retrieve cer ref action type data from cerclis database |
cerclis_cer_ref_cmt_site | Retrieve cer ref cmt site data from cerclis database |
cerclis_cer_ref_fdrl_rgstr_actn | Retrieve cer ref fdrl rgstr actn data from cerclis database |
cerclis_cer_ref_federal_facility | Retrieve cer ref federal facility data from cerclis database |
cerclis_cer_ref_finan_transaction_type | Retrieve cer ref finan transaction type data from cerclis... |
cerclis_cer_ref_ownership_type | Retrieve cer ref ownership type data from cerclis database |
cerclis_cer_ref_planning_status | Retrieve cer ref planning status data from cerclis database |
cerclis_cer_ref_region | Retrieve cer ref region data from cerclis database |
cerclis_cer_ref_sic | Retrieve cer ref sic data from cerclis database |
cerclis_cer_ref_site_incident_category | Retrieve cer ref site incident category data from cerclis... |
cerclis_cer_ref_site_incident_type | Retrieve cer ref site incident type data from cerclis... |
cerclis_cer_ref_state | Retrieve cer ref state data from cerclis database |
cerclis_cer_site | Retrieve cer site data from cerclis database |
cerclis_cer_site_alias | Retrieve cer site alias data from cerclis database |
cerclis_cer_site_rot_ref | Retrieve cer site rot ref data from cerclis database |
cerclis_cer_wsmc_cross_link | Retrieve cer wsmc cross link data from cerclis database |
cerclis_cer_wst_src_media_contaminated | Retrieve cer wst src media contaminated data from cerclis... |
envir_makeFunction | Automatically write a function to get envirofacts data from a... |
envir_serviceInfo | Information about envirofacts services |
fii_frs_affiliation | Retrieve frs affiliation data from fii database |
fii_frs_agency_ref | Retrieve frs agency ref data from fii database |
fii_frs_alternative_id | Retrieve frs alternative id data from fii database |
fii_frs_alt_name | Retrieve frs alt name data from fii database |
fii_frs_code_description | Retrieve frs code description data from fii database |
fii_frs_contact | Retrieve frs contact data from fii database |
fii_frs_facility_site | Retrieve frs facility site data from fii database |
fii_frs_interest | Retrieve frs interest data from fii database |
fii_frs_interest_ref | Retrieve frs interest ref data from fii database |
fii_frs_mailing_address | Retrieve frs mailing address data from fii database |
fii_frs_naics | Retrieve frs naics data from fii database |
fii_frs_organization | Retrieve frs organization data from fii database |
fii_frs_program_facility | Retrieve frs program facility data from fii database |
fii_frs_sic | Retrieve frs sic data from fii database |
fii_frs_supplemental_interest | Retrieve frs supplemental interest data from fii database |
fii_frs_system_ref | Retrieve frs system ref data from fii database |
fii_frs_tribal_entity_ref | Retrieve frs tribal entity ref data from fii database |
fii_frs_tribal_land_ref | Retrieve frs tribal land ref data from fii database |
fii_g_info | Retrieve g info data from fii database |
ghg_aa_fossil_fuel_information | Retrieve aa fossil fuel information data from ghg database |
ghg_aa_fossil_fuel_tier_2_info | Retrieve aa fossil fuel tier 2 info data from ghg database |
ghg_aa_makeup_chemical_info | Retrieve aa makeup chemical info data from ghg database |
ghg_aa_spent_liquor_information | Retrieve aa spent liquor information data from ghg database |
ghg_aa_subpart_level_information | Retrieve aa subpart level information data from ghg database |
ghg_c_biogenic_co2_details | Retrieve c biogenic co2 details data from ghg database |
ghg_c_cems_quarterly_co2 | Retrieve c cems quarterly co2 data from ghg database |
ghg_c_configuration_level_info | Retrieve c configuration level info data from ghg database |
ghg_c_fuel_level_information | Retrieve c fuel level information data from ghg database |
ghg_c_subpart_level_information | Retrieve c subpart level information data from ghg database |
ghg_c_tier2_monthly_hhv | Retrieve c tier2 monthly hhv data from ghg database |
ghg_dd_facility_info | Retrieve dd facility info data from ghg database |
ghg_dd_increase_nameplate | Retrieve dd increase nameplate data from ghg database |
ghg_dd_sf6pfc_acquisitions | Retrieve dd sf6pfc acquisitions data from ghg database |
ghg_dd_sf6pfc_decreases | Retrieve dd sf6pfc decreases data from ghg database |
ghg_dd_sf6pfc_disbursement | Retrieve dd sf6pfc disbursement data from ghg database |
ghg_dd_subpart_level_information | Retrieve dd subpart level information data from ghg database |
ghg_dd_transmission_line | Retrieve dd transmission line data from ghg database |
ghg_dd_user_emissions_calc | Retrieve dd user emissions calc data from ghg database |
ghg_d_fuel_level_information | Retrieve d fuel level information data from ghg database |
ghg_ee_facility_info | Retrieve ee facility info data from ghg database |
ghg_ee_nocems_monthlydetails | Retrieve ee nocems monthlydetails data from ghg database |
ghg_ee_nocemstio2details | Retrieve ee nocemstio2details data from ghg database |
ghg_ee_subpart_level_information | Retrieve ee subpart level information data from ghg database |
ghg_ff_degasification | Retrieve ff degasification data from ghg database |
ghg_ff_degas_qtrly | Retrieve ff degas qtrly data from ghg database |
ghg_ff_degas_weekly | Retrieve ff degas weekly data from ghg database |
ghg_ff_destroffsite_backup | Retrieve ff destroffsite backup data from ghg database |
ghg_ff_destroffsite_qtrly | Retrieve ff destroffsite qtrly data from ghg database |
ghg_ff_destroffsite_weekly | Retrieve ff destroffsite weekly data from ghg database |
ghg_ff_subpart_level_information | Retrieve ff subpart level information data from ghg database |
ghg_ff_summary_source | Retrieve ff summary source data from ghg database |
ghg_ff_well_and_shaft | Retrieve ff well and shaft data from ghg database |
ghg_f_smelter_details | Retrieve f smelter details data from ghg database |
ghg_gg_facility_info | Retrieve gg facility info data from ghg database |
ghg_gg_subpart_level_information | Retrieve gg subpart level information data from ghg database |
ghg_g_non_cems_source_info | Retrieve g non cems source info data from ghg database |
ghg_h_cems_details | Retrieve h cems details data from ghg database |
ghg_h_cems_info | Retrieve h cems info data from ghg database |
ghg_hh_active_aeration_sys_detls | Retrieve hh active aeration sys detls data from ghg database |
ghg_hh_ann_waste_disposal_qty | Retrieve hh ann waste disposal qty data from ghg database |
ghg_hh_cover_type_details | Retrieve hh cover type details data from ghg database |
ghg_hh_gas_collection_mnthly_detls | Retrieve hh gas collection mnthly detls data from ghg... |
ghg_hh_gas_collection_system_detls | Retrieve hh gas collection system detls data from ghg... |
ghg_hh_hist_waste_qty_method | Retrieve hh hist waste qty method data from ghg database |
ghg_hh_hist_yr_waste_qty | Retrieve hh hist yr waste qty data from ghg database |
ghg_hh_hist_yr_waste_qty_detl | Retrieve hh hist yr waste qty detl data from ghg database |
ghg_hh_landfill_info | Retrieve hh landfill info data from ghg database |
ghg_hh_subpart_level_information | Retrieve hh subpart level information data from ghg database |
ghg_hh_waste_qty_details | Retrieve hh waste qty details data from ghg database |
ghg_h_no_cems_month_details | Retrieve h no cems month details data from ghg database |
ghg_h_no_cems_qrtr_details | Retrieve h no cems qrtr details data from ghg database |
ghg_h_no_cems_raw_material_details | Retrieve h no cems raw material details data from ghg... |
ghg_i_abatement_info | Retrieve i abatement info data from ghg database |
ghg_i_facility_details | Retrieve i facility details data from ghg database |
ghg_i_fhtf_info | Retrieve i fhtf info data from ghg database |
ghg_ii_biogas_rec_proc | Retrieve ii biogas rec proc data from ghg database |
ghg_ii_ch4_gen_process | Retrieve ii ch4 gen process data from ghg database |
ghg_ii_equation_ii3 | Retrieve ii equation ii3 data from ghg database |
ghg_ii_equation_ii6 | Retrieve ii equation ii6 data from ghg database |
ghg_ii_equation_ii7 | Retrieve ii equation ii7 data from ghg database |
ghg_ii_equ_ii1_or_ii2 | Retrieve ii equ ii1 or ii2 data from ghg database |
ghg_ii_equ_ii4_input | Retrieve ii equ ii4 input data from ghg database |
ghg_ii_process_details | Retrieve ii process details data from ghg database |
ghg_ii_subpart_level_information | Retrieve ii subpart level information data from ghg database |
ghg_i_pv_mems_lcd_info | Retrieve i pv mems lcd info data from ghg database |
ghg_k_info | Retrieve k info data from ghg database |
ghg_k_non_cems_source_info | Retrieve k non cems source info data from ghg database |
ghg_k_subpart_level_information | Retrieve k subpart level information data from ghg database |
ghg_mm_subpart_level_information | Retrieve mm subpart level information data from ghg database |
ghg_n_cems_details | Retrieve n cems details data from ghg database |
ghg_n_cems_info | Retrieve n cems info data from ghg database |
ghg_n_info | Retrieve n info data from ghg database |
ghg_nn_ldc_details | Retrieve nn ldc details data from ghg database |
ghg_nn_ldc_nat_gas_deliveries | Retrieve nn ldc nat gas deliveries data from ghg database |
ghg_n_non_cems_source_info | Retrieve n non cems source info data from ghg database |
ghg_nn_subpart_level_information | Retrieve nn subpart level information data from ghg database |
ghg_p_cems_details | Retrieve p cems details data from ghg database |
ghg_pp_calc_method_data_quality | Retrieve pp calc method data quality data from ghg database |
ghg_pp_co2_end_use_details | Retrieve pp co2 end use details data from ghg database |
ghg_pp_co2_flow_measure_equipment | Retrieve pp co2 flow measure equipment data from ghg database |
ghg_pp_mass_flow_measure_details | Retrieve pp mass flow measure details data from ghg database |
ghg_pp_meter_and_equipment_details | Retrieve pp meter and equipment details data from ghg... |
ghg_pp_subpart_level_information | Retrieve pp subpart level information data from ghg database |
ghg_pp_volume_flow_measure_details | Retrieve pp volume flow measure details data from ghg... |
ghg_pub_dim_facility | Retrieve pub dim facility data from ghg database |
ghg_p_unit_info | Retrieve p unit info data from ghg database |
ghg_p_unit_info_cems | Retrieve p unit info cems data from ghg database |
ghg_q_cems_details | Retrieve q cems details data from ghg database |
ghg_q_cems_info | Retrieve q cems info data from ghg database |
ghg_q_flare_information | Retrieve q flare information data from ghg database |
ghg_q_subpart_level_information | Retrieve q subpart level information data from ghg database |
ghg_q_unit_details | Retrieve q unit details data from ghg database |
ghg_r_facility_info | Retrieve r facility info data from ghg database |
ghg_r_feedstock_info | Retrieve r feedstock info data from ghg database |
ghg_r_smelting_furnace_info | Retrieve r smelting furnace info data from ghg database |
ghg_r_subpart_level_information | Retrieve r subpart level information data from ghg database |
ghg_s_lime_byproduct_details | Retrieve s lime byproduct details data from ghg database |
ghg_s_lime_product_details | Retrieve s lime product details data from ghg database |
ghg_ss_eq_ss5 | Retrieve ss eq ss5 data from ghg database |
ghg_ss_ghg_acquisition | Retrieve ss ghg acquisition data from ghg database |
ghg_ss_ghg_disbursement | Retrieve ss ghg disbursement data from ghg database |
ghg_ss_ghg_information | Retrieve ss ghg information data from ghg database |
ghg_ss_hose_valve | Retrieve ss hose valve data from ghg database |
ghg_ss_install_emissions | Retrieve ss install emissions data from ghg database |
ghg_ss_mass_deliv_new_eq | Retrieve ss mass deliv new eq data from ghg database |
ghg_ss_msng_dta_emission | Retrieve ss msng dta emission data from ghg database |
ghg_ss_msng_dta_hose_vlv | Retrieve ss msng dta hose vlv data from ghg database |
ghg_ss_msng_dta_mak_modl | Retrieve ss msng dta mak modl data from ghg database |
ghg_ss_subpart_level_information | Retrieve ss subpart level information data from ghg database |
ghg_ss_summary | Retrieve ss summary data from ghg database |
ghg_ss_user_emissions | Retrieve ss user emissions data from ghg database |
ghg_t_cover_or_carrier_gas | Retrieve t cover or carrier gas data from ghg database |
ghg_t_production_process | Retrieve t production process data from ghg database |
ghg_t_subpart_level_information | Retrieve t subpart level information data from ghg database |
ghg_tt_hist_waste_method | Retrieve tt hist waste method data from ghg database |
ghg_tt_landfill_details | Retrieve tt landfill details data from ghg database |
ghg_tt_lf_gas_coll_details | Retrieve tt lf gas coll details data from ghg database |
ghg_tt_waste_depth_details | Retrieve tt waste depth details data from ghg database |
ghg_tt_wastestream_detls | Retrieve tt wastestream detls data from ghg database |
ghg_u_calcination_frac_methods | Retrieve u calcination frac methods data from ghg database |
ghg_u_info | Retrieve u info data from ghg database |
ghg_u_mass_methods | Retrieve u mass methods data from ghg database |
ghg_u_subpart_level_information | Retrieve u subpart level information data from ghg database |
ghg_uu_inj_co2_facility | Retrieve uu inj co2 facility data from ghg database |
ghg_uu_inj_co2_unit | Retrieve uu inj co2 unit data from ghg database |
ghg_v_facility_info | Retrieve v facility info data from ghg database |
ghg_v_nitric_acid_train | Retrieve v nitric acid train data from ghg database |
ghg_v_subpart_level_information | Retrieve v subpart level information data from ghg database |
ghg_w_acid_gas_removal_unit | Retrieve w acid gas removal unit data from ghg database |
ghg_w_atmospheric_tanks | Retrieve w atmospheric tanks data from ghg database |
ghg_w_blowdown_vent_stacks | Retrieve w blowdown vent stacks data from ghg database |
ghg_w_centrifugal_cmps_onshore | Retrieve w centrifugal cmps onshore data from ghg database |
ghg_w_combustion | Retrieve w combustion data from ghg database |
ghg_w_dehydrators | Retrieve w dehydrators data from ghg database |
ghg_w_enh_oil_rec_inj_pump_bd | Retrieve w enh oil rec inj pump bd data from ghg database |
ghg_w_eor_hydrocarbon_liq | Retrieve w eor hydrocarbon liq data from ghg database |
ghg_w_flare_stacks_details | Retrieve w flare stacks details data from ghg database |
ghg_w_liquids_unloading | Retrieve w liquids unloading data from ghg database |
ghg_w_local_dist_companies_details | Retrieve w local dist companies details data from ghg... |
ghg_w_other_emissions_equip_leaks | Retrieve w other emissions equip leaks data from ghg database |
ghg_w_pneumatic_devices | Retrieve w pneumatic devices data from ghg database |
ghg_w_pneumatic_pumps | Retrieve w pneumatic pumps data from ghg database |
ghg_w_sub_basin | Retrieve w sub basin data from ghg database |
ghg_w_subpart_level_information | Retrieve w subpart level information data from ghg database |
ghg_w_transmission_tanks | Retrieve w transmission tanks data from ghg database |
ghg_w_well_completion_hydraulic | Retrieve w well completion hydraulic data from ghg database |
ghg_w_wellcompl_without_hydraulic | Retrieve w wellcompl without hydraulic data from ghg database |
ghg_w_well_testing | Retrieve w well testing data from ghg database |
ghg_x_cems_details | Retrieve x cems details data from ghg database |
ghg_x_cems_info | Retrieve x cems info data from ghg database |
ghg_x_combustion_ethylene_unit | Retrieve x combustion ethylene unit data from ghg database |
ghg_x_flare_information | Retrieve x flare information data from ghg database |
ghg_x_process_unit_details | Retrieve x process unit details data from ghg database |
ghg_x_subpart_level_information | Retrieve x subpart level information data from ghg database |
ghg_x_t4cemsdetails | Retrieve x t4cemsdetails data from ghg database |
ghg_y_asphaltblowing_info | Retrieve y asphaltblowing info data from ghg database |
ghg_y_cems_details | Retrieve y cems details data from ghg database |
ghg_y_cokecalciner_info | Retrieve y cokecalciner info data from ghg database |
ghg_y_crackingcokingreforming_info | Retrieve y crackingcokingreforming info data from ghg... |
ghg_y_delayedcoking_info | Retrieve y delayedcoking info data from ghg database |
ghg_y_emissions_by_source | Retrieve y emissions by source data from ghg database |
ghg_y_equipmentleak_info | Retrieve y equipmentleak info data from ghg database |
ghg_y_flare_information | Retrieve y flare information data from ghg database |
ghg_y_loadingoperations_info | Retrieve y loadingoperations info data from ghg database |
ghg_y_processvent_info | Retrieve y processvent info data from ghg database |
ghg_y_storagetank_info | Retrieve y storagetank info data from ghg database |
ghg_y_subpart_level_information | Retrieve y subpart level information data from ghg database |
ghg_y_sulfurrecovery_info | Retrieve y sulfurrecovery info data from ghg database |
ghg_z_co2_content_method | Retrieve z co2 content method data from ghg database |
ghg_z_facility_info | Retrieve z facility info data from ghg database |
ghg_z_subpart_level_information | Retrieve z subpart level information data from ghg database |
igms_ogd_cfda | Retrieve ogd cfda data from igms database |
igms_ogd_ef_grant_drpt_cfda | Retrieve ogd ef grant drpt cfda data from igms database |
igms_ogd_ef_grant_drpt_sa | Retrieve ogd ef grant drpt sa data from igms database |
igms_ogd_ef_grant_sum_rpt | Retrieve ogd ef grant sum rpt data from igms database |
igms_ogd_stat_authority | Retrieve ogd stat authority data from igms database |
lrt_frs_facility_site | Retrieve frs facility site data from lrt database |
lrt_frs_program_facility | Retrieve frs program facility data from lrt database |
lrt_geo_collect_mth_lk | Retrieve geo collect mth lk data from lrt database |
lrt_geo_ref_point_lk | Retrieve geo ref point lk data from lrt database |
pcs.icis_pcs_admin_penalty_order | Retrieve pcs admin penalty order data from pcs-icis database |
pcs.icis_pcs_cmpl_schd_viol | Retrieve pcs cmpl schd viol data from pcs-icis database |
pcs.icis_pcs_code_desc | Retrieve pcs code desc data from pcs-icis database |
pcs.icis_pcs_effl_lim | Retrieve pcs effl lim data from pcs-icis database |
pcs.icis_pcs_effl_lim_concentr | Retrieve pcs effl lim concentr data from pcs-icis database |
pcs.icis_pcs_effl_lim_qty | Retrieve pcs effl lim qty data from pcs-icis database |
pcs.icis_pcs_enfor_action | Retrieve pcs enfor action data from pcs-icis database |
pcs.icis_pcs_evidentiary_hearing_event | Retrieve pcs evidentiary hearing event data from pcs-icis... |
pcs.icis_pcs_industrial_user_info | Retrieve pcs industrial user info data from pcs-icis database |
pcs.icis_pcs_inspection | Retrieve pcs inspection data from pcs-icis database |
pcs.icis_pcs_pci_audit | Retrieve pcs pci audit data from pcs-icis database |
pcs.icis_pcs_permit_event | Retrieve pcs permit event data from pcs-icis database |
pcs.icis_pcs_permit_facility | Retrieve pcs permit facility data from pcs-icis database |
pcs.icis_pcs_pipe_sched | Retrieve pcs pipe sched data from pcs-icis database |
pcs.icis_pcs_pretreatment_perf_summary | Retrieve pcs pretreatment perf summary data from pcs-icis... |
pcs.icis_pcs_single_event_viol | Retrieve pcs single event viol data from pcs-icis database |
pcs.icis_pcs_sludge | Retrieve pcs sludge data from pcs-icis database |
radinfo_rad_facility | Retrieve rad facility data from radinfo database |
radinfo_rad_facility_type | Retrieve rad facility type data from radinfo database |
radinfo_rad_geo_location | Retrieve rad geo location data from radinfo database |
radinfo_rad_regulation | Retrieve rad regulation data from radinfo database |
radinfo_rad_regulatory_prog | Retrieve rad regulatory prog data from radinfo database |
radnet_bgm_onsite_treatment | Retrieve bgm onsite treatment data from radnet database |
radnet_erm_analysis | Retrieve erm analysis data from radnet database |
radnet_erm_analyte | Retrieve erm analyte data from radnet database |
radnet_erm_ana_proc | Retrieve erm ana proc data from radnet database |
radnet_erm_count | Retrieve erm count data from radnet database |
radnet_erm_det_type | Retrieve erm det type data from radnet database |
radnet_erm_location | Retrieve erm location data from radnet database |
radnet_erm_matrix | Retrieve erm matrix data from radnet database |
radnet_erm_project | Retrieve erm project data from radnet database |
radnet_erm_result | Retrieve erm result data from radnet database |
radnet_erm_sample | Retrieve erm sample data from radnet database |
radnet_erm_study | Retrieve erm study data from radnet database |
radnet_lcr_sample | Retrieve lcr sample data from radnet database |
radnet_lcr_sample_result | Retrieve lcr sample result data from radnet database |
rcrainfo_rcr_area_event | Retrieve rcr area event data from rcrainfo database |
rcrainfo_rcr_authcodes | Retrieve rcr authcodes data from rcrainfo database |
rcrainfo_rcr_ca_area | Retrieve rcr ca area data from rcrainfo database |
rcrainfo_rcr_ca_authority | Retrieve rcr ca authority data from rcrainfo database |
rcrainfo_rcr_ca_event | Retrieve rcr ca event data from rcrainfo database |
rcrainfo_rcr_event_authority | Retrieve rcr event authority data from rcrainfo database |
rcrainfo_rcr_event_unit | Retrieve rcr event unit data from rcrainfo database |
rcrainfo_rcr_hbasic | Retrieve rcr hbasic data from rcrainfo database |
rcrainfo_rcr_hcertification | Retrieve rcr hcertification data from rcrainfo database |
rcrainfo_rcr_hnaics | Retrieve rcr hnaics data from rcrainfo database |
rcrainfo_rcr_hother_permit | Retrieve rcr hother permit data from rcrainfo database |
rcrainfo_rcr_howner_operator | Retrieve rcr howner operator data from rcrainfo database |
rcrainfo_rcr_hreport_univ | Retrieve rcr hreport univ data from rcrainfo database |
rcrainfo_rcr_hstate_activity | Retrieve rcr hstate activity data from rcrainfo database |
rcrainfo_rcr_huniversal_waste | Retrieve rcr huniversal waste data from rcrainfo database |
rcrainfo_rcr_hwaste_code | Retrieve rcr hwaste code data from rcrainfo database |
rcrainfo_rcr_lu_county | Retrieve rcr lu county data from rcrainfo database |
rcrainfo_rcr_lu_generator_status | Retrieve rcr lu generator status data from rcrainfo database |
rcrainfo_rcr_lu_legal_operating_status | Retrieve rcr lu legal operating status data from rcrainfo... |
rcrainfo_rcr_lu_naics | Retrieve rcr lu naics data from rcrainfo database |
rcrainfo_rcr_lu_state_activity | Retrieve rcr lu state activity data from rcrainfo database |
rcrainfo_rcr_lu_universal_waste | Retrieve rcr lu universal waste data from rcrainfo database |
rcrainfo_rcr_lu_waste_code | Retrieve rcr lu waste code data from rcrainfo database |
rcrainfo_rcr_permit_event_codes | Retrieve rcr permit event codes data from rcrainfo database |
rcrainfo_rcr_pevent | Retrieve rcr pevent data from rcrainfo database |
rcrainfo_rcr_process_codes | Retrieve rcr process codes data from rcrainfo database |
rcrainfo_rcr_pseries | Retrieve rcr pseries data from rcrainfo database |
rcrainfo_rcr_punit | Retrieve rcr punit data from rcrainfo database |
rcrainfo_rcr_punit_detail | Retrieve rcr punit detail data from rcrainfo database |
sdwis_contaminant | Get codes or names for SDWIS contaminants. |
sdwis_enforcement_action | Retrieve enforcement action data from sdwis database |
sdwis_geographic_area | Retrieve geographic area data from sdwis database |
sdwis_service_area | Retrieve service area data from sdwis database |
sdwis_violation | Retrieve violation data from sdwis database |
sdwis_violation_enf_assoc | Retrieve violation enf assoc data from sdwis database |
sdwis_water_system | Retrieve water system data from sdwis database |
sdwis_water_system_facility | Retrieve water system facility data from sdwis database |
services | Available Envirofacts services |
tri_tri_chem_activity | Retrieve tri chem activity data from tri database |
tri_tri_chem_info | Retrieve tri chem info data from tri database |
tri_tri_code_desc | Retrieve tri code desc data from tri database |
tri_tri_county | Retrieve tri county data from tri database |
tri_tri_energy_recovery | Retrieve tri energy recovery data from tri database |
tri_tri_facility | Retrieve tri facility data from tri database |
tri_tri_facility_db | Retrieve tri facility db data from tri database |
tri_tri_facility_db_history | Retrieve tri facility db history data from tri database |
tri_tri_facility_history | Retrieve tri facility history data from tri database |
tri_tri_facility_npdes | Retrieve tri facility npdes data from tri database |
tri_tri_facility_npdes_history | Retrieve tri facility npdes history data from tri database |
tri_tri_facility_rcra | Retrieve tri facility rcra data from tri database |
tri_tri_facility_uic | Retrieve tri facility uic data from tri database |
tri_tri_facility_uic_history | Retrieve tri facility uic history data from tri database |
tri_tri_form_r_schedule_one | Retrieve tri form r schedule one data from tri database |
tri_tri_off_site_transfer_location | Retrieve tri off site transfer location data from tri... |
tri_tri_onsite_wastestream | Retrieve tri onsite wastestream data from tri database |
tri_tri_onsite_waste_treatment_met | Retrieve tri onsite waste treatment met data from tri... |
tri_tri_potw_location | Retrieve tri potw location data from tri database |
tri_tri_recycling_process | Retrieve tri recycling process data from tri database |
tri_tri_reporting_form | Retrieve tri reporting form data from tri database |
tri_tri_source_reduct_qty | Retrieve tri source reduct qty data from tri database |
tri_tri_submission_naics | Retrieve tri submission naics data from tri database |
tri_tri_submission_sic | Retrieve tri submission sic data from tri database |
tri_tri_transfer_qty | Retrieve tri transfer qty data from tri database |
tri_tri_tribe_desc | Retrieve tri tribe desc data from tri database |
tri_tri_water_stream | Retrieve tri water stream data from tri database |
tri_tri_zip_code | Retrieve tri zip code data from tri database |
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