API for markziemann/getDEE2
Programmatic access to the DEE2 RNA expression dataset

Global functions
Tx2Gene Man page Source code
getDEE2 Man page Source code
getDEE2Metadata Man page Source code
getDEE2_bundle Man page Source code
getURL Source code
list_bundles Man page Source code
loadFullMeta Man page Source code
loadGeneCounts Man page Source code
loadGeneInfo Man page Source code
loadQcMx Man page Source code
loadSummaryMeta Man page Source code
loadTxCounts Man page Source code
loadTxInfo Man page Source code
queryDEE2 Man page Source code
query_bundles Man page Source code
se Man page Source code
srx_agg Man page Source code
markziemann/getDEE2 documentation built on Dec. 21, 2021, 2:48 p.m.