Man pages for martaint/InterCellar
InterCellar: an R-Shiny app for interactive analysis and exploration of cell-cell communication in single-cell transcriptomics

annotateGOPerform GO annotation of input data
annotatePathwaysAnnotate pathways for input data
buildPairsbyFunctionMatrixBuild binary matrix with int-pairs in rows, functions in cols
checkLL_RRManually change the annotation of L-L and R-R pairs
circlePlotPlot circle plot
combineAnnotationsCombine GO annotation and pathways in a unique object
createBarPlot1_ggplotCreate ggplot barplot to be saved in tiff
createBarPlot2_CVCreate barplot of number of interaction for selected cluster
createBarPlot2_ggplotCreate ggplot barplot of Nint per cluster selected
createBarPlot_CVCreate Barplot cluster-verse
createNetworkCreate Network of clusters
dendroIntPairModulesGet dendrogram of int pair modules
elbowPointDetermine the elbow point on a curve (from package akmedoids)
ensemblLinkGet html link to ensembl
getBack2BackBarplotGet back-to-back barplot for 2 conditions comparison
getBarplotDFGet dataframe for plotting barplot (all clusters)
getBarplotDF2Get dataframe for barplot (by cluster)
getClusterA_NamesGet cluster names only from sender cluster A
getClusterColorsGet colors for clusters
getClusterNamesGet clusters names from initial input data
getClusterNetworkCreating edges dataframe for network of clusters
getClusterSizeGet Clusters size
getDistinctCoupletsGet table of unique int-pairs/clust-pairs couplets
getDotPlot_selIntFunctions to plot DotPlots
getGeneTableGet table for gene-verse
getGObiomaRtConnection to Ensembl via biomaRt to get GO terms
getHitsfSubfunction to calculate significant functions by permutation...
getIntFlowGet subset of interactions corresponding to a certain...
getNtermsBYdbCalculate number of terms of a database
getNumLRGet number of unique ligands and receptors
getPieChartGet Pie Chart of unique couplets
getRadar_df#' Get radar plot of relative numbers of interactions for a...
getRankedTermsGet table with ranked functional terms
getSignificantFunctionsCalculate significant function per intpair module
getSignificantFunctions_multiCondGet significance of functional terms related to unique...
getSignif_tableWrapper for other functions to get significant table of func...
getSunburstGet Sunburst plot of selected functional terms
getUMAPipModulesGet UMAP for IP modules
getUniqueDotplotPlot dotplot containing only unique int-pair/cluster pairs...
getUniqueIntpairs_byCondGet table of unique int-pairs by condition
goLinkGet GO link
input.dataInput Data example
read.cellchatRead dataframe of cell-cell communication from CellChat...
read.CPDBv2Read output from CellPhoneDB v2.
read.customInputRead custom input file and re-structure it with InterCellar...
read.icellnetRead ICELLNET dataframe
read.SCsignalRRead output from SingleCellSignalR
run_appRun the Shiny Application
subsetAnnot_multiCondSubset int-pair by function matrices to unique int-pairs by...
subsetFuncMatBYFlowSubset pairs-function matrix by selected flow
swap.RLintSwaps interaction pairs that are R-L to L-R
uniprotLinkGet html link to uniprot
updateInputLRFunction that orders all interaction pairs as L-R. Leaves...
martaint/InterCellar documentation built on April 7, 2022, 11:44 a.m.