getRadar_df: #' Get radar plot of relative numbers of interactions for a...

View source: R/fct_multi_cond.R

getRadar_dfR Documentation

#' Get radar plot of relative numbers of interactions for a certain cell type #' #' @param tab_c1 barplot dataframe from Viewpoint generated by getBarplotDF2() containing data for condition 1 #' @param tab_c2 barplot dataframe from Viewpoint generated by getBarplotDF2() containing data for condition 2 #' @param tab_c3 barplot dataframe from Viewpoint generated by getBarplotDF2() containing data for condition 3 #' @param lab_c1 label for condition 1 #' @param lab_c2 label for condition 2 #' @param lab_c3 label for condition 3 #' @param cell_name label of cell type of interest #' #' @return plot #' @importFrom fmsb radarchart #' @importFrom data.table transpose getRadarPlot <- function(tab_c1, tab_c2, tab_c3, lab_c1, lab_c2, lab_c3, cell_name) if(is.null(tab_c3)) df <- merge(tab_c1, tab_c2, by = "Clusters", all = TRUE) colnames(df) <- c("Clusters", "nint_c1", "nint_c2") else df <- merge(tab_c1, tab_c2, by = "Clusters", all = TRUE) df <- merge(df, tab_c3, by = "Clusters", all = TRUE) colnames(df) <- c("Clusters", "nint_c1", "nint_c2", "nint_c3") df[] <- 0 cluster_names <- df$Clusters # add max and min max_nint <- max(df[, -1]) df <- add_column(df, max_nint, .after = "Clusters") df <- add_column(df, "min_nint" = 0, .after = "max_nint") radar_df <- data.table::transpose(df[, -1]) if(is.null(lab_c3)) rownames(radar_df) <- c("max", "min", lab_c1, lab_c2) else rownames(radar_df) <- c("max", "min", lab_c1, lab_c2, lab_c3) colnames(radar_df) <- cluster_names color <- c("#438ECC", "#E97778", "#00BA38") fmsb::radarchart( radar_df, axistype = 1, # Customize the polygon pcol = color, pfcol = scales::alpha(color, 0.5), plwd = 2, plty = 1, # Customize the grid cglcol = "grey", cglty = 1, cglwd = 0.8, # Customize the axis axislabcol = "grey30", # Variable labels vlcex = 1.2, vlabels = colnames(radar_df), caxislabels = round(seq(from = 0, to = radar_df["max",1], length.out = 5)), title = cell_name ) legend( x = "bottomleft", legend = rownames(radar_df[-c(1,2),]), horiz = FALSE, bty = "n", pch = 20 , col = color, text.col = "black", cex = 1, pt.cex = 1.5 ) Get radar df of relative numbers of interactions for a certain cell type


#' Get radar plot of relative numbers of interactions for a certain cell type #' #' @param tab_c1 barplot dataframe from Viewpoint generated by getBarplotDF2() containing data for condition 1 #' @param tab_c2 barplot dataframe from Viewpoint generated by getBarplotDF2() containing data for condition 2 #' @param tab_c3 barplot dataframe from Viewpoint generated by getBarplotDF2() containing data for condition 3 #' @param lab_c1 label for condition 1 #' @param lab_c2 label for condition 2 #' @param lab_c3 label for condition 3 #' @param cell_name label of cell type of interest #' #' @return plot #' @importFrom fmsb radarchart #' @importFrom data.table transpose getRadarPlot <- function(tab_c1, tab_c2, tab_c3, lab_c1, lab_c2, lab_c3, cell_name) if(is.null(tab_c3)) df <- merge(tab_c1, tab_c2, by = "Clusters", all = TRUE) colnames(df) <- c("Clusters", "nint_c1", "nint_c2") else df <- merge(tab_c1, tab_c2, by = "Clusters", all = TRUE) df <- merge(df, tab_c3, by = "Clusters", all = TRUE) colnames(df) <- c("Clusters", "nint_c1", "nint_c2", "nint_c3")

df[] <- 0

cluster_names <- df$Clusters # add max and min max_nint <- max(df[, -1]) df <- add_column(df, max_nint, .after = "Clusters") df <- add_column(df, "min_nint" = 0, .after = "max_nint")

radar_df <- data.table::transpose(df[, -1])

if(is.null(lab_c3)) rownames(radar_df) <- c("max", "min", lab_c1, lab_c2) else rownames(radar_df) <- c("max", "min", lab_c1, lab_c2, lab_c3)

colnames(radar_df) <- cluster_names

color <- c("#438ECC", "#E97778", "#00BA38")

fmsb::radarchart( radar_df, axistype = 1, # Customize the polygon pcol = color, pfcol = scales::alpha(color, 0.5), plwd = 2, plty = 1, # Customize the grid cglcol = "grey", cglty = 1, cglwd = 0.8, # Customize the axis axislabcol = "grey30", # Variable labels vlcex = 1.2, vlabels = colnames(radar_df), caxislabels = round(seq(from = 0, to = radar_df["max",1], length.out = 5)), title = cell_name ) legend( x = "bottomleft", legend = rownames(radar_df[-c(1,2),]), horiz = FALSE, bty = "n", pch = 20 , col = color, text.col = "black", cex = 1, pt.cex = 1.5 )

Get radar df of relative numbers of interactions for a certain cell type


getRadar_df(tab_c1, tab_c2, tab_c3, lab_c1, lab_c2, lab_c3)



barplot dataframe from Viewpoint generated by getBarplotDF2() containing data for condition 1


barplot dataframe from Viewpoint generated by getBarplotDF2() containing data for condition 2


barplot dataframe from Viewpoint generated by getBarplotDF2() containing data for condition 3


label for condition 1


label for condition 2


label for condition 3


df to be then used with fmsb radarchart

martaint/InterCellar documentation built on April 7, 2022, 11:44 a.m.