Man pages for martingarrido/biokit
Toolkit for the automatic analysis of omics data

addStatusByCutoffAdd status by cutoff
addStatusByRankAdd status by rank
autoEdgerComparisonAutomatic edgeR analysis from counts
autoLimmaComparisonAutomatic limma analysis
autoPairwiseMatrixTestAutomatic pairwise contrast
contrastsFromDesignCreate contrast matrix from design matrix.
countsToTmmNormalize counts with TMM
createPairwiseContrastsCreate pariwise contrasts
defaultLogFcLog 2 of means ratio
designFromSampInfoCreate design matrix from sample metadata
edgerDfFromContrastsObtain edgeR results from counts, design and contrasts matrix
fisherExactTestMeasure over-representation using Fisher's Exact Test
gseaFromStatsGene set enrichment analysis from statistical results
gseaPlotGSEA plot
heatmapPlotHeatmap plot
humanHallmarksHuman MSigDb hallmarks
limmaDfFromContrastsObtain limma results from data, design and contrasts matrix.
messageMappingInfoEvaluate and print translator df information
nsTestPValueNot sensitive T test p value
nsTestTNon sensitive T Test statistic
oraFromStatsOver representation analysis from statistical results
overRepresentationAnalysisOver-representation analysis
pairwiseMatrixTestGeneric pairwise matrix test
pcaPlotSimple PCA analysis
sarsCovMatRNA-Seq data of human cell lines infected with sars-cov-2
sarsCovSampInfoSample level information for the sars-cov-2 count matrix
splitFunMergeSplit, Function and Merge
translateMatrixTranslate matrix rownames
translateMatrixWithDbTranslate matrix rownames using annotation package
validateMatrixValidate matrix
validateSampInfoValidate sample information
validateTranslatorDfValidate translator data frame
violinPlotViolin plot
volcanoPlotSimple Volcano Plot
martingarrido/biokit documentation built on June 27, 2021, 2:21 a.m.