

#' Illustration of meta.analysis()
#' Take in K (\eqn{2 \le K \le 5}) data frames with the same number of biomarkers, then 
#' perform the statistical test to investigate if there is any group difference for each 
#' biomarker within each dataframe, and finally pool the p-values for each biomarkers across 
#' the different data frames and return the pooled p-values to the user.
#' @param ... Dataframe, at least 2 and up to 5 dataframes. First column of dataframe should be the indicator of group, the rest columns are numerical value of biomarkers.
#' @param method Single string or vector of strings, containing some of the following value (case sensitive): \code{'Fisher', 'Stouffer', 'minP', 'maxP'}.
#' @param alpha The significance level to use within statistical test.
#' @return Return a list with components:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{\code{p.matrix}}{P-values matrix of dimension (number of dataframes, number of biomarkers).}
#'   \item{\code{test.performed}}{Matrix of method (\code{string}) of statistical test used.}
#'   \item{\code{pooled.p.matrix}}{Matrix of pooled p-values for each biomarkers.}
#' }
#' @examples
#' data1 <- data.frame(group=sample(1:3,200,replace=TRUE), matrix(rnorm(100*200),ncol=100))
#' data2 <- data.frame(group=sample(1:2,150,replace=TRUE), matrix(rnorm(100*150),ncol=100))
#' data3 <- data.frame(group=sample(1:4,400,replace=TRUE), matrix(rnorm(100*400),ncol=100))
#' ## 2 dataframes with Fisher pooling method, alpha = 0.01
#' res = meta.analysis(data1, data2, method='Fisher', alpha=0.01)
#' p.matrix = res$p.matrix
#' test.performed = res$test.performed
#' pooled.p.matrix = res$pooled.p.matrix
#' ## 3 dataframes with Stouffer, minP, maxP pooling methods, alpha as default value (0.05) 
#' res = meta.analysis(data1, data2, data3, method=c('Stouffer', 'minP', 'maxP'))
#' p.matrix = res$p.matrix
#' test.performed = res$test.performed
#' pooled.p.matrix = res$pooled.p.matrix
#' @export
meta.analysis = function(..., method=c('Fisher', 'Stouffer', 'minP', 'maxP'), alpha=0.05) {

  method = c(method)
  data.list = list(...)
  num.data = length(data.list)  # Number of data user input
  p = dim(data.list[[1]])[2] - 1  # Number of biomarkers
  ### Error handling
  if (num.data < 2) {
    stop("Number of data is less than 2.")
  if (num.data > 5) {
    stop("Number of data exceeds 5.")
  if (!all(sapply(data.list, dim)[2,] == (p+1))) {
    stop("Number of columns across data are different.")
  if (!all(method %in% c("Fisher", "Stouffer", "minP", "maxP"))) {
    stop("Invalid method provided. Please look up the help function of meta.analysis()")

  ### Output initialization
  # p value matrix
  p.matrix = matrix(NA, nrow = num.data, ncol = p)
  colnames(p.matrix) = names(data.list[[1]][-1])
  rownames(p.matrix) = paste0('Data',1:num.data)
  # test performed matrix
  test.performed = data.frame(p.matrix)
  # pooled p value matrix
  pooled.p.matrix = data.frame(matrix(NA, nrow = length(method), ncol = p))
  rownames(pooled.p.matrix) = method
  colnames(pooled.p.matrix) = names(data.list[[1]][-1])

  ### Calculating p-matrix
  for (i in 1:length(data.list)) {
    res = my.aov(na.omit(data.list[[i]]), alpha)  #Drop any row with missing value 
    p.matrix[i,] = res$p.value.vec
    test.performed[i,] = res$test.performed
  ### Calculate pooled p-matrix
  for (i in 1:dim(p.matrix)[2]) {
    for (m in method) {
      if (m == 'Fisher') {
        pooled.p.matrix[m, i] = fisher.pool(p.matrix[,i])
      } else if (m == 'Stouffer') {
        pooled.p.matrix[m, i] = stouffer.pool(p.matrix[,i])
      } else if (m == 'minP') {
        pooled.p.matrix[m, i] = minp.pool(p.matrix[,i])
      } else if (m == 'maxP') {
        pooled.p.matrix[m, i] = maxp.pool(p.matrix[,i])
      } else {
        stop('Unknown pooling method')

mashihill/MetaAnalysis documentation built on May 10, 2019, 2:44 p.m.