
Defines functions dsQueryBuild

Documented in dsQueryBuild

#' Generate a DSL query from a set of parameters
#' It generates a valid query, written following the Dimensions Search Language (DSL), from a set of search parameters.
#' @param item is a character. It indicates the type of document to search. 
#' The argument can be equal to \code{item = ("publications", "grants", "patents", "clinical_trials", "policy_documents")}. 
#' Default value is \code{item = "publications"}.
#' @param words is a character vector. It contains the search terms.
#' @param words_boolean_op is character. It indicates which boolean operator have to be used to link words. It can be c("OR","AND"). Default is "OR".
#' @param full.search is logical. If TRUE, full-text search finds all instances of a term (keyword) in a document, or group of documents. If False, the search finds all instances in titles and abstracts only.
#' @param type is a character. It indicates the document type to include in the search. Default is \code{type = "article"}.
#' @param categories is a character vector. It indicates the research categories to include in the search. If empty \code{categories = ""}, all categories will be included in the search.
#' @param start_year is integer. It indicate the starting publication year of the search timespan.
#' @param end_year is integer. It indicate the ending publication year of the search timespan.
#' @param output_fields is a character. It contains fields which have to exported. Default is c("basics","extras","categories","abstract").
#' @return a character containing the query in DSL format.
#' For more extensive information about Dimensions Search Language (DSL), please visit: \href{https://docs.dimensions.ai/dsl/}{https://docs.dimensions.ai/dsl/}
#' To obtain a free access to Dimenions API fro no commercial use, please visit: \href{https://ds.digital-science.com/NoCostAgreement}{https://ds.digital-science.com/NoCostAgreement}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' query <- dsQueryBuild(item = "publications", words = "bibliometric*", 
#'                        type = "article", categories = "management", 
#'                        start_year=1980,end_year = 2020)
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link{dsApiRequest}}
#' @seealso \code{\link{dsAuth}}
#' @seealso \code{\link{dsApi2df}}
#' @export
dsQueryBuild <- function(item = "publications", words = "bibliometric*", 
                         words_boolean_op = "OR", full.search=FALSE, 
                         type = "article", categories = "", 
                         output_fields = "basics + extras + categories + abstract",
                         start_year =NULL, end_year=NULL){

  # item
  if (!(item %in% c("publications", "grants", "patents", "clinical_trials", "policy_documents"))){
    cat("\nThe argument 'item' is not correct.\n
Please, choose an item from the following set:
  # item = c("publications", "grants", "patents", "clinical_trials", "policy_documents")

  # search terms
  words.boolean.op <- toupper(paste0(" ",words_boolean_op," "))
  #words_query <- paste0(' for ',paste0('"\\"', words, '\\""', collapse=words.boolean.op))
  words_query <- paste0(' for \"',paste0('\\"', words, '\\"', collapse=words_boolean_op),'\"')
  # \"\\\"nano*\\\" AND \\\"drug delivery\\\"\"
  #search type
  if (isTRUE(full.search)) {
    search_type <- " in full_data "
  } else{
    search_type <- " in title_abstract_only "
  # type
  # type = 'article; chapter'

  # filters

  # by years
  if (is.null(start_year))
    start_year <-  "1900"
  if (is.null(end_year))
    end_year <-  substr(Sys.Date(), 1, 4)
           year <- "year in ["
           year <- "start_year in ["
           type <- ""
           year <- "year in ["
           type <- ""
           year <- "active_years in ["
           type <- ""
           categories <- ""
           year <- "year in ["
           type <- ""
           search_type <- gsub("_abstract","",search_type)
  filter_period <- paste(year, start_year, ':', end_year, ']')
  # by category separated by ;
  # partuial matching '~'
  # categories = "management; economics"

  if (nchar(categories[1]) > 0) {
    a <- trimws(categories)
    filter_category <-
      paste('category_for.name ~\"',
            "\" or ",
            collapse = "",
            sep = "")
    filter_category <-
      substr(filter_category, 1, nchar(filter_category) - 4)

  # by document type

  if (nchar(type) > 0) {
    a <- trimws(unlist(strsplit(type, ";")))
    a <- paste('"', a, '"', collapse = ",", sep = "")
    filter_type <- paste('type in [', a, ']')

  if (nchar(output_fields[1])<1) output_fields <- "basics + extras + authors + concepts"
  if (item == "publications") {item_type <- "type + "}else{item_type <- ""}
  if (length(output_fields)>1) {output_fields <- paste(output_fields, collapse = " + ")}
  #return_item = paste0(item, return_fields)
  return_item = paste0(item," [ ", output_fields, " ]")

  #step_query <- ' limit 1000 skip 0'
  query <- paste0('search ', item,
                  ' where ',
  if (nchar(type)>0){
    query <-  paste0(query,
                     ' and ',
  if (nchar(categories[1]) > 0) {
    query <-  paste0(query,
                     ' and (',
  query <- paste0(query,
                  ' return ',


massimoaria/dimensionsR documentation built on Feb. 10, 2024, 10:38 a.m.