#' @title Inline summary descriptive
#' @description This function returns a character vector with mean and sd or median and iqr as a inline summary statistics for reports or articles in R markdown or plain text.
#' @param x Numeric vector.
#' @param type To choose a parametric (`type = 'p'`) estimate (i.e. mean and sd) or a non-parametric one (`type = 'np'`, median and iqr). Can be choosen automatically with `type = 'auto`. It can be set to `'custom'` so you can insert your own expresions using glue syntax in `str.a` argument.
#' @param str.a Works only when `type = 'custom'`. Allows you to set your own expresions using glue syntax, e.g. `str.a = "{median} (*MAD* = {mad}, *IQR* = {IQR})`
#' @param k Number of decimals.
#' @param markdown Whether you want the output formated for inline R markdown (TRUE) or as plain text (FALSE).
#' @keywords cent_disp
#' @return A character vector of length one.
#' @export
cent_disp <- function(x,
type = if (is.null(str.a)) "auto" else "custom",
str.a = NULL,
k = 1,
markdown = TRUE) {
if (!is.numeric(x)) stop(deparse(substitute(x)), " is not numeric.")
x <- x[!is.na(x)]
if (type != "custom") {
if (type == "auto") {
type <- if (is_normal(x)) "p" else "np"
if (type == "p") .f <- list(cent = base::mean, disp = stats::sd, m = "M", i = "SD")
if (type == "np") .f <- list(cent = stats::median, disp = stats::IQR, m = "Mdn", i = "IQR")
m <- round(.f$cent(x), k)
i <- round(.f$disp(x), k)
if (markdown) {
paste0("*", .f$m, "* = ", m, ", *", .f$i, "* = ", i)
} else {
paste0(.f$m, " = ", m, ", ", .f$i, " = ", i)
} else {
m <- gregexpr(pattern = "\\{(.*?)\\}", text = str.a)
m <- regmatches(str.a, m)[[1]]
str.b <- gsub("\\{|\\}", "", m)
str_eval <- function(i) {
.f <- eval(expr = as.name(x = i))
round(x = .f(x), digits = k)
res <- vapply(str.b, str_eval, FUN.VALUE = NA_real_)
glue::glue(str.a, .envir = as.list(res))
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