#' Updates the YNAB transaction data
#' Adds new transactions, deletes exisiting or modifies existing transactions.
#' If there is no df_transactions data frame, it will create one.
#' Caution: Must be careful with use, as to not overload YNAB's servers.
#' @name refreshTransactions
#' @keywords refreshTransactions
#' @param param.token.code Your YNAB API personal access token
#' @param param.budgetid The ID associated with the selected budget
#' @param param.dfname (optional) Name of data frame which contains existing transactions
#' @export
#' @import dplyr
#' @importFrom lubridate day
#' @importFrom rlang .data
if(getRversion() >= "2.15.1") utils::globalVariables(c(".","df_transactions"))
# Version:
# refreshTransactions <- function() {
# ## If the df_transactions data frame exist, then find out the
# ## last server knowledge value.
# ## Then get a data frame (...delta) with the updated or new transactions
# ## Fix the column names using removeColumnprefix()
# ## Append it to the the existing transactions data frame, sort id (asc.)
# ## and date (desc.) form, keep only unique transactions based on id
# ## (if there are duplicate records due to updates being added, this will
# ## keeps only the latest transaction since it was sorted by date descending).
# ## Remove any transactions which were deleted since df_transactions was
# ## originally created.
# ## If df_transactions doesn't exit, download all of the transaction data.
# if (exists("budget_name_id") == FALSE) {
# budget_name_id <<- selectBudget()
# }
# basepoint <- c("https://api.youneedabudget.com/v1")
# trans_url <- paste0(basepoint, "/budgets/", budget_name_id[1], "/transactions")
# if (exists("df_transactions") == TRUE) {
# transactions_sk <- as.integer(max(df_transactions$server_knowledge))
# new_trans_url <- paste0(trans_url, "?last_knowledge_of_server=", as.integer(transactions_sk + 1))
# print(paste0("Getting new transactions from: ", new_trans_url))
# df_transactions_updated <-
# tryCatch({
# df_transactions_delta <- getYNAB(new_trans_url) %>% removeColumnprefix() %>%
# mutate(date = as.Date(date, "%Y-%m-%d"),
# yearmo = strftime(date, "%y-%m"),
# dayofmonth = lubridate::day(as.Date(date, "%Y-%m-%d")),
# category_name = trimws(gsub("[^[:alnum:][:space:][:punct:]]", "", .data$category_name))) %>%
# arrange(desc(date))
# print("Adding it to existing transaction dataset...")
# df_transactions_updated <-
# rbind(df_transactions, df_transactions_delta) %>%
# arrange(id, desc(date)) %>%
# distinct(id, .keep_all = TRUE) %>%
# filter(.data$deleted == FALSE) %>%
# arrange(desc(date))
# return(df_transactions_updated)
# },
# warning = function(cond) {
# df_transactions_updated <- df_transactions
# message("Error. No new transactions to add.")
# message(cond)
# return(df_transactions_updated)
# })
# } else {
# print("df_transactions does not exist. Getting it now..")
# getBudgetDetails("transactions")
# }
# }
# Version:
# Added new parameter for token environment, rename param.token to param.token.code and mytoken to mytoken.code
# Version:
# Added parameters for token, budget, exisiting transaction data frame name
refreshTransactions <- function(param.token.code, param.token.env, param.budgetid, param.dfname) {
mytoken.code <- param.token.code
mytoken.env <- param.token.env
basepoint <- c("https://api.youneedabudget.com/v1")
mybudgetid <- param.budgetid
trans_url <- paste0(basepoint, "/budgets/", mybudgetid, "/transactions")
if (missing(param.dfname) == FALSE) {
df_transactions <- param.dfname
transactions_sk <- as.integer(max(df_transactions$server_knowledge))
new_trans_url <- paste0(trans_url, "?last_knowledge_of_server=", as.integer(transactions_sk + 1))
print(paste0("Getting new transactions from: ", new_trans_url))
df_transactions_updated <-
df_transactions_delta <- getYNAB(param.url = new_trans_url, param.token.code = mytoken.code, param.token.env = mytoken.env) %>%
removeColumnprefix() %>%
mutate(.data = .,
date = as.Date(.data$date, "%Y-%m-%d"),
yearmo = strftime(.data$date, "%y-%m"),
dayofmonth = lubridate::day(.data$date),
category_name = trimws(gsub("[^[:alnum:][:space:][:punct:]]", "", .data$category_name))) %>%
arrange(.data = ., desc(.data$date))
print("Adding it to existing transaction dataset...")
df_transactions_updated <-
rbind(df_transactions, df_transactions_delta) %>%
arrange(.data = ., .data$id, desc(.data$date)) %>%
distinct(.data = ., .data$id, .keep_all = TRUE) %>%
filter(.data = ., .data$deleted == FALSE) %>%
arrange(.data = ., desc(.data$date))
error = function(cond) {
df_transactions_updated <- df_transactions
message("No new transactions to add.")
} else {
print("df_transactions does not exist. Getting it now..")
getBudgetDetails(i = "transactions", param.token.code = mytoken.code, param.token.env = mytoken.env, param.budgetid = mybudgetid)
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