### ########################### qePlotCurves (OLD) ###########################
### # plot several curves having the same X domain; based on the inputted
### # (X,Y) data; that data can be smoothed into a curve via the 'loess'
### # option, assumed here to be typical
### # a legend is automatically produced, based on curveData[,3]
### # example use case:
### # plotting the -Utility or Fairness-Utility tradeoff
### # curves, for comparing several different methods
### # example use case:
### # plotting quantile regression, for several quantile levels
### # arguments
### # curveData: column data frame or equivalent
### # xCol,yCol,grpCol: column numbers in curveData of
### # the X and Y axes data, and the group membership data
### # (a group ID, character, numeric etc.)
### # xlab, ylab: X,Y axis labels
### # loess: if TRUE, plot the loess-fitted curve, not the points
### # legendSpace: expand plot grid by this amount to fit in a legend
### # legendPos: as in R plot()
### # value
### # none; this is purely a plotting routine
### qePlotCurves <- function(curveData,xCol=1,yCol=2,grpCol=3,
### xlab=names(curveData)[xCol],ylab=names(curveData)[yCol],
### loess=TRUE,legendTitle=names(curveData)[grpCol],
### legendSpace=1.1,legendPos='topright')
### {
### nms <- names(curveData)
### if (is.character(xCol)) xCol <- which(nms == xCol)
### if (is.character(yCol)) yCol <- which(nms == yCol)
### if (is.character(grpCol)) grpCol <- which(nms == grpCol)
### tmpDF <- curveData[,c(xCol,yCol,grpCol)]
### briefCurveData <- tmpDF
### if (!is.factor(briefCurveData[,3]))
### briefCurveData[,3] <- as.factor(briefCurveData[,3])
### xlim <- c(min(briefCurveData[,1]),max(briefCurveData[,1]))
### tmp <- max(briefCurveData[,2])
### # leave room at top for legend
### topY <- if (tmp > 0) legendSpace*tmp else tmp / legendSpace
### ylim <- c(min(briefCurveData[,2]),topY)
### plot(NULL,xlim=xlim,ylim=ylim,xlab=xlab,ylab=ylab)
### curves <- split(briefCurveData,briefCurveData[,3])
### nCurves <- length(curves)
### cols <- rainbow(nCurves)
### nms <- as.factor(names(curves))
### for (i in 1:nCurves) {
### cvsi <- curves[[i]]
### if (loess) {
### toExec <-
### sprintf('loess(%s ~ %s,cvsi)',names(cvsi)[2],names(cvsi)[1])
### tmp <- evalr(toExec)
### cvsi[,2] <- predict(tmp,cvsi[,1])
### }
### cvsiOrdered <- cvsi[order(cvsi[,1]),]
### lines(cvsiOrdered,col=cols[i])
### }
### legend(legendPos,title=legendTitle,
### legend=levels(nms),col=cols,lty=rep(1,nCurves))
### }
# generate data for f(x) = x and g(x) = x^, plot
test1 <- function()
x <- runif(100)
y1 <- x
y2 <- x^2
outdf <- data.frame(x=c(x,x),y=c(y1,y2),
# fit 4 qe* ftns on lsa data, plot; call form is
# test2(5), or put anything else instead of 5;
# zzz just a dummy for arg 1, not used; do
# w <- test2(5)
# qePlotCurves(w)
# to run
test2 <- defmacro(zzz,
expr = {
lsa1 <- lsa[sample(1:nrow(lsa),1000),]
svc <- svcensus[sample(1:nrow(lsa),1000),]
svc <- na.exclude(svc)
xvals <- seq(5,75,5)
outDF <- data.frame(x=NULL,y=NULL,z=NULL)
for (i in 1:15) {
tmp <- replicMeans(25,"qeXGBoost(svc,'wageinc',
outDF <- rbind(outDF,data.frame(x=i,y=tmp,z='XGB'))
tmp <- replicMeans(25,"qeKNN(svc,'wageinc',k=xvals[i])$testAcc")
outDF <- rbind(outDF,data.frame(x=i,y=tmp,z='KNN'))
tmp <- replicMeans(25,"qeRFranger(svc,'wageinc',
outDF <- rbind(outDF,data.frame(x=i,y=tmp,z='RF'))
tmp <- replicMeans(25,"qePolyLin(svc,'wageinc',
outDF <- rbind(outDF,data.frame(x=i,y=tmp,z='polyLin'))
outDF$z <- as.factor(outDF$z)
# generate data to go into qePlotCurves(); finds mean testAcc over nreps
# runs, each with a different random training set
# dataName and qeFtnName should be changed to data and qeFtn soon
genQeAcc <- function(nreps,dataName,yName,qeFtnName,opts=NULL)
# goal: set up do.call
data <- get(dataName)
qeFtn <- get(qeFtnName)
dcArgs <- list(data=data,yName=yName)
if (!is.null(opts)) {
nms <- names(opts)
for (nm in nms) {
dcArgs[[nm]] <- opts[[nm]]
tmp <- sapply(1:nreps,function(i)
{cmdOut <- do.call(qeFtn,dcArgs); cmdOut$testAcc})
# planned replacement of regtools::replicMeans
# extension of replicate() code
# charExpr is a quoted string
replicMeans1old <- function (n, charExpr, simplify = "array") {
expr <- eval(parse(text=charExpr))
tmp <- sapply(integer(n), eval.parent(substitute(function(...) expr)),
simplify = simplify)
if (!is.matrix(tmp)) tmp <- matrix(tmp,nrow=n)
# generate data for f(x) = x and g(x) = x^, plot
test1 <- function()
x <- runif(100)
y1 <- x
y2 <- x^2
outdf <- data.frame(x=c(x,x),y=c(y1,y2),
# fit 4 qe* ftns on lsa data, plot; call form is
# test2(5), or put anything else instead of 5;
# zzz just a dummy for arg 1, not used; do
# w <- test2(5)
# qePlotCurves(w)
# to run
test2 <- defmacro(zzz,
expr = {
lsa1 <- lsa[sample(1:nrow(lsa),1000),]
svc <- svcensus[sample(1:nrow(lsa),1000),]
svc <- na.exclude(svc)
xvals <- seq(5,75,5)
outDF <- data.frame(x=NULL,y=NULL,z=NULL)
for (i in 1:15) {
tmp <- replicMeans(25,"qeXGBoost(svc,'wageinc',
outDF <- rbind(outDF,data.frame(x=i,y=tmp,z='XGB'))
tmp <- replicMeans(25,"qeKNN(svc,'wageinc',k=xvals[i])$testAcc")
outDF <- rbind(outDF,data.frame(x=i,y=tmp,z='KNN'))
tmp <- replicMeans(25,"qeRFranger(svc,'wageinc',
outDF <- rbind(outDF,data.frame(x=i,y=tmp,z='RF'))
tmp <- replicMeans(25,"qePolyLin(svc,'wageinc',
outDF <- rbind(outDF,data.frame(x=i,y=tmp,z='polyLin'))
outDF$z <- as.factor(outDF$z)
# generate data to go into qePlotCurves(); finds mean testAcc over nreps
# runs, each with a different random training set
# dataName and qeFtnName should be changed to data and qeFtn soon
genQeAcc <- function(nreps,dataName,yName,qeFtnName,opts=NULL)
# goal: set up do.call
data <- get(dataName)
qeFtn <- get(qeFtnName)
dcArgs <- list(data=data,yName=yName)
if (!is.null(opts)) {
nms <- names(opts)
for (nm in nms) {
dcArgs[[nm]] <- opts[[nm]]
tmp <- sapply(1:nreps,function(i)
{cmdOut <- do.call(qeFtn,dcArgs); cmdOut$testAcc})
# planned replacement of regtools::replicMeans
# extension of replicate() code
# charExpr is a quoted string
replicMeans1old <- function (n, charExpr, simplify = "array") {
expr <- eval(parse(text=charExpr))
tmp <- sapply(integer(n), eval.parent(substitute(function(...) expr)),
simplify = simplify)
if (!is.matrix(tmp)) tmp <- matrix(tmp,nrow=n)
########################### qeMittalGraph #################################
# plots several curves, one for each gorup, against a common X-axis, as
# in qePlotCurves, but showing the change in each variable, relative to
# the variable's value at min X
# X is typically input in ascending numerical order, but need not be
# X is required to be in col 1; col 2 is for Y of group 1, etc.
# 'dataMitt' must be a data frame or equivalent, in which for each X value
# there is exactly one Y value for each group; format is wide, e.g.
# x y1 y2 y3
# w <- data.frame(x=c(3:5,2),y1=c(5:7,4),y2=c(4,12,15,5),y3=10:7)
# qeMittalGraph(w)
qeMittalGraph <- function(dataMitt,xlab='x',ylab='y',legendTitle='curve',
data <- dataMitt
x <- data[,1]
nc <- ncol(data)
argMinX <- which.min(x)
nms <- names(data)[-1]
z <- lapply(1:(nc-1),
function(i) {
tmp <- data[,i+1] / data[argMinX,i+1]
tmpDF <- data.frame(x=x,curveNum=nms[i],y=tmp)
zz <- do.call(rbind,z)
# basically a wide-to-long reshape, but with various options for a time
# column
# arguments:
# data: data frame or equivalent
# timeColName: name of time column, including if not yet formed
# timeColPresent: TRUE means column already in 'data'
# timeColSeq: (m,n) means created column will have the values
# m,m+n,m+2n,m+3n,...
wideToLongWithTime <- function(data,timeColName,timeColPresent=TRUE,
if (!timeColPresent) {
first <- timeColSeq[1]
inc <- timeColSeq[2]
tmp <- 1:nrow(data)
timecol <- first + inc*tmp
newdata <- cbind(timecol,data)
names(newdata)[1] <- timeColName
longData <- reshape2::melt(newdata,id.vars=timeColName)
if (!is.null(grpColName)) names(longData)[2] <- grpColName
if (!is.null(valueColName)) names(longData)[3] <- valueColName
########################### qePlotCurves #################################
# plot several curves having the same X domain; based on the inputted
# (X,Y) data; that data can be smoothed into a curve via the 'loess'
# option, assumed here to be typical
# a legend is automatically produced, based on curveData[,3]
# example use case:
# plotting the -Utility or Fairness-Utility tradeoff
# curves, for comparing several different methods
# example use case:
# plotting quantile regression, for several quantile levels
# arguments
# curveData: column data frame or equivalent
# xCol,yCol,grpCol: column numbers in curveData of
# the X and Y axes data, and the group membership data
# (a group ID, character, numeric etc.)
# xlab, ylab: X,Y axis labels
# loess: if TRUE, plot the loess-fitted curve, not the points
# legendSpace: expand plot grid by this amount to fit in a legend
# legendPos: as in R plot()
# value
# none; this is purely a plotting routine
# examples
# data(lsa)
# qePlotCurves(lsa,6,5,9,legendSpace=1.35)
# data(currency)
# curr <- currency
# qePlotCurves(curr,1,3,2,wide=T,wideTimeColName='weeknum',
# wideTimeColPresent=F,wideGrpColName='country')
# d1 <- day1[,c(1,14,15)]
# qePlotCurves(d1,wide=T,wideTimeColName='instant',
# wideTimeColPresent=F,wideGrpColName='group')
qePlotCurves <- function(curveData,xCol=1,yCol=2,grpCol=3,
if(wide) {
tmp <- wideToLongWithTime(curveData,wideTimeColName,
curveData <- tmp
xCol <- 1; yCol <- 3; grpCol <- 2
nms <- names(curveData)
if (is.character(xCol)) xCol <- which(nms == xCol)
if (is.character(yCol)) yCol <- which(nms == yCol)
if (is.character(grpCol)) grpCol <- which(nms == grpCol)
tmpDF <- curveData[,c(xCol,yCol,grpCol)]
briefCurveData <- tmpDF
if (!is.factor(briefCurveData[,3]))
briefCurveData[,3] <- as.factor(briefCurveData[,3])
xlim <- c(min(briefCurveData[,1]),max(briefCurveData[,1]))
tmp <- max(briefCurveData[,2])
# leave room at top for legend
topY <- if (tmp > 0) legendSpace*tmp else tmp / legendSpace
ylim <- c(min(briefCurveData[,2]),topY)
curves <- split(briefCurveData,briefCurveData[,3])
nCurves <- length(curves)
cols <- rainbow(nCurves)
nms <- as.factor(names(curves))
for (i in 1:nCurves) {
cvsi <- curves[[i]]
if (loess) {
toExec <-
sprintf('loess(%s ~ %s,cvsi)',names(cvsi)[2],names(cvsi)[1])
tmp <- evalr(toExec)
cvsi[,2] <- predict(tmp,cvsi[,1])
cvsiOrdered <- cvsi[order(cvsi[,1]),]
# generate data for f(x) = x and g(x) = x^, plot
test1 <- function()
x <- runif(100)
y1 <- x
y2 <- x^2
outdf <- data.frame(x=c(x,x),y=c(y1,y2),
# fit 4 qe* ftns on lsa data, plot; call form is
# test2(5), or put anything else instead of 5;
# zzz just a dummy for arg 1, not used; do
# w <- test2(5)
# qePlotCurves(w)
# to run
test2 <- defmacro(zzz,
expr = {
lsa1 <- lsa[sample(1:nrow(lsa),1000),]
svc <- svcensus[sample(1:nrow(lsa),1000),]
svc <- na.exclude(svc)
xvals <- seq(5,75,5)
outDF <- data.frame(x=NULL,y=NULL,z=NULL)
for (i in 1:15) {
tmp <- replicMeans(25,"qeXGBoost(svc,'wageinc',
outDF <- rbind(outDF,data.frame(x=i,y=tmp,z='XGB'))
tmp <- replicMeans(25,"qeKNN(svc,'wageinc',k=xvals[i])$testAcc")
outDF <- rbind(outDF,data.frame(x=i,y=tmp,z='KNN'))
tmp <- replicMeans(25,"qeRFranger(svc,'wageinc',
outDF <- rbind(outDF,data.frame(x=i,y=tmp,z='RF'))
tmp <- replicMeans(25,"qePolyLin(svc,'wageinc',
outDF <- rbind(outDF,data.frame(x=i,y=tmp,z='polyLin'))
outDF$z <- as.factor(outDF$z)
# generate data to go into qePlotCurves(); finds mean testAcc over nreps
# runs, each with a different random training set
# dataName and qeFtnName should be changed to data and qeFtn soon
genQeAcc <- function(nreps,dataName,yName,qeFtnName,opts=NULL)
# goal: set up do.call
data <- get(dataName)
qeFtn <- get(qeFtnName)
dcArgs <- list(data=data,yName=yName)
if (!is.null(opts)) {
nms <- names(opts)
for (nm in nms) {
dcArgs[[nm]] <- opts[[nm]]
tmp <- sapply(1:nreps,function(i)
{cmdOut <- do.call(qeFtn,dcArgs); cmdOut$testAcc})
# planned replacement of regtools::replicMeans
# extension of replicate() code
# charExpr is a quoted string
replicMeans1old <- function (n, charExpr, simplify = "array") {
expr <- eval(parse(text=charExpr))
tmp <- sapply(integer(n), eval.parent(substitute(function(...) expr)),
simplify = simplify)
if (!is.matrix(tmp)) tmp <- matrix(tmp,nrow=n)
# generate data for f(x) = x and g(x) = x^, plot
test1 <- function()
x <- runif(100)
y1 <- x
y2 <- x^2
outdf <- data.frame(x=c(x,x),y=c(y1,y2),
# fit 4 qe* ftns on lsa data, plot; call form is
# test2(5), or put anything else instead of 5;
# zzz just a dummy for arg 1, not used; do
# w <- test2(5)
# qePlotCurves(w)
# to run
test2 <- defmacro(zzz,
expr = {
lsa1 <- lsa[sample(1:nrow(lsa),1000),]
svc <- svcensus[sample(1:nrow(lsa),1000),]
svc <- na.exclude(svc)
xvals <- seq(5,75,5)
outDF <- data.frame(x=NULL,y=NULL,z=NULL)
for (i in 1:15) {
tmp <- replicMeans(25,"qeXGBoost(svc,'wageinc',
outDF <- rbind(outDF,data.frame(x=i,y=tmp,z='XGB'))
tmp <- replicMeans(25,"qeKNN(svc,'wageinc',k=xvals[i])$testAcc")
outDF <- rbind(outDF,data.frame(x=i,y=tmp,z='KNN'))
tmp <- replicMeans(25,"qeRFranger(svc,'wageinc',
outDF <- rbind(outDF,data.frame(x=i,y=tmp,z='RF'))
tmp <- replicMeans(25,"qePolyLin(svc,'wageinc',
outDF <- rbind(outDF,data.frame(x=i,y=tmp,z='polyLin'))
outDF$z <- as.factor(outDF$z)
# generate data to go into qePlotCurves(); finds mean testAcc over nreps
# runs, each with a different random training set
# dataName and qeFtnName should be changed to data and qeFtn soon
genQeAcc <- function(nreps,dataName,yName,qeFtnName,opts=NULL)
# goal: set up do.call
data <- get(dataName)
qeFtn <- get(qeFtnName)
dcArgs <- list(data=data,yName=yName)
if (!is.null(opts)) {
nms <- names(opts)
for (nm in nms) {
dcArgs[[nm]] <- opts[[nm]]
tmp <- sapply(1:nreps,function(i)
{cmdOut <- do.call(qeFtn,dcArgs); cmdOut$testAcc})
# planned replacement of regtools::replicMeans
# extension of replicate() code
# charExpr is a quoted string
replicMeans1old <- function (n, charExpr, simplify = "array") {
expr <- eval(parse(text=charExpr))
tmp <- sapply(integer(n), eval.parent(substitute(function(...) expr)),
simplify = simplify)
if (!is.matrix(tmp)) tmp <- matrix(tmp,nrow=n)
########################### qeMittalGraph #################################
# plots several curves, one for each gorup, against a common X-axis, as
# in qePlotCurves, but showing the change in each variable, relative to
# the variable's value at min X
# X is typically input in ascending numerical order, but need not be
# X is required to be in col 1; col 2 is for Y of group 1, etc.
# 'data' must be a data frame or equivalent, in which for each X value
# there is exactly one Y value for each group; format is wide, e.g.
# x y1 y2 y3
# w <- data.frame(x=c(3:5,2),y1=c(5:7,4),y2=c(4,12,15,5),y3=10:7)
# qeMittalGraph(w)
qeMittalGraph <- function(data,xlab='x',ylab='y',legendTitle='curve',
x <- data[,1]
nc <- ncol(data)
argMinX <- which.min(x)
nms <- names(data)[-1]
z <- lapply(1:(nc-1),
function(i) {
tmp <- data[,i+1] / data[argMinX,i+1]
tmpDF <- data.frame(x=x,curveNum=nms[i],y=tmp)
zz <- do.call(rbind,z)
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