# macros, etc.
# requireNamespace(gtools)
# standard split into training, test sets
# arguments:
# holdout: holdout set size
# data: XY data frame
# globals/value:
# tst: the generated holdout set
# data: the correspondingly reduced training set
# holdIdxs: indices of the holdout set in original ata
splitData <- defmacro(holdout,data,
nHold <- holdout;
# cat('holdout set has ',nHold, 'rows\n');
idxs <- sample(1:nrow(data),nHold);
tst <- data[idxs,,drop=FALSE];
trn <- data[-idxs,,drop=FALSE];
data <- data[-idxs,,drop=FALSE];
holdIdxs <- idxs
# deprecated, gradually moving to toAllNumeric()
# x:
# change character variables to factors, then all factors to dummies,
# recording factorInfo for later use in prediction; put result in xm
# data:
# if character, change to factor
makeAllNumeric <- defmacro(x,data,
data <- regtools::charsToFactors(data)
if (regtools::hasFactors(x)) {
xm <- regtools::factorsToDummies(x,omitLast=TRUE)
factorsInfo <- attr(xm,'factorsInfo')
} else {
xm <- as.matrix(x)
factorsInfo <- NULL
# does the predictions in the holdout set, also setting testAcc and
# baseAcc, and checking for new levels of Y in the holdout set
# this is for Y either in the regression setting or in the
# 2-class classification setting;
# predict() will be called, returning preds
# in the regression setting, preds is numeric
# in the classification setting, it is assumed that
# preds is list(predicted class names,class probabilities) or
# preds is a vector of class probabilities; if so, it is
# assumed that yesYVal is defined
# arguments:
# res: ultimate output of qe*()
# global inputs (from the caller):
# trn, tst: training, holdout set
# data: arg in the qe*() function
# yName: arg in the qe*() function
# global outputs (creating locals in the caller):
# res$testAcc: MAPE or class. error in holdout set
# res$baseAcc: base MAPE or class. error (no features) in holdout set
# res$holdoutPreds: predicted values in the holdout set
# preds: ditto
# ycol: index of yName in 'data'
# tstx: X portion of holdout data
predictHoldout <- defmacro(res,
ycol <- which(names(tst) == yName);
tstx <- tst[,-ycol,drop=FALSE];
trnx <- trn[,-ycol,drop=FALSE];
tsty <- tst[,ycol]
newLvls <- checkNewLevels(trnx,tstx)
if (length(newLvls) > 0) {
tstx <- tstx[-newLvls,,drop=FALSE]
tst <- tst[-newLvls,,drop=FALSE]
'rows removed from test set, due to new factor levels'))
preds <- predict(res,tstx);
listPreds <- is.list(preds)
res$holdoutPreds <- preds
if (res$classif) {
yesNo <- !is.null(res$yesYVal)
if (is.numeric(preds)) {
probs <- preds
predClasses <- round(probs)
if (is.numeric(tsty)) {
predClasses <-
if (is.numeric(tsty))
tsty <- ifelse(tsty,res$yesYVal,res$noYVal)
preds <- list(predClasses=predClasses,probs=probs)
if (listPreds) predClasses <- preds$predClasses
# at this point, predClasses should be an R factor in either
# case re preds; same for tsty
res$testAcc <- mean(predClasses != tsty)
res$baseAcc <- 1 - max(table(data[,ycol])) / nrow(data)
# res$confusion <- regtools::confusion(tst[,ycol],preds$predClasses)
} else { # regression case
numericClassPreds <- FALSE
res$testAcc <- mean(abs(preds - tst[,ycol]),na.rm=TRUE)
res$baseAcc <- mean(abs(tst[,ycol] - mean(data[,ycol])))
predsTrn <- predict(res,trnx)
res$trainAcc <- mean(abs(predsTrn - trn[,ycol]),na.rm=TRUE)
} # end of expr= for the macro
# same as above, but for qeKNN
predictHoldoutKNN <- defmacro(res,
tstx <- tst[,-ycol,drop=FALSE]
trnx <- trn[,-ycol,drop=FALSE]
trny <- trn[,ycol,drop=FALSE]
tsty <- tst[,ycol]
preds <- predict(res,tstx)
if (!classif) preds <- preds[1,]
listPreds <- is.list(preds)
res$holdoutPreds <- preds
if (classif2) {
yesNo <- !is.null(res$yesYVal)
if (is.numeric(preds)) {
probs <- preds
predClasses <- round(probs)
if (is.numeric(tsty)) {
predClasses <-
if (is.numeric(tsty))
tsty <- ifelse(tsty,res$yesYVal,res$noYVal)
preds <- list(predClasses=predClasses,probs=probs)
# multiclass Y
if (!classif2 && classif) {
predClasses <- preds$predClasses
probs <- preds$probs
preds <- list(predClasses=predClasses,probs=probs)
tstY <- origY[holdIdxs] ###
tstY <- paste0('dfr.',tstY) ###
res$testAcc <- mean(predClasses != tstY,na.rm=TRUE)
res$baseAcc <- 1 - max(colMeans(trny))
if (classif2) {
predClasses <- preds$predClasses
tstyClasses <- ifelse(tsty,yesYVal,noYVal)
res$testAcc <- mean(predClasses != tstyClasses,na.rm=TRUE)
res$baseAcc <- 1 - max(table(tst[,ycol])) / nrow(tst)
if (!classif) {
res$testAcc <- mean(abs(preds-tsty),na.rm=TRUE)
meantrny <- mean(trny,na.rm=TRUE)
res$baseAcc <- mean(abs(meantrny-tsty),na.rm=TRUE)
# res$confusion <- regtools::confusion(tst[,ycol],preds$predClasses)
} # end of expr= for the macro
predictHoldoutXGB <- defmacro(res,
tstx <- tst[,-ycol,drop=FALSE]
trnx <- trn[,-ycol,drop=FALSE]
trny <- trn[,ycol,drop=FALSE]
tsty <- tst[,ycol]
preds <- predict(res,tstx)
listPreds <- is.list(preds)
res$holdoutPreds <- preds
if (classif) {
predClasses <- preds$predClasses
probs <- preds$probs
preds <- list(predClasses=predClasses,probs=probs)
charTsty <- yLevels[tsty]
res$testAcc <- mean(predClasses != charTsty,na.rm=TRUE)
if (!classif) {
res$testAcc <- mean(abs(preds-tsty),na.rm=TRUE)
meantrny <- mean(trny[,1],na.rm=TRUE)
res$baseAcc <- mean(abs(meantrny-tsty),na.rm=TRUE)
# res$confusion <- regtools::confusion(tst[,ycol],preds$predClasses)
} # end of expr= for the macro
predictHoldoutNCV <- defmacro(res,
preds <- predict(res,tstx)
listPreds <- is.list(preds)
res$holdoutPreds <- preds
if (classif) {
predClasses <- preds$predClasses
probs <- preds$probs
preds <- list(predClasses=predClasses,probs=probs)
# charTsty <- yLevels[tsty]
charTsty <- ifelse(tsty,yesYVal,noYVal)
res$testAcc <- mean(predClasses != charTsty,na.rm=TRUE)
prop1 <- mean(trny == yesYVal)
res$baseAcc <- min(prop1,1-prop1)
if (!classif) {
res$testAcc <- mean(abs(preds-tsty),na.rm=TRUE)
meantrny <- mean(trny,na.rm=TRUE)
res$baseAcc <- mean(abs(meantrny-tsty),na.rm=TRUE)
# res$confusion <- regtools::confusion(tst[,ycol],preds$predClasses)
} # end of expr= for the macro
# lm() balks if a label begins with a digit; check to see if we have any
checkNumericNames <- function(nms)
for (nm in nms) {
s <- substr(nm,1,1)
if (s >= '0' && s <= '9') {
stop('factor level begins with a digit')
# prepend the string s to each element of the character vector v
prepend <- function(s,v)
v <- as.character(v)
for (i in 1:length(v)) {
v[i] <- paste0(s,v[i])
# plot code for most
genericPlot <- function(x)
obj <- x
class(obj) <- class(obj)[-1] # actually not needed in many cases
whatSplit <- function(qeObj)
# check whether an installed package is of version at least that
# specified in 'atleast'; latter of form x.y for now, not x.y.x, i.e.
# only the number and subnumber will be checked; e.g. '1.3.5' >= '1.3'
## checkPkgVersion <- function(pkgname,atleast)
## {
## pkgVersion <- as.character(packageVersion(pkgname))
## nums <- strsplit(pkgVersion,'.',fixed=T)[[1]]
## nums <- nums[1:2]
## pkgVersion <- paste(nums,collapse='.')
## pkgVersion >= atleast
## }
# wrapper to load pkg that was only Suggested for, not Imported by, qeML
getSuggestedLib <- function(pkgName)
if (!requireNamespace(pkgName,quietly=TRUE))
stop(paste0(pkgName, 'not loaded'))
# input could be tibble or data table
checkForNonDF <- defmacro(data,
if (class(data)[1] != 'data.frame') {
data <- as.data.frame(data)
warning('"data" converted to data frame')
###################### factorToTopLevels etc. ########################
# VERY USEFUL! often a factor will have 1 or more rare levels in the
# data; that already raises overfitting concerns (e.g. in a parametric
# model, more dummy coefficients), but in doing cross-validation, there
# may be "surprise" levels in the test set that were not there in the
# training set
# so we have these functions:
# levelCounts(data); simply applies table() to each column of 'data',
# returing the result as a list; if more than 10 levels, reports NA
# factorToTopLevels(f,lowCountThresh=0); inputs the factor f
# and replaces each instace of a rare level (defined by
# lowCountThresh) by the new level 'other'
# dataToTopLevels(data,lowCountThresholds); applies factorToTopLevels
# to each column of 'data'; lowCountThresholds is an R list,
# indexed by the desired column names
levelCounts <- function(data) {
makeTable <- function(col) if (is.factor(col)) table(col) else NA
tmp <- lapply(data,makeTable)
# simplify a factor to its top levels; input f, output f but with only
# only the most-frequent levels explicit, with all others combined to
# 'other'; any f level for which there lowCountThresh or fewer data points
# becomes 'other', with all other f levels retaining their names
factorToTopLevels <- function(f,lowCountThresh=0)
levelCounts <- table(f)
if (lowCountThresh==0) {
hist(levelCounts,xlab='counts per level',
ylab='number of levels having a given count')
lowCountThresh <- readline('enter lowCountThresh: ')
lowCounts <- which(levelCounts <= lowCountThresh)
newLevels <- names(levelCounts)[-lowCounts]
newLevels <- c(sort(newLevels),'other')
fNew <- ifelse(f %in% newLevels,as.character(f),'other')
dataToTopLevels <- defmacro(data,lowCountThresholds,expr=
for(nm in names(lowCountThresholds)) {
lctnm <- lowCountThresholds[[nm]]
data[[nm]] <- factorToTopLevels(data[[nm]],lctnm)
# run R call from string
evalr <- function(toexec) {
# extract args from ...
getDotsArgs <- defmacro(argName, expr=
v <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
if (is.null(v[[argName]])) {
stop(sprintf('%s argument missing',argName))
} else {
cmd <- sprintf('%s <<- v$%s',argName,argName)
# try to require() pkg; if not installed, tell user where to get it
checkPkgLoaded <- function(pkgName,whereObtain='CRAN')
# workaround
cmd <- sprintf('%s <- NULL',pkgName)
cmd <- sprintf('require(%s)',pkgName)
if (!evalr(cmd)) {
pkgErr <- sprintf('%s is required',pkgName)
obtain <- paste0('if not installed, obtain from ',whereObtain)
stop(sprintf('if not installed, obtain from %s',whereObtain))
# from regtools, but included here due to package rules:
checkNewLevels <- function (info1, data2)
tmp <- sapply(data2, is.factor)
factorNames <- names(data2)[tmp]
if (is.data.frame(info1)) {
tmp <- sapply(info1, is.factor)
tmp <- names(info1)[tmp]
levelsPresent1 <- lapply(info1[tmp], function(t) unique(t))
else if (setequal(names(info1), names(data2))) {
levelsPresent1 <- info1
else {
levelsPresent1 <- info1$factorLevelsPresent
res <- NULL
for (nm in factorNames) {
tmp <- setdiff(levels(data2[[nm]]), levelsPresent1[[nm]])
if (length(tmp) > 0) {
matches <- which(data2[[nm]] %in% tmp)
res <- union(res, matches)
predict.krsFit <- function (object, ...)
arglist <- list(...)
newx <- arglist[[1]]
if (!inherits(newx, "matrix"))
newx <- as.matrix(newx)
model <- object$model
mm <- object$mmScaleX
if (!is.null(mm))
newx <- regtools::mmscale(newx, mm)
if (!is.null(object$xShape)) {
newx <- matrixToTensor(newx, object$xShape)
preds <- predict(model, newx)
if (object$classif) {
probs <- preds
preds <- apply(preds, 1, which.max) - 1
attr(preds, "probs") <- probs
else {
mm <- object$mmScaleY
if (!is.null(mm))
preds <- mm[1] + preds * (mm[2] - mm[1])
matrixToTensor <- function (x, xShape)
nrw <- xShape[1]
ncl <- xShape[2]
if (length(xShape) == 3) {
nch <- xShape[3]
else {
nch <- ncol(x)/(nrw * ncl)
xShape <- c(xShape, nch)
# res <- keras::array <- reshape(x, c(nrow(x), nrw, ncl, nch))
res <- reshape(x, c(nrow(x), nrw, ncl, nch))
attr(res, "xShape") <- xShape
plot.tuner <- function (x, ...)
arglist <- list(...)
tmp <- arglist["col"][[1]]
col <- if (!is.null(tmp))
else "meanAcc"
tmp <- arglist["disp"][[1]]
disp <- if (!is.null(tmp))
else 0
tmp <- arglist["jit"][[1]]
jit <- if (!is.null(tmp))
else 0.05
outdf <- x$outdf
macol <- which(names(outdf) == "meanAcc")
outdf <- outdf[, 1:macol]
if (jit > 0) {
nc <- ncol(outdf)
for (i in 1:(nc - 3)) {
dfCol <- outdf[, i]
if (is.numeric(dfCol)) {
rng <- max(dfCol) - min(dfCol)
outdf[, i] <- dfCol + jit * rng * stats::runif(length(dfCol),
-0.5, 0.5)
if (col == "smoothed")
outdf$meanAcc <- NULL
else outdf$smoothed <- NULL
if (disp != 0) {
nc <- ncol(outdf)
if (abs(disp) < nc - 1)
stop("disp too small")
ord <- order(outdf[, nc], decreasing = (disp > 0))
outdf <- outdf[ord[1:abs(disp)], ]
nr <- nrow(outdf)
cdparcoord::discparcoord(outdf, k = nr, differentiate = TRUE)
# forms a list of the rows of a data frame
# returns an R list of the rows of 'data'
getRows <- function(data) split(data,1:nrow(data))
# finds the matches, in terms of row numbers, of rows in d1 in rows of
# d2; assumes each of the former has exactly one match in the latter
# warning: uses character representations; conceivably two R factor
# types could map to the same character representations
rowMatch <- function(d1,d2)
charD1 <- apply(d1,1,function(rw) paste(rw,collapse=' '))
charD2 <- apply(d2,1,function(rw) paste(rw,collapse=' '))
g <- function(x) match(x,charD2)
# generates a "superfactor" from individual ones; e.g. if factors f1 and
# f2 have n1 and n2 levels, the output is a new factor with n1 * n2
# levels
cartesianFactor <- function(dataName,factorNames,fNameSep='.')
dta <- get(dataName)
# form list of levels of each factor{
theLevels <- lapply(factorNames,
function(fName) {
cmd <- paste0("levels(dta[['",fName,"']])")
# form cartesian product of the levels, with one row for each
# combination of levels, i.e. n1 * n2 rows as in the comment above
superLevels <- expand.grid(theLevels)
# don't mistake 1 for '1'
for (i in 1:ncol(superLevels))
superLevels[,i] <- as.character(superLevels[,i])
subData <- dta[,factorNames]
subDataLevels <- rowMatch(subData,superLevels)
combNames <- function(nms) paste0(nms,collapse='.')
newvec <-
sapply(subDataLevels,function(sdl) combNames(superLevels[sdl,]))
# after fitting a qeML model on a data frame dta, saving the result in
# z, say we now want to predict the Y value of a new case x; x must be
# of the same R modes as rows of dta, e.g. numeric, character and R
# factor variables; this information must be retrieved from dta, which
# is the goal of this function here
# x is specified as an R list of column name/value pairs, one for each
# column of dta
# to save typing in specifying x, the user can say, "Give me a row like
# that of dta[dtaRowNum,] but with some elements changed according to
# what I specify in x
newDFRow <- function(dta,yName,x,dtaRowNum=1)
# remove yName column
ycol <- which(names(dta) == yName)
dtaX <- dta[,-ycol]
# use row 1 as a skeleton having the right R modes
tmp <- dtaX[dtaRowNum,] # eventually will be our output
# now replace
for (nm in names(x)) {
dtaCol <- dta[[nm]]
fX <- is.factor(dtaCol)
if (!fX) tmp[[nm]] <- x[[nm]]
else {
newDtaVal <- x[[nm]]
newDtaVal <- factor(newDtaVal,levels(dta[[nm]]))
tmp[[nm]] <- newDtaVal
# use instead of 'data'; loads dataset, auto prints glimpse via 'str';
# 'datasetName' must be a quoted string
Data <- function(datasetName)
toExec <- paste0('data(',datasetName,')')
toExec <- paste0('str(',datasetName,')')
# basically a wide-to-long reshape, but with various options for a time
# column
# arguments:
# data: data frame or equivalent
# timeColName: name of time column, including if not yet formed
# timeColPresent: TRUE means column already in 'data'
# timeColBase:
wideToLongWithTime <- function(data,timeColName,timeColPresent=TRUE,
if (!timeColPresent) {
tmp <- 1:nrow(data)
if (!identical(tmp,timeColBase)) {
timecol <- rep(timeColBase,ncol(data))
} else {
timecol <- 1:nrow(data)
newdata <- cbind(timecol,data)
names(newdata)[1] <- timeColName
longData <- reshape2::melt(newdata,id.vars=timeColName)
if (!is.null(grpColName)) names(longData)[2] <- grpColName
if (!is.null(valueColName)) names(longData)[3] <- valueColName
# many R packages refuse to accept data of type 'integer', so change to
# 'numeric'
intToNum <- defmacro(d,
for (i in 1:ncol(d)) if (inherits(d[,i],'integer'))
d[,i] <- as.numeric(d[,i])
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