######################### qeLinKNN() #################################
# fit linear model, then fit KNN to residuals
# arguments: as in Quick.R, plus
# k: number of nearest neighbors
# scaleX: if TRUE, features will be centered and scaled; note that
# this means the features must be numeric
# smoothingFtn: as in kNN(); 'mean' or 'loclin'
# expandVars,expandVals: e.g. expandVars element = 3 and
# expandVals = 0.2 means give variable 3 a weight of 0.2
# instead of 1.0 in the distance function
# value: see above
# see note in kNN() man pg
qeLinKNN <- function(data,yName,k=25,scaleX=TRUE,
classif <- is.factor(data[[yName]])
if (classif) stop('not set up for classification problems')
linout <- qeLin(data=data,yName=yName,holdout=holdout)
hIdxs <- linout$holdIdxs
trn <- data[-hIdxs,]
tst <- data[hIdxs,]
dataForKNN <- trn
dataForKNN[[yName]] <- linout$residuals
knnout <- qeKNN(dataForKNN,yName,k=k,holdout=NULL)
linknnout <- list(linout=linout,knnout=knnout,classif=classif)
class(linknnout) <- 'qeLinKNN'
if (!is.null(holdout)) {
linknnout$holdIdxs <- hIdxs
} else linknnout$holdIdxs <- NULL
predict.qeLinKNN <- function(object,newx,newxK=1,...)
classif <- object$classif
if (classif) stop('not set up for classification problems')
linout <- object$linout
linPreds <- predict(linout,newx)
knnout <- object$knnout
knnPreds <- predict(knnout,newx,newxK=newxK)
linPreds + knnPreds
######################### qePolyLinKNN() #################################
qePolyLinKNN <- function (data, yName, deg = 2, maxInteractDeg = deg, k = 25,
scaleX = TRUE, smoothingFtn = mean,
expandVars = NULL, expandVals = NULL, holdout = floor(min(1000,
0.1 * nrow(data))))
classif <- is.factor(data[[yName]])
if (classif)
stop("not set up for classification problems")
linout <- qePolyLin(data = data, yName = yName,
deg = deg, maxInteractDeg = maxInteractDeg, holdout = holdout)
hIdxs <- linout$holdIdxs
trn <- data[-hIdxs, ]
tst <- data[hIdxs, ]
dataForKNN <- trn
# qePolyLin does not compute residuals, so get them here
ycol <- which(names(data) == yName)
resids <- trn[,ycol] - predict(linout,trn[,-ycol])[,1]
dataForKNN[[yName]] <- resids
knnout <- qeKNN(dataForKNN, yName, k = k, holdout = NULL)
linknnout <- list(linout = linout, knnout = knnout, classif = classif)
class(linknnout) <- "qePolyLinKNN"
if (!is.null(holdout)) {
linknnout$holdIdxs <- hIdxs
else linknnout$holdIdxs <- NULL
predict.qePolyLinKNN <- function (object, newx, newxK = 1, ...)
classif <- object$classif
if (classif)
stop("not set up for classification problems")
linout <- object$linout
linPreds <- predict(linout, newx)
knnout <- object$knnout
knnPreds <- predict(knnout, newx, newxK = newxK)
as.vector(linPreds) + as.vector(knnPreds)
######################### qeLogitKNN() #################################
# fit logistic model, then fit KNN to residuals
# arguments: as in Quick.R, plus
# k: number of nearest neighbors
# scaleX: if TRUE, features will be centered and scaled; note that
# this means the features must be numeric
# smoothingFtn: as in kNN(); 'mean' or 'loclin'
# expandVars,expandVals: e.g. expandVars element = 3 and
# expandVals = 0.2 means give variable 3 a weight of 0.2
# instead of 1.0 in the distance function
# value: see above
# see note in kNN() man pg
qeLogitKNN <- function(data,yName,k=25,scaleX=TRUE,
classif <- is.factor(data[[yName]])
if (!classif) stop('classification case')
ycol <- which(names(data) == yName)
lvlsY <- levels(data[,ycol])
if (length(lvlsY) != 2)
stop('2-class case only')
if (is.null(yesYVal)) {
yesYVal <- lvlsY[1]
noYVal <- lvlsY[2]
} else {
yesyval <- which(lvlsY == yesYVal)
noYVal <- lvlsY[3-yesyval]
frml <- as.formula(paste0(yName,' ~ .'))
if (!is.null(holdout)) {
hIdxs <- sample(1:nrow(data),holdout)
trn <- data[-hIdxs,]
tst <- data[hIdxs,]
} else {
hIdxs <- NULL
trn <- data
trn1 <- trn
trn1[,ycol] <- as.integer(trn[,ycol] == yesYVal)
logitout <- glm(frml,data=trn1,family=binomial)
dataForKNN <- trn
dataForKNN[ycol] <- logitout$y - logitout$fitted.values
knnout <- qeKNN(dataForKNN,yName,k=k,holdout=NULL,yesYVal=yesYVal)
linknnout <- list(logitout=logitout,knnout=knnout,classif=classif,
class(linknnout) <- 'qeLogitKNN'
if (!is.null(holdout)) {
linknnout$holdIdxs <- hIdxs
} else linknnout$holdIdxs <- NULL
predict.qeLogitKNN <- function(object,newx,newxK=1,...)
classif <- object$classif
if (!classif) stop('for classification problems')
logitout <- object$logitout
logitPreds <- predict(logitout,newx,type='response')
knnout <- object$knnout
knnPreds <- predict(knnout,newx,newxK=newxK)
probs <- logitPreds + knnPreds
probs <- pmin(probs,1)
probs <- pmax(probs,0)
y01s <- round(probs)
predClasses <- y01s
predClasses[probs >= 0.5] <- object$yesYVal
predClasses[probs < 0.5] <- object$noYVal
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