
Defines functions predict.RecoS3 trainReco

Documented in predict.RecoS3 trainReco

# training and prediction routines, wrappers for such operations in the
# 'recosytem' package, including some parallel operations

# 'recosytem' approximates the (mostly unknown) user-ratings matrix A as
# the product P'Q, with P and Q having specified rank 'rnk'; a number of
# other tuning parameters are available besides rank, but not used here

# it is assumed that user and item IDs are contiguous, starting at 1

#############################  trainReco  ***************************

# applies 'recosystem' to a training set

# arguments:

#    ratingsIn:  raw input matrix, with cols usrID, itmID, rating 
#    rnk:  desired rank for the P,Q matrices
#    nmf:  if true, use NMF, otherwise SVD

# value:  object of class 'RecoS3', a list containing P and Q

#    note:  covariates, if any, must be user-specific and/or
#           item-specific, NOT involving interaction between user and item

trainReco <- function(ratingsIn,rnk=10,nmf=FALSE,biasAdjust=F)

   # make lookup tables, in case user and item IDs are not consecutive
   origUsrIDs <- as.character(unique(ratingsIn[,1]))
   origItmIDs <- as.character(unique(ratingsIn[,2]))
   usrLookup <- 1:length(origUsrIDs)
   names(usrLookup) <- origUsrIDs
   itmLookup <- 1:length(origItmIDs)
   names(itmLookup) <- origItmIDs
   ratingsIn[,1] <- usrLookup[as.character(ratingsIn[,1])]
   ratingsIn[,2] <- itmLookup[as.character(ratingsIn[,2])]

   if (biasAdjust) {
      uMeans <- tapply(ratingsIn[,3],ratingsIn[,1],mean)
      uMeans <- uMeans - mean(ratingsIn[,3])
      biases <- uMeans[as.character(ratingsIn[,1])]
      ratingsIn[,3] <- ratingsIn[,3] - biases
   hasCovs <- (ncol(ratingsIn) > 3)
   if (hasCovs) {
      covs <- as.matrix(ratingsIn[,-(1:3)])
      lmout <- lm(ratingsIn[,3] ~ covs)
      minResid <- min(lmout$residuals)
      ratingsIn[,3] <- lmout$residuals - minResid
   r <- Reco()
   train_set <- 
   r$train(train_set,opts = list(dim=rnk,nmf=nmf)) 
   result <- r$output(out_memory(),out_memory())
   if (hasCovs) {
      result$covCoefs <- coef(lmout)
      result$minResid <- minResid

   # record lookup tables for predict()
   result$usrLookup <- usrLookup
   result$itmLookup <- itmLookup

   class(result) <- 'RecoS3'

##########################  predict.RecoS3  ***************************

# predicts from outputs of applying Reco to a training set

# note:  recosystem also has a predict() function, but it is not used

# recoObj is output of trainReco(), an object of class 'RecoS3; testSet
# is a 3-column raw data matrix as with ratingsIn above; returns the
# predicted values

predict.RecoS3 <- function(recoObj,testSet) 
   p <- recoObj$P  # transpose of classic W
   q <- recoObj$Q  # classic H
   pred <- vector(length=nrow(testSet))

   hasCovs <- (ncol(testSet) > 2)
   if (hasCovs) {
      covCoefs <- recoObj$covCoefs
      minResid <- recoObj$minResid
   # switch to consecutive IDs
   ul <- recoObj$usrLookup
   il <- recoObj$itmLookup
   testSet[,1] <- as.integer(ul[as.character(testSet[,1])])
   testSet[,2] <- as.integer(il[as.character(testSet[,2])])
   if (hasCovs) testCovs <- as.matrix(testSet[,-(1:2)])

   for(i in 1:nrow(testSet)){
      j <- testSet[i,1]
      k <- testSet[i,2]
      # is user or item not in the dataset?; if so, NA
      if (is.na(j) || is.na(k)) {
         pred[i] <- NA
      } else {
         tmp <- 0
         if (hasCovs) {
            tmp <- c(1,testCovs[i,]) %*% covCoefs + minResid
         pred[i] <- p[j,] %*% q[k,] + tmp

##########################  trainRecoPar  ***************************

##########################  NOTICE  ***************************

# discontinued for now, as Reco is fast enough

### # Software Alchemy/partools version of trainReco()
### # we could find the P and Q matrices at the worker nodes, then average
### # their P'Q products at the manager, to get an overall P'Q (we could NOT
### # simply average the Ps and average the Qs, as they are not unique); but
### # it is assumed here that the full P'Q matrix may be too large to store at
### # the manager 
### # instead, breaks data into chunks, each of which is handled by a worker
### # node, and applies Reco; note that the code follows the partools "leave
### # it there" philosophy, retaining the P and Q matrices rather than
### # returning them to the manager node
### # arguments:
### #    ratingsIn: raw input matrix
### #    rnk:  desired rank from P,Q matrices
### #    cls:  a 'partools' cluster
### #    pqName:  name to be given to the list containing P,Q matrices
### #             at the worker nodes
### # value:  object of class 'RecoS3par', consisting of pqName
### trainRecoPar <- 
###    function(ratingsIn,rnk=10,nmf=FALSE,cls,pqName='PQ',printTimes=TRUE) 
### {
###    require(recosystem)
###    require(partools)
###    clusterEvalQ(cls,require(recosystem))
###    tmp <- system.time(
###       distribsplit(cls,'ratingsIn')
###    )
###    if (printTimes) cat('distribsplit time: ',tmp,'\n')
###    clusterExport(cls,c('rnk','nmf','pqName','predict.RecoS3'),
###       envir=environment())
###    # note the possibility of some users being in some chunks but not others,
###    # and same for items; at each node: we could add "fake" user and/or
###    # item records (see commented code at the end of this file), but
###    # since we are just leaving P and Q at the worker nodes and then
###    # later averaging the nodes' predictions, no need for that here
###    # now compute the factorizations at each node
###    result <- clusterEvalQ(cls,
###       {
###       r <- Reco()
###       train_set <- 
###          data_memory(ratingsIn[,1],ratingsIn[,2],ratingsIn[,3],index1=TRUE)
###       r$train(train_set,opts = list(dim=rnk,nmf=nmf))
###       res <- r$output(out_memory(),out_memory())
###       assign(pqName,res,envir = .GlobalEnv)
###       result <- pqName
###       class(result) <- 'RecoS3par'
###       result
###       })
###    result[[1]]
### }

#######################  predict.RecoS3Par  ***************************

#######################  NOTICE  ***************************

# discontinued; see above

### # predicts using Reco, like predict.RecoS3(), but in a distributed
### # manner:  for any given case, predicts that case at each worker node, 
### predict.RecoS3par <- function(RecoS3parObj,testSet,cls) 
### {
###    clusterExport(cls,c('RecoS3parObj','predict.RecoS3','testSet'),
###       envir=environment())
###    # prep to call predict.RecoS3() at each worker node
###    clusterEvalQ(cls,pq <- get(RecoS3parObj))
###    clusterEvalQ(cls,class(pq) <- 'RecoS3')
###    # now, do the prediction; some will return NA, due to a missing user
###    # and item at one of the nodes
###    preds <- clusterEvalQ(cls,pred <- predict(pq,testSet))
###    # now average them 
###    predmatrix <- matrix(unlist(preds),ncol=nrow(testSet),byrow=TRUE)
###    colMeans(predmatrix,na.rm=TRUE)
### }
### testTrainPredict <- function() 
### {
###    # the 2 sets of predictions should be within about 5% of each other
###    cls <- makeCluster(2)
###    setclsinfo(cls)
###    getML100K(datadir='~/Research/DataSets/MovieLens/ML100K/ml-100k')
###    set.seed(99999)
###    testSet <- uduu[sample(1:nrow(uduu),250),]
###    mlout <- trainReco(uduu,rnk=75)
###    predict(mlout,testSet)
###    mloutpar <- trainRecoPar(uduu,rnk=75,cls=cls)
###    predict(mloutpar,testSet,cls=cls)
### }
matloff/rectools documentation built on March 31, 2022, 12:09 p.m.