Man pages for matloff/regtools
Regression and Classification Tools

courseRecordsRecords from several offerings of a certain course.
currencyPre-Euro Era Currency Fluctuations
dayBike sharing data.
englishEnglish vocabulary data
factorsDummiesFactor Conversion Utilities
falldetectionFall Detection Data
FineTuningGrid Search Plus More
GraphicsMisc. Graphics
knnestk-NN Nonparametric Regression and Classification
krsFitTools for Neural Networks
lmacAvailable Cases Method for Missing Data
ltrfreqsLetter Frequencies
mlbMajor Leage Baseball player data set.
mlensMovieLens User Summary Data
mmMethod of Moments, Including Possible Regression Terms
newadultUCI adult income data set, adapted
nlshcHeteroscedastic Nonlinear Regression
oliveoilsItalian olive oils data set.
ovalogtrnClassification with More Than 2 Classes
PenrosePenrose-Inverse Linear Models and Polynomial Regression
phonemePhoneme Data
prgengSilicon Valley programmers and engineers data
quizDocsCourse quiz documents
regtools-packageOverview and Package Reference Guide
ridgelmRidge Regression
SwissRollSwiss Roll
textToXYTools for Text Classification
TSTransform Time Series to Rectangular Form
unscaleMiscellaneous Utilities
weatherTSWeather Time Series
yell10kNew York Taxi Data
matloff/regtools documentation built on Sept. 17, 2024, 4:50 a.m.