#' R6 Class Representing the Safari Zone from Pokemon Blue (1998)
#' @description
#' An \code{\link[R6]{R6Class}} object to simulate simplified gameplay elements
#' of the Safari Zone sub-area from \emph{Pokemon Blue} (1998).
#' @details
#' The first generation of \emph{Pokemon} games were developed for the Nintendo
#' Game Boy by Game Freak (\url{https://www.gamefreak.co.jp/}) and published by
#' Nintendo (\url{https://www.nintendo.com}). Pokemon as a property is owned by
#' The Pokemon Company (\url{https://www.pokemon.co.jp/}).
#' @export
#' @examples \dontrun{ x <- safar6::safari_zone$new() }
safari_zone <- R6::R6Class("SafariZone",
public = list(
# Fields ----
#' @field name Character. Player's name.
name = "BLUE",
#' @field steps Numeric. Steps remaining (500 at start).
steps = 500,
#' @field balls Numeric. Safari Balls remaining (30 at start).
balls = 30,
#' @field captures Numeric. Count of wild Pokemon captured (0 at start).
captures = 0,
#' @field bills_pc Dataframe. Details of wild Pokemon caught (empty at
#' start).
bills_pc = data.frame(nickname = NULL, species = NULL, level = NULL),
# Methods ----
#' @description Create a new Safari Zone object.
#' @return A \code{SafariZone}-class object.
initialize = function() {
# Ask for player name
cat_tw("First, what is your name?\n")
"NEW NAME (1)\nBLUE (2)\nGARY (3)\nJOHN (4)\n",
sep = ""
# Restrict answer possibilities
response_name <- 0 # set variable outside 1 to 4 to start
while (!response_name %in% 1:4) {
response_name <- readline("Select 1, 2, 3 or 4: ")
# Set player name
if (response_name == "1") {
response_name <- readline("Your name: ") # ask interactively for name
self$name <- response_name
} else if (response_name == "2") {
self$name <- "BLUE"
} else if (response_name == "3") {
self$name <- "GARY"
} else if (response_name == "4") {
self$name <- "JOHN"
# Welcome message
"Welcome to the SAFARI ZONE!\n",
"For just P500, you can catch all the\n",
"Pokemon you want in the park!\n",
"Would you like to join the hunt?\n"
"MONEY: P500\n",
"YES (1) or NO (2)\n",
sep = ""
# Restrict answer possibilities
response_pay <- 0 # set variable outside 1 or 2 to start
while (!response_pay %in% 1:2) {
response_pay <- readline("Select 1 or 2: ")
if (response_pay == "1") {
# Instructions to player
cat_tw("That'll be P500 please!\n")
"MONEY: P0\n",
sep = ""
"We only use a special POKe BALL here.\n",
self$name, " received 30 SAFARI BALLs!\n",
"We'll call you on the PA when you run\n",
"out of time or SAFARI BALLs!\n"
} else if (response_pay == "2") {
# Lol, you do want to play!
cat_tw("...", 1)
cat_tw("That'll be P500 please!\n")
"MONEY: P0\n",
sep = ""
"We only use a special POKe BALL here.\n",
self$name, " received 30 SAFARI BALLs!\n",
"We'll call you on the PA when you run\n",
"out of time or SAFARI BALLs!\n"
#' @description
#' Create a new Safari Zone print method.
#' @return A console message with steps and balls remaining.
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' x <- safar6::safari_zone$new() # initialise class
#' x$print() # print the object, see stats
#' }
print = function() {
paste0(self$steps, "/500\n"),
paste0("BALLx", self$balls, "\n"),
paste0("BILL's PC: ", self$captures, "\n"),
sep = ""
#' @description
#' Simulate the pause function from the original game.
#' @return A console message with steps and balls remaining.
#' @seealso \code{\link{print}}
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' x <- safar6::safari_zone$new() # intialise class
#' x$pause() # 'pause' the game, see stats
#' }
pause = function() {
#' @description
#' Take a step in the Safari Zone.
#' @return Either nothing, or a wild encounter.
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' x <- safar6::safari_zone$new() # initialise class
#' x$step() # take step, prints steps remaining
#' }
step = function() {
# Adjust and check steps ----
# Reduce step count field by 1
if (self$steps > 0) {
self$steps <- self$steps - 1
cat(paste0(self$steps, "/500\n")) # let player know steps remaining
# Check if steps have run out, end game if so
if (self$steps == 0) {
# End-game notice and results
"PA: Ding-dong!\nTime's up!\nPA: Your SAFARI GAME is over!\n",
"Did you get a good haul?\nCome again!\n"
"------------------------\nResult: ",
self$captures, " transferred to BILL's PC\n",
sep = ""
# Print details of any catches
if (self$captures > 0) print(self$bills_pc)
# Begin encounter ----
if (sample(0:255, 1) < 30 & # Safari Zone base encounter rate is 30
self$steps > 0 & self$balls > 0) { # balls/steps must be non-zero
# The encounter has begun, set variable
# The while-Loop of turns is broken when this gets modified to FALSE
encounter_active <- TRUE
# Wild Pokemon selection, IV calculation ----
# Select a random species/level weighted by encounter rate
pkmn <-
safar6::pokemon[sample(seq_along(safar6::pokemon), 1,
prob = safar6::pokemon$encounter_rate), ]
# Print notice of the wild Pokemon selected
"Wild ", pkmn$species, paste0(" L", pkmn$level), " appeared!\n"
# Set individual values (IVs)
iv_atk <- sample(1:15, 1) # attack
iv_def <- sample(1:15, 1) # defence
iv_spd <- sample(1:15, 1) # speed
iv_spc <- sample(1:15, 1) # 'special'
# The HP IV depends on the other IVs and whether they're odd
iv_hp <- 0
if (iv_atk %% 2 != 0) iv_hp <- iv_hp + 8
if (iv_def %% 2 != 0) iv_hp <- iv_hp + 4
if (iv_spd %% 2 != 0) iv_hp <- iv_hp + 2
if (iv_spc %% 2 != 0) iv_hp <- iv_hp + 1
# Calculate the individual HP and speed for the wild Pokemon
pkmn$hp_indiv <- floor(
(((pkmn$hp_base + iv_hp) * 2) * pkmn$level) / 100
) + pkmn$level + 10
pkmn$speed_indiv <-
floor((((pkmn$speed_base + iv_spd) * 2) * pkmn$level) / 100) + 5
# Set variables for modifiable statuses that impact catch chance
status_eating <- 0
status_angry <- 0
status_catch <- pkmn$catch_base
# Start the turns of the encounter ----
# Turns loop from player to Pokemon until encounter_active is FALSE
while (encounter_active == TRUE & self$steps > 0) {
# Adjust eating/anger status ----
# Pokemon's accrued anger/eating values depleted by 1 if non-zero
if (status_eating > 0) {
cat_tw(c("Wild ", pkmn$species, " is eating!\n"))
status_eating <- status_eating - 1
} else if (status_angry > 0) {
cat_tw(c("Wild ", pkmn$species, " is angry!\n"))
status_angry <- status_angry - 1
if (status_angry == 0) {
status_catch <- pkmn$catch_base # returns to original rate
# Player's turn ----
# Ask player to choose from options
formatC(self$balls, width = 2, format = "d", flag = "0")
" (1) BAIT (2)\nTHROW ROCK (3) RUN (4)\n",
sep = ""
# Collect player's selection, re-ask if not 1 to 4
response_action <- 0 # set variable outside 1 to 4 to start
while (!response_action %in% 1:4) {
response_action <- readline("Select 1, 2, 3 or 4: ")
# Ifelse chain dependent on player's choice
if (response_action == "1") { # throw Safari Ball
# Chose to throw ball ----
cat_tw(c(self$name, " used SAFARI BALL!\n"))
# Reduce ball count by 1
self$balls <- self$balls - 1
# Define HP-related catch factor, 'F'
f1 <- (pkmn$hp_indiv * 255) / 12 # 12 is Safari Ball factor
f2 <- max(pkmn$hp_indiv / 4, 1) # divide by 4, but can't be 0
f3 <- min(f1 / f2, 255) # divide but can't be >255
# Define wobble factor, 'w'
w <- (floor((pkmn$catch_base * 100) / 150) * f3) / 255 # wobble
s <- 1 # wobble delay in seconds
# Generate RNG for ball and HP
ball_rng <- sample(0:150, 1) # 150 specific to Safari Ball
hp_rng <- sample(0:255, 1)
# Ifelse for capture
if (status_catch < ball_rng) { # ball-related catch fail
# Breakout
cat_tw("Darn! The POKeMON broke free!\n")
} else if (status_catch >= ball_rng) { # ball-related catch success
if (f3 >= hp_rng) { # capture
# Wobble
cat_tw("Wobble... ")
cat_tw("Wobble... ")
# Print capture notice, ask for nickname
"All right!\n", pkmn$species, " was caught!\n",
"Do you want to give a nickname to ", pkmn$species, "?\n"
"YES (1) or NO (2)\n",
sep = ""
# Collect player's response, must be 1 or 2
response_nickname <- 0 # set variable outside 1 or 2 to start
while (!response_nickname %in% 1:2) {
response_nickname <- readline("Select 1 or 2: ")
# Prompt for nickname if yes, otherwise nickname is species name
if (response_nickname == "2") {
pkmn$nickname <- pkmn$species # assign species to nickname
cat_tw(c(pkmn$species, " was transferred to BILL's PC!\n"))
} else if (response_nickname == "1") {
response_nickname <- readline("Nickname: ") # ask for name
pkmn$nickname <- response_nickname # assign to wild Pokemon
response_nickname, " was transferred to BILL's PC!\n"
# Incrementcapture counter by 1
self$captures <- self$captures + 1
# Append captured Pokemon information to Bill's PC field
self$bills_pc <- rbind(
nickname = pkmn$nickname,
species = pkmn$species,
level = pkmn$level
# Break loop, Pokemon was captured
encounter_active <- FALSE
} else { # second break-free chance, based on wobble factor
# HP always max in Safari Zone, so multi-wobble unlikely
if (w < 10) {
cat_tw("The ball missed the POKeMON!\n")
} else if (w %in% 10:29) {
cat_tw("Darn! The POKeMON broke free!\n")
} else if (w %in% 30:69) {
cat_tw("Wobble... ")
cat_tw("Aww! It appeared to be caught!\n")
} else if (w > 70) {
cat_tw("Wobble... ")
cat_tw("Wobble... ")
cat_tw("Shoot! It was so close too!\n")
} else if (response_action == "2") { # throw bait
# Chose to throw bait ----
cat_tw(c(self$name, " threw some BAIT.\n"))
# Make status adjustments
status_catch <- floor(status_catch / 2) # halve catch rate
status_eating <- status_eating + sample(1:5, 1) # adjust +1 to 5
status_eating <- min(status_eating, 255) # cap at 255
status_angry <- 0 # reset anger status
} else if (response_action == "3") { # throw rock
# Chose to throw a rock ----
cat_tw(c(self$name, " threw a ROCK.\n"))
# Make status adjustments
status_catch <- min(status_catch * 2, 255) # double catch rate
status_angry <- status_angry + sample(1:5, 1) # adjust +1 to 5
status_angry <- min(status_angry, 255) # cap at 255
status_eating <- 0 # reset eating status
} else if (response_action == "4") { # exit encounter
# Chose to run ----
cat_tw("Got away safely!\n")
# Break loop, player has voluntarily left the encounter
encounter_active <- FALSE
# Wild Pokemon's turn ----
# Define chance to run away, 'x', based on individual speed
x <- (pkmn$speed_indiv %% 256) * 2
# Adjust run chance based on eating/anger status
if (status_eating > 0) {
x <- x / 4 # flee chance reduced to a quarter
} else if (status_angry > 0) {
x <- min(x * 2, 255) # flee chance doubled
# Set flee RNG
flee_rng <- sample(0:255, 1)
if (encounter_active == TRUE & flee_rng < x) {
cat_tw(c("Wild ", pkmn$species, " ran away!\n"))
encounter_active <- FALSE # break loop, Pokemon has fled
# Check ball counter ----
# Check if balls remain
if (self$balls == 0) {
# End game notice and results
"PA: Ding-dong!\nTime's up!\nPA: Your SAFARI GAME is over!\n",
"Did you get a good haul?\nCome again!\n"
"------------------------\nResult: ",
self$captures, " transferred to BILL's PC\n",
sep = ""
# Print details of any catches
if (self$captures > 0) print(self$bills_pc)
# Game is over, no more steps can be taken, set field to 0
self$steps <- 0
# Break loop, player is out of balls and the game is over
encounter_active <- FALSE
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