#' Display plots
#' @param ptList A list of plots to display.
#' @param figureRows The number of rows in the figure.
#' @param singlePlot An integer indicating the index of the plot to display.
#' @param multiPage Whether to display plots on multiple pages.
#' @param bxpt Whether to display boxplots. Default: `FALSE`.
#' @export
displayPlots <- function(ptList, figureRows, singlePlot, multiPage, bxpt = FALSE){
nPlot <- length(ptList)
if(!is.null(singlePlot)) {
if(singlePlot > length(ptList)) stop(paste("If specified, the \"singlePlot\" argument must be an integer between 1 and ", length(ptList), " for this object."))
else if(multiPage){
for(i in 1:length(ptList)) print(ptList[[i]])
if(bxpt) figureRows <- length(ptList)
figureRows <- 1
if(nPlot > 2 & nPlot <= 6) figureRows <- 2
if(nPlot > 6) figureRows <- 3
figCol <- ceiling(nPlot/figureRows)
if(dev.cur() == 1) dev.new()
curCol <- curRow <- 1
for(i in 1:(nPlot-1)){
print(ptList[[i]], split = c(curCol,curRow,nx = figCol,ny = figureRows), more = TRUE)
if(curCol < figCol){
curCol <- curCol + 1
else {
curCol <- 1
curRow <- curRow + 1
print(ptList[[nPlot]], split = c(curCol,curRow,nx = figCol,ny = figureRows), more = FALSE)
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