
Defines functions findNoiseFaimsData.sd denoiseFaimsData getNeighbourIndices findNoiseFaimsData.localCorr denoiseFaimsData.localCorr

Documented in denoiseFaimsData denoiseFaimsData.localCorr findNoiseFaimsData.localCorr findNoiseFaimsData.sd getNeighbourIndices

#' Identify background noise from FAIMS data
#' Identifies pixels likely to be solely noise based on standard deviation.
#' @param FAIMSObject FAIMS object
#' @param fractionNoise The percentage of pixels to identify as "noise"
#' @return Logical vector containing TRUE when columns are noise
#' @export
findNoiseFaimsData.sd <- function(faimsObject, fractionNoise=0.65, plot=TRUE) {
  if (!inherits(faimsObject, "FAIMS")) stop("faimsObject must inherit class FAIMS")
  dataMatrix <- faimsObject$data
  faimsDim <- FAIMSObject$faimsDim

  colSd <- apply(dataMatrix, 2, sd)
  threshold <- quantile(colSd, fractionNoise)
  noise <- colSd < threshold
  if (plot) {
    image(matrix(colSd, faimsDim[1]), useRaster=T, main="Variable Standard Deviation")
    image(matrix(noise, faimsDim[1]), useRaster=T, main="Excluded Variables")


#' Remove background noise from FAIMS data
#' Denoises FAIMS data. First identifies pixels likely to be solely noise (mean
#' value across all samples close to zero). Then identifies a value to subtract
#' from all pixels by taking the fractionToRemove quantile of all the values in
#' the noise pixels, and subtracts this from the absolute value of each pixels,
#' zeroing any values which are negative after subtracting background noise.
#' @param FAIMSObject FAIMS object
#' @param fractionNoise The percentage of pixels to identify as "noise"
#' @param fractionToRemove The quantile value of the noise pixels to subtract from
#' all pixels
#' @return a denoised FAIMS data matrix
#' @export
denoiseFaimsData <- function(faimsObject, fractionNoise=0.05, fractionToRemove=0.99) {
  if (!inherits(faimsObject, "FAIMS")) stop("faimsObject must inherit class FAIMS")
  dataMatrix <- faimsObject$data
  dataColSums <- abs(colSums(dataMatrix))
  threshold <- quantile(dataColSums, fractionNoise)
  noise <- which(dataColSums < threshold)

  dataMatrix <- abs(dataMatrix)
  noiseThreshold <- quantile(dataMatrix[, noise], fractionToRemove)

  dataMatrix <- dataMatrix - noiseThreshold
  dataMatrix[dataMatrix < 0] <- 0
  out <- faimsObject
  out$data <- dataMatrix

#' Get Neighbour Indices
#' Return the vector indices of a matrix cell's neighbours
#' @param index index of the cell in the vector
#' @param width width of neighbourhood
#' @param height height of neighbourhood
#' @param faimsDim FAIMS matrix dimensions
#' @return a vector of neighbour indices
getNeighbourIndices <- function(index, width, height, faimsDim) {
  rowNeighbours <- (index - width):(index + width)
  keepRowNeighbours <- ceiling(rowNeighbours / faimsDim[1]) == ceiling(index / faimsDim[1])
  rowNeighbours <- rowNeighbours[keepRowNeighbours]

  neighbours <- c()
  for (i in 0:height) {
    neighbours <- c(neighbours, rowNeighbours + faimsDim[1] * i)
    if (i != 0) {
      neighbours <- c(neighbours, rowNeighbours - faimsDim[1] * i)

  numPixels <- prod(faimsDim)
  matrixNum <- ceiling(index / numPixels)

  keep <- which(neighbours > numPixels * (matrixNum - 1)
                & neighbours <= numPixels * matrixNum
                & neighbours != index)

  neighbours <- neighbours[keep]

#' Remove background noise from FAIMS data using local correlations
#' The signal in FAIMS data exhibits a high degree of local correlation. This
#' function zeroes out a fraction of pixels with the lowest degree of local
#' correlation.
#' @param FAIMSObject a FAIMS object
#' @param neighbourhoodSize the size of the neighbourhood in which to look for local correlations
#' @param alpha p-value required for a pixel to be considered correlated to its neighbours
#' @return Logical vector containing TRUE when columns are noise
#' @export
findNoiseFaimsData.localCorr <- function(FAIMSObject,
                                         neighbourhoodSizeCol=1, neighbourhoodSizeRow=1,
                                         fractionToRemove=0.65, plot=TRUE) {
  if (!inherits(FAIMSObject, "FAIMS")) stop("faimsObject must inherit class FAIMS")
  dataMatrix <- FAIMSObject$data
  faimsDim <- FAIMSObject$faimsDim

  n <- nrow(dataMatrix)
  scores <- numeric(ncol(dataMatrix))
  for (i in 1:ncol(dataMatrix)) {
    scores[i] <- mean(cor(dataMatrix[,getNeighbourIndices(i,

  noise <- scores < quantile(scores, fractionToRemove)
  if (plot) {
    image(matrix(scores, faimsDim[1]), useRaster=T, main="Local Correlation Scores")
    image(matrix(noise, faimsDim[1]), useRaster=T, main="Excluded Variables")

#' Remove background noise from FAIMS data using local correlations
#' The signal in FAIMS data exhibits a high degree of local correlation. This
#' function zeroes out a fraction of pixels with the lowest degree of local
#' correlation.
#' @param FAIMSObject a FAIMS object
#' @param alpha p-value required for a pixel to be considered correlated to its neighbours
#' @param neighbourhoodSizeCol number of neighbouring columns to include in the neighbourhood
#' @param neighbourhoodSizeRow number of neighbouring rows to include in the neighbourhood
#' @param plot logical - display plots with useful information?
#' @return A FAIMS data matrix
#' @export
denoiseFaimsData.localCorr <- function(FAIMSObject,
                                       neighbourhoodSizeCol=1, neighbourhoodSizeRow=1,
                                       alpha=0.05, plot=TRUE) {
  if (!inherits(FAIMSObject, "FAIMS")) stop("FAIMSObject must inherit class FAIMS")
  dataMatrix <- FAIMSObject$data
  faimsDim <- FAIMSObject$faimsDim

  n <- nrow(dataMatrix)
  scores <- numeric(ncol(dataMatrix))
  dataMatrix <- scale(dataMatrix, center=T, scale=F)
  for (i in 1:ncol(dataMatrix)) {
    var.cor <- cor(rowMeans(dataMatrix[,getNeighbourIndices(i,
    t.value <- var.cor * sqrt(n - 2) / sqrt(1 - var.cor^2)
    scores[i] <- (1 - pt(abs(t.value), n - 2)) * 2

  signal <- (1:ncol(dataMatrix) %in% SGoF(scores, alpha))

  if (plot) {
    image(matrix(scores, faimsDim[1]), useRaster=T, main="Local Correlation Scores")
    image(matrix(signal, faimsDim[1]), useRaster=T, main="Informative Variables")

  dataMatrix <- abs(dataMatrix)
  if (length(signal) > 0) {
    half.index <- logical(ncol(dataMatrix))
    half.index[1:(ncol(dataMatrix) / 2)] <- TRUE
    max.1 <- as.numeric(quantile(dataMatrix[, half.index & !signal], 0.99))
    max.2 <- as.numeric(quantile(dataMatrix[, !half.index & !signal], 0.99))
    dataMatrix[, half.index] <- dataMatrix[, half.index] - max.1
    dataMatrix[, !half.index] <- dataMatrix[, !half.index] - max.2
    dataMatrix[as.logical(dataMatrix < 0)] <- 0
  } else {
    stop("No non-noise pixels found.")
  FAIMSObject$data <- dataMatrix
mattdneal/FAIMSToolkit documentation built on May 21, 2019, 12:57 p.m.