#' unif_ctff_series
#' This function calculates the quantile of sup_v|tauhat(v) - tau(v)| / sigma(v)
#' when tauhat(x) is based on a orthogonal series second stage regression.
#' @param design.mat.v0 design matrix of evaluation points.
#' @param design.mat.v design matrix of observed v points.
#' @param residuals observed residuals, i.e. pseudo.y - fitted.
#' @param B number of bootstrap replications.
#' @param alpha 1-confidence level, e.g. alpha = 0.05.
#' @return a list containing the following components:
#' \item{cutoff}{ the estimated quantile}
#' \item{sigma.hat}{ vector of estimated standard devition of sigma(v)}
#' \item{Omega.hat.sqrt}{ Omega matrix}
#' @export
#' @references Chernozhukov et al (2014).
unif_ctff_series <- function(design.mat.v0, residuals, design.mat, B, alpha) {
# estimate c_n(1-alpha) such that
# P(sup_v|tauhat(v) - tau(v)| / sigma(v) <= c_n(1-alpha)) = 1 - alpha - o(1)
# using the method by Chernozhukov et al (2014) where
# tauhat is based on orthogonal series regression.
norm.sq <- function(x) sqrt(sum(x^2))
k <- ncol(design.mat)
n <- nrow(design.mat)
Q.hat <- t(design.mat) %*% design.mat / n
Q.hat.inv <- solve(Q.hat)
res.mat <- matrix(residuals, ncol = k, nrow = n, byrow = FALSE)
Sigma.hat <- t(design.mat * res.mat) %*% (design.mat * res.mat) / n
Omega.hat <- Q.hat.inv %*% Sigma.hat %*% Q.hat.inv
Omega.hat.sqrt <- expm::sqrtm(Omega.hat)
sigma.hat <- apply(Omega.hat.sqrt %*% t(design.mat.v0), 2, norm.sq) / sqrt(n)
sigma.hat.mat <- matrix(sigma.hat, ncol = k, nrow = nrow(design.mat.v0),
byrow = FALSE)
mult <- design.mat.v0 %*% Omega.hat.sqrt / (sigma.hat.mat * sqrt(n))
gauss <- matrix(rnorm(k * B), ncol = B, nrow = k)
res <- apply(abs(mult %*% gauss), 2, max)
return(list(cutoff = quantile(res, 1-alpha), sigma.hat = sigma.hat,
Omega.hat.sqrt = Omega.hat.sqrt))
#' cate_lvl_set
#' This function estimates the upper level set of the cate
#' @param theta the user-specified level
#' @param cate.obj a list of predictions of the cate at v0, fitted cate values,
#' residuals, design matrix at v0 and design matrix at oberved V.
#' @param set_type string indicating if upper level set, lower level set or level set
#' should be computed. Currently ignored.
#' @param se boolean for whether confidence sets should be returned.
#' @param B number of bootstrap replications, ignored if se = FALSE.
#' @param alpha 1-confidence level, ignored if se = FALSE.
#' @return a list containing the following components:
#' \item{level_set}{ the estimated level sets}
#' \item{chat.l}{ lower confidence set}
#' \item{chat.u}{ upper confidence set}
#' \item{cutoff}{ cutoff from multiplier bootstrap}
#' @export
cate_lvl_set <- function(theta, cate.obj, set_type = "upper",
se = TRUE, B = 1000, alpha = 0.05) {
# it currently works only when effect modifiers are 2D
cate.vals <- cate.obj$predictions
v0 <- cate.obj$v0
cate.vals <- matrix(cate.vals, nrow = length(v0$v1),
ncol = length(v0$v2), byrow = FALSE)
res <- contourLines(x = v0$v1, y = v0$v2, z = cate.vals, levels = theta)
is.there.lvl.set <- min(cate.vals) <= theta & theta <= max(cate.vals)
if(is.there.lvl.set) {
res.binded <- data.frame(x = numeric(), y = numeric(), region = numeric())
for(i in 1:length(res)) {
tmp <- res[[i]]
res.binded <- rbind(res.binded, data.frame(x = tmp$x, y = tmp$y,
region = i))
else res.binded <- cbind(x = -1, y = -1)
if(se) {
residuals <- cate.obj$residuals
design.mat <- cate.obj$design.mat
design.mat.v0 <- cate.obj$design.mat.v0
res.boot <- unif_ctff_series(design.mat.v0, residuals = residuals,
design.mat = design.mat, B = B, alpha = alpha)
ctf <- res.boot$cutoff
sigma.hat <- res.boot$sigma.hat
ctf.l <- matrix(theta + sigma.hat * ctf, byrow = FALSE, ncol = length(v0$v2),
nrow = length(v0$v1))
ctf.u <- matrix(theta - sigma.hat * ctf, byrow = FALSE, ncol = length(v0$v2),
nrow = length(v0$v1))
chat.l <- cate.vals > ctf.l
chat.u <- cate.vals >= ctf.u
} else chat.l <- chat.u <- ctf <- NA
ret <- list(level.set = res.binded, chat.l = chat.l, chat.u = chat.u,
cutoff = ctf, level.set.list = res)
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