
Defines functions conditional_edge_prediction

Documented in conditional_edge_prediction

#' @title A Function to predict edge weights from a GERGM fit object.
#' @description Performs edgewise predictions from a GERGM model fit.
#' @param GERGM_Object A GERGM object output by the gergm() estimation function.
#' The following terms must still be specified: number_of_networks_to_simulate,
#' thin, and MCMC_burnin. proposal_variance may also be specified, or if set
#' equal to NULL, then the proposal variance from parameter estimation will be
#' instead (this option is likely preferred in most situations).
#' @param simulation_method Default is "Metropolis" which allows for exponential
#' down weighting, can also be "Gibbs".
#' @param number_of_networks_to_simulate Number of simulations generated for
#' estimation via MCMC. Default is 500.
#' @param thin The proportion of samples that are kept from each simulation. For
#' example, thin = 1/200 will keep every 200th network in the overall simulated
#' sample. Default is 1.
#' @param proposal_variance The variance specified for the Metropolis Hastings
#' simulation method. This parameter is inversely proportional to the average
#' acceptance rate of the M-H sampler and should be adjusted so that the average
#' acceptance rate is approximately 0.25. Default is 0.1.
#' @param MCMC_burnin Number of samples from the MCMC simulation procedure that
#' will be discarded before drawing the samples used for estimation. Default is
#' 100.
#' @param seed Seed used for reproducibility. Default is 123.
#' @param return_constrained_networks Logical argument indicating whether
#' simulated networks should be transformed back to observed scale or whether
#' constrained [0,1] networks should be returned. Defaults to FALSE, in which
#' case networks are returned on observed scale.
#' @param optimize_proposal_variance Logical indicating whether proposal
#' variance should be optimized if using Metropolis Hastings for simulation.
#' Defaults to FALSE.
#' @param target_accept_rate Defaults to 0.25, can be used to optimize
#' Metropolis Hastings simulations.
#' @param use_stochastic_MH A logical indicating whether a stochastic approximation
#' to the h statistics should be used under Metropolis Hastings in-between
#' thinned samples. This may dramatically speed up estimation. Defaults to FALSE.
#' @param stochastic_MH_proportion Percentage of dyads/triads to use for
#' approximation, defaults to 0.25
#' @return A list object containing simulated networks.
#' @export
conditional_edge_prediction <- function(
  simulation_method = c("Metropolis","Gibbs"),
  number_of_networks_to_simulate = 500,
  thin = 1,
  proposal_variance = 0.1,
  MCMC_burnin = 100,
  seed = 123,
  return_constrained_networks = FALSE,
  optimize_proposal_variance = FALSE,
  target_accept_rate = 0.25,
  use_stochastic_MH = FALSE,
  stochastic_MH_proportion = 1

  # a GERGM_Object was provided
  if (!is.null(proposal_variance)) {
    GERGM_Object@proposal_variance <- proposal_variance
  GERGM_Object@number_of_simulations <- number_of_networks_to_simulate
  GERGM_Object@thin <- thin
  GERGM_Object@burnin <- MCMC_burnin
  network_is_directed <- GERGM_Object@directed_network

  # hard coded possible stats
  possible_structural_terms <- c("out2stars", "in2stars", "ctriads", "mutual", "ttriads","edges", "diagonal")

  if (network_is_directed) {
    possible_structural_term_indices <- 1:7
  } else {
    possible_structural_term_indices <- c(2,5,6,7)

  if (optimize_proposal_variance){
    if (simulation_method == "Metropolis") {
      GERGM_Object@proposal_variance <- Optimize_Proposal_Variance(
        GERGM_Object = GERGM_Object,
        seed2 = seed,
        possible.stats = possible_structural_terms,
        verbose = TRUE,
        max_updates = 50,
        fine_grained_optimization = TRUE,
        iteration_fraction = 1)
      cat("Proposal variance optimization complete! Proposal variance is:",
          "--------- END HYPERPARAMETER OPTIMIZATION ---------",

  Edge_Predictions <- edge_predictions_bounded_scale <- NULL
  if (GERGM_Object@include_diagonal) {
    num_combinations <- GERGM_Object@num_nodes * GERGM_Object@num_nodes
  } else {
    num_combinations <- GERGM_Object@num_nodes * (GERGM_Object@num_nodes -1)

  counter <- 1
  # get samples of each edge value and store them in an array.
  for (i in 1:GERGM_Object@num_nodes) {
    for (j in 1:GERGM_Object@num_nodes) {
      if (network_is_directed) {
        if (GERGM_Object@include_diagonal) {
          cat("Predicting edge:",counter, "of",num_combinations,"...\n")
          counter <- counter + 1
          temp <- Simulate_GERGM(GERGM_Object,
                                 seed1 = seed,
                                 possible.stats = possible_structural_terms,
                                 predict_conditional_edges = TRUE,
                                 i = i,
                                 j = j)
          simulated_scale <- temp@MCMC_output$Networks[i,j,]
          # covert back to observed scale (so we incorporate in covariate effects)
          temp2 <- convert_simulated_networks_to_observed_scale(temp)
          obs_scale <- temp2@MCMC_output$Networks[i,j,]
          #now get and save the edge sample
          edge_values <- temp2@MCMC_output$Networks[i,j,]

          max_ent_values <- runif(length(simulated_scale))
          # put the edges in the GERGM object
          temp@MCMC_output$Networks[i,j,] <- max_ent_values
          # covert back to observed scale (so we incorporate in covariate effects)
          temp2 <- convert_simulated_networks_to_observed_scale(temp)
          #now get and save the edge sample
          max_ent_observed_scale <- temp2@MCMC_output$Networks[i,j,]

          # initialize this way to make sure we get dimensions right
          if (is.null(Edge_Predictions)) {
            Edge_Predictions <- array(0,dim = c(GERGM_Object@num_nodes,
            edge_predictions_bounded_scale <- array(0,dim = c(GERGM_Object@num_nodes,
            # for the max ent predictions
            Max_Ent_Edge_Predictions <- Edge_Predictions

          # fill in the spot in the array
          Edge_Predictions[i,j,] <- edge_values
          edge_predictions_bounded_scale[i,j,] <- simulated_scale
          Max_Ent_Edge_Predictions[i,j,] <- max_ent_observed_scale

        } else {
          if (i != j) {
            cat("Predicting edge:",counter, "of",num_combinations,"...\n")
            counter <- counter + 1
            temp <- Simulate_GERGM(GERGM_Object,
                                   seed1 = seed,
                                   possible.stats = possible_structural_terms,
                                   predict_conditional_edges = TRUE,
                                   i = i,
                                   j = j)
            simulated_scale <- temp@MCMC_output$Networks[i,j,]
            # covert back to observed scale (so we incorporate in covariate effects)
            temp2 <- convert_simulated_networks_to_observed_scale(temp)
            obs_scale <- temp2@MCMC_output$Networks[i,j,]
            #now get and save the edge sample
            edge_values <- temp2@MCMC_output$Networks[i,j,]

            max_ent_values <- runif(length(simulated_scale))
            # put the edges in the GERGM object
            temp@MCMC_output$Networks[i,j,] <- max_ent_values
            # covert back to observed scale (so we incorporate in covariate effects)
            temp2 <- convert_simulated_networks_to_observed_scale(temp)
            #now get and save the edge sample
            max_ent_observed_scale <- temp2@MCMC_output$Networks[i,j,]

            # initialize this way to make sure we get dimensions right
            if (is.null(Edge_Predictions)) {
              Edge_Predictions <- array(0,dim = c(GERGM_Object@num_nodes,
              edge_predictions_bounded_scale <- array(0,dim = c(GERGM_Object@num_nodes,
              # for the max ent predictions
              Max_Ent_Edge_Predictions <- Edge_Predictions

            # fill in the spot in the array
            Edge_Predictions[i,j,] <- edge_values
            edge_predictions_bounded_scale[i,j,] <- simulated_scale
            Max_Ent_Edge_Predictions[i,j,] <- max_ent_observed_scale
      } else {
        # undirected network
        if (GERGM_Object@include_diagonal) {
          if (j <= i) {
            cat("Predicting edge:",counter, "of",num_combinations/2,"...\n")
            counter <- counter + 1

            # now get max entropy conditional corr values
            if (GERGM_Object@beta_correlation_model) {
              max_ent_observed_scale <- draw_max_entropy_conditional_uniform_corr(
                n = number_of_networks_to_simulate,
                increment = .0001)

              sampling_weights <- rep(0,number_of_networks_to_simulate)
              exp_theta_h <- rep(0,number_of_networks_to_simulate)
              pdf_term <- rep(0,number_of_networks_to_simulate)

              statistic_auxiliary_data <- GERGM_Object@statistic_auxiliary_data
              # save this since we are going to alter it
              bounded_net <- GERGM_Object@bounded.network
              # #figure out which term we are dealing with in the lower diagonal
              P <- matrix(1:(GERGM_Object@num_nodes^2),
                          nrow = GERGM_Object@num_nodes,
                          ncol = GERGM_Object@num_nodes)
              inds <- P[lower.tri(P, diag = FALSE)]
              lower_diag_index <- which(inds == P[i,j])
              for (n in 1:number_of_networks_to_simulate) {
                #create the current network
                net <- GERGM_Object@network
                net[i,j] <- max_ent_observed_scale[n]
                net[j,i] <- max_ent_observed_scale[n]
                # transform to [0,1]
                GERGM_Object@bounded.network <- pbt(net,
                h_stats <- calculate_h_statistics(GERGM_Object,
                # h_stats <- h_stats[statistic_auxiliary_data$specified_statistic_indexes_in_full_statistics]
                #  no longer taking exp here as we are going to work in log space
                numerator_term <- sum(GERGM_Object@theta.coef[1,]*h_stats)

                product_term <- dbt(net,

                sampling_weights[n] <- numerator_term + log(product_term)
                exp_theta_h[n] <- numerator_term
                pdf_term[n] <- log(product_term)
              cat("Summary of sampling weights\n")

              # par(mfrow = c(3,1))
              # plot(x = max_ent_observed_scale,
              #      y = sampling_weights)
              # abline(v = GERGM_Object@network[i,j],
              #        col = "blue")
              # plot(x = max_ent_observed_scale,
              #      y = exp_theta_h)
              # abline(v = GERGM_Object@network[i,j],
              #        col = "blue")
              # plot(x = max_ent_observed_scale,
              #      y = pdf_term)
              # abline(v = GERGM_Object@network[i,j],
              #        col = "blue")
              # par(mfrow = c(1,1))

              edge_values <- samples_from_log_distribution(sampling_weights,

              # we are going to use a log space sampler becasue we get underflow
              # with very large networks
              # edge_values <- sample(x = max_ent_observed_scale,
              #                       size = number_of_networks_to_simulate,
              #                       replace = TRUE,
              #                       prob = sampling_weights)
              # make simulated and observed scale the same for correlation networks.
              simulated_scale <- edge_values

              GERGM_Object@bounded.network <- bounded_net

            } else {
              temp <- Simulate_GERGM(GERGM_Object,
                                     seed1 = seed,
                                     possible.stats = possible_structural_terms,
                                     predict_conditional_edges = TRUE,
                                     i = i,
                                     j = j)
              simulated_scale <- temp@MCMC_output$Networks[i,j,]
              # covert back to observed scale (so we incorporate in covariate effects)
              temp2 <- convert_simulated_networks_to_observed_scale(temp)
              obs_scale <- temp2@MCMC_output$Networks[i,j,]
              #now get and save the edge sample
              edge_values <- temp2@MCMC_output$Networks[i,j,]

              max_ent_values <- runif(length(simulated_scale))
              # put the edges in the GERGM object
              temp@MCMC_output$Networks[i,j,] <- max_ent_values
              # covert back to observed scale (so we incorporate in covariate effects)
              temp2 <- convert_simulated_networks_to_observed_scale(temp)
              #now get and save the edge sample
              max_ent_observed_scale <- temp2@MCMC_output$Networks[i,j,]

            # initialize this way to make sure we get dimensions right
            if (is.null(Edge_Predictions)) {
              if (GERGM_Object@beta_correlation_model) {
                # make sure the diagonal is 1's
                Edge_Predictions <- array(1,dim = c(GERGM_Object@num_nodes,
                edge_predictions_bounded_scale <- array(1,dim = c(GERGM_Object@num_nodes,
              } else {
                Edge_Predictions <- array(0,dim = c(GERGM_Object@num_nodes,
                edge_predictions_bounded_scale <- array(0,dim = c(GERGM_Object@num_nodes,
              # for the max ent predictions
              Max_Ent_Edge_Predictions <- Edge_Predictions

            # fill in the spot in the array
            Edge_Predictions[i,j,] <- edge_values
            edge_predictions_bounded_scale[i,j,] <- simulated_scale
            Max_Ent_Edge_Predictions[i,j,] <- max_ent_observed_scale
            Edge_Predictions[j,i,] <- edge_values
            edge_predictions_bounded_scale[j,i,] <- simulated_scale
            Max_Ent_Edge_Predictions[j,i,] <- max_ent_observed_scale

        } else {
          if (j < i) {
            cat("Predicting edge:",counter, "of",num_combinations/2,"...\n")
            counter <- counter + 1

            # now get max entropy conditional corr values
            if (GERGM_Object@beta_correlation_model) {
              max_ent_observed_scale <- draw_max_entropy_conditional_uniform_corr(
                n = number_of_networks_to_simulate,
                increment = .0001)

              sampling_weights <- rep(0,number_of_networks_to_simulate)
              exp_theta_h <- rep(0,number_of_networks_to_simulate)
              pdf_term <- rep(0,number_of_networks_to_simulate)

              statistic_auxiliary_data <- GERGM_Object@statistic_auxiliary_data
              # save this since we are going to alter it
              bounded_net <- GERGM_Object@bounded.network
              # #figure out which term we are dealing with in the lower diagonal
              P <- matrix(1:(GERGM_Object@num_nodes^2),
                          nrow = GERGM_Object@num_nodes,
                          ncol = GERGM_Object@num_nodes)
              inds <- P[lower.tri(P, diag = FALSE)]
              lower_diag_index <- which(inds == P[i,j])
              for (n in 1:number_of_networks_to_simulate) {
                #create the current network
                net <- GERGM_Object@network
                net[i,j] <- max_ent_observed_scale[n]
                net[j,i] <- max_ent_observed_scale[n]
                # transform to [0,1]
                GERGM_Object@bounded.network <- pbt(net,
                h_stats <- calculate_h_statistics(GERGM_Object,
                # h_stats <- h_stats[statistic_auxiliary_data$specified_statistic_indexes_in_full_statistics]
                #  no longer taking exp here as we are going to work in log space
                numerator_term <- sum(GERGM_Object@theta.coef[1,]*h_stats)
                product_term <- dbt(net,

                #cat("Sampling_Weight = ",numerator_term + log(product_term),"\n")

                sampling_weights[n] <- numerator_term + log(product_term)
                exp_theta_h[n] <- numerator_term
                pdf_term[n] <- log(product_term)
              cat("Summary of sampling weights\n")

              edge_values <- samples_from_log_distribution(sampling_weights,

              # we are going to use a log space sampler becasue we get underflow
              # with very large networks
              # edge_values <- sample(x = max_ent_observed_scale,
              #                       size = number_of_networks_to_simulate,
              #                       replace = TRUE,
              #                       prob = sampling_weights)
              # make simulated and observed scale the same for correlation networks.
              simulated_scale <- edge_values

              GERGM_Object@bounded.network <- bounded_net

            } else {
              temp <- Simulate_GERGM(GERGM_Object,
                                     seed1 = seed,
                                     possible.stats = possible_structural_terms,
                                     predict_conditional_edges = TRUE,
                                     i = i,
                                     j = j)
              simulated_scale <- temp@MCMC_output$Networks[i,j,]
              # covert back to observed scale (so we incorporate in covariate effects)
              temp2 <- convert_simulated_networks_to_observed_scale(temp)
              obs_scale <- temp2@MCMC_output$Networks[i,j,]
              #now get and save the edge sample
              edge_values <- temp2@MCMC_output$Networks[i,j,]

              max_ent_values <- runif(length(simulated_scale))
              # put the edges in the GERGM object
              temp@MCMC_output$Networks[i,j,] <- max_ent_values
              # covert back to observed scale (so we incorporate in covariate effects)
              temp2 <- convert_simulated_networks_to_observed_scale(temp)
              #now get and save the edge sample
              max_ent_observed_scale <- temp2@MCMC_output$Networks[i,j,]

            # initialize this way to make sure we get dimensions right
            if (is.null(Edge_Predictions)) {
              if (GERGM_Object@beta_correlation_model) {
                # make sure the diagonal is 1's
                Edge_Predictions <- array(1,dim = c(GERGM_Object@num_nodes,
                edge_predictions_bounded_scale <- array(1,dim = c(GERGM_Object@num_nodes,
              } else {
                Edge_Predictions <- array(0,dim = c(GERGM_Object@num_nodes,
                edge_predictions_bounded_scale <- array(0,dim = c(GERGM_Object@num_nodes,
              # for the max ent predictions
              Max_Ent_Edge_Predictions <- Edge_Predictions

            # fill in the spot in the array
            Edge_Predictions[i,j,] <- edge_values
            edge_predictions_bounded_scale[i,j,] <- simulated_scale
            Max_Ent_Edge_Predictions[i,j,] <- max_ent_observed_scale
            Edge_Predictions[j,i,] <- edge_values
            edge_predictions_bounded_scale[j,i,] <- simulated_scale
            Max_Ent_Edge_Predictions[j,i,] <- max_ent_observed_scale



  sim_means <- apply(edge_predictions_bounded_scale,c(1,2),mean)
  sim_sds <- apply(edge_predictions_bounded_scale,c(1,2),sd)
  means <- apply(Edge_Predictions,c(1,2),mean)
  sds <- apply(Edge_Predictions,c(1,2),sd)

  # get the maximum entropy prediction means
  max_ent_means <- apply(Max_Ent_Edge_Predictions,c(1,2),mean)

  # calculate the precentage of edges in CI
  in_ci <- rep(0,num_combinations)
  average_ci_coverage <- rep(0,num_combinations)
  average_sim_ci_coverage <- rep(0,num_combinations)
  counter <- 1
  for (i in 1:GERGM_Object@num_nodes) {
    for (j in 1:GERGM_Object@num_nodes) {
      if (GERGM_Object@include_diagonal) {
        cur <- GERGM_Object@network[i,j]
        lower <- means[i,j] - 1.96 * sds[i,j]
        upper <- means[i,j] + 1.96 * sds[i,j]
        sim_lower <- sim_means[i,j] - 1.96 * sim_sds[i,j]
        sim_upper <- sim_means[i,j] + 1.96 * sim_sds[i,j]
        if(lower < cur  & cur < upper){
          in_ci[counter] <- 1
        average_ci_coverage[counter] <- upper - lower
        average_sim_ci_coverage[counter] <- sim_upper - sim_lower
        counter <- counter + 1
      } else {
        if (i != j) {
          cur <- GERGM_Object@network[i,j]
          lower <- means[i,j] - 1.96 * sds[i,j]
          upper <- means[i,j] + 1.96 * sds[i,j]
          sim_lower <- sim_means[i,j] - 1.96 * sim_sds[i,j]
          sim_upper <- sim_means[i,j] + 1.96 * sim_sds[i,j]
          if(lower < cur  & cur < upper){
            in_ci[counter] <- 1
          average_ci_coverage[counter] <- upper - lower
          average_sim_ci_coverage[counter] <- sim_upper - sim_lower
          counter <- counter + 1

    "proportion of observed edges in predicted",
    "edge 95% confidence intervals is:", mean(in_ci),"\n\n")

  if (GERGM_Object@beta_correlation_model) {
    cat("Average confidence interval coverage is ",
        "% of the correlation space... \n",sep = "")
  } else {
    cat("Average confidence interval coverage is ",
        "% of the possible simulated network space... \n",sep = "")

  # now lets do some comparison work.
  # GERGM_Object@bounded.network

  return(list(edge_predictions = Edge_Predictions,
              max_ent_edge_predictions = Max_Ent_Edge_Predictions ,
              observed_network = GERGM_Object@network,
              predicted_edge_values = means,
              predicted_edge_sds = sds,
              proportion_in_ci = mean(in_ci),
              average_ci_coverage = 100*mean(average_ci_coverage),
              edge_predictions_bounded_scale = edge_predictions_bounded_scale,
              max_ent_predicted_edge_values = max_ent_means))

matthewjdenny/GERGM documentation built on May 24, 2023, 1:28 a.m.