
Defines functions code_fill_nopar

Documented in code_fill_nopar

#' Fill Out Level 1 or 2 Habitat Codes
#' @description Optionally fill out Level 2 habitat codes if Level 1 codes exist and vice versa.
#' @author Matt Lewis, \email{matthewlewis896@@gmail.com}
#' @keywords internal
#' @param x A wide format dataframe with one column per habitat category. As output by RL_fetch().
#' @param level1.recode (optional) Logical. If Level 2 habitat info exists, should the corresponding Level 1 habitat be given the same info? See Details. Default is TRUE.
#' @param level2.recode (optional) Logical. If Level 1 habitat info exists, should the corresponding Level 2 habitats be given the same info? See Details. Default is TRUE.
#' @param subset (optional). Numeric. Specify proportion of x to run for between 0 and 1. Defaults to 1.
#' @param verbose (optional) Numeric. If 0 gives no progress update, if 1 prints progress bar, if 2 prints 1 row per task completed. Default is 1.
#' @details The \code{level1.recode} parameter will fill upstream Level 1 habitat categories if any Level 2 categories have habitat information. e.g. if habitat category 2.1 (Dry Savanna) is suitable and of major importance (coded as 31), habitat category 2 (Savanna) will be filled with this info too.
#' @details Similarly, \code{level2.recode} will fill all downstream Level 2 habitat categories if the corresponding Level 1 category is filled. e.g. if if habitat category 2 (Savanna) is suitable and of major importance (coded as 31), habitat categories 2.1 (Dry Savanna) and 2.2 (Moist Savanna) will be given the same information.
#' @return A dataframe in wide format (one column per habitat type and one row per species' season).

code_fill_nopar <-
           verbose) {
    if(verbose == 1){
      pb = txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = subset, initial = 0, style = 3)

    hab_cols <- hab_col_positions()
    cols_to_check <- as.vector(sort(unlist(hab_cols)))

    pref_order <- redlistManipulatr::suitability_ordered

    ret <- foreach::foreach(i = 1:subset,
                   .combine = "rbind"
    ) %do% {
      df <- x[i,]
      #which columns are occupied?
      col_occupied <- c()
      for (j in cols_to_check) {
        levels(df[1, j]) <- c(levels(df[1, j]), as.character(pref_order))
        if (!is.na(df[1, j])) {
          col_occupied <- c(col_occupied, j)
      #if there is more than 1
      if (length(col_occupied) > 0L) {
        for (j in 1:length(col_occupied)) {
          if (level2.recode == TRUE) {
            #if level1 codes occupied fill out level 2
            if (col_occupied[j] %in% unlist(hab_cols$Level1)) {
              lvl1_col <- which(unlist(hab_cols$Level1) == col_occupied[j])
              #if it is 18 we don't need to do anything
              if (lvl1_col != 18) {
                for (k in unlist(hab_cols$Level2[lvl1_col])) {
                  #if it's unoccupied
                  if (is.na(df[1, k])) {
                    df[1, k] <- as.character(df[1, col_occupied[j]])
        if (level1.recode == TRUE) {
          for (j in 1:length(hab_cols$Level2)) {
            if (is.na(df[1, unlist(hab_cols$Level1[j])])) {
              if (any(unlist(hab_cols$Level2[j]) %in% col_occupied)) {
                lvl2s <-
                  col_occupied[which(col_occupied %in% unlist(hab_cols$Level2[j]))]
                if (length(lvl2s) == 1L) {
                  df[1, unlist(hab_cols$Level1[j])] <- df[1, lvl2s]
                } else{
                  vals <- df[1, lvl2s]
                  vals_max_priority <-
                    vals %>%
                           function(x) {
                             which(pref_order == x)
                           }) %>%
                    unlist() %>%

                  best_val <- vals[vals_max_priority]
                  df[1, unlist(hab_cols$Level1[j])] <-
      if(verbose == 1){
      }else if(verbose ==2){
        print(paste("task", i, "is complete"))
matthewlewis896/redlistManipulatr documentation built on Jan. 22, 2022, 1:01 p.m.