
Defines functions check_lookup check_qset_v_lookup

# Drafts and Helpers ====
# helper: check QLookup
check_QLookup <- check_lookup <- function(x){
  res <- NULL
  res$tibble <- check_tibble(x = x,
                             types = c("integerish", "integer", "character"),
                             any.missing = TRUE,  # some NAs are permissible
                             all.missing = FALSE,
                             null.ok = FALSE)

  res$nna_row <- check_nna_row(x = x[,-1])  # we do not care about first column

  # check whether the lookup table is all unique by columns, as is must be
  # notice the being non-unique by row does not matter
  res$unique_column <- check_unique_in_column(x = x)

  return(report_checks(res = res, info = "lookup"))

# helper: check Q_set vs lookup
check_qset_v_lookup <- function(q_set, lookup) {
  if (all(q_set %in% lookup$item_handle)) {
  } else {
    return(paste("All item handles in",
                 "must be in",
maxheld83/pensieve documentation built on Jan. 21, 2020, 9:16 a.m.