
dnmFeat <-
 if(missing(child.sex) || !child.sex%in%c("M","F")) stop("offspring's sex must be specified (M or F)")

 ### set up progress reporter
 time.st = proc.time()[3]
 prop.done = log(((1:23)*0.07303)+1.06785) ## rough approximation
 prop.done[1] = 0.08
 prop.done[23] = 1

 ### get the autosomes
 chr = paste(chrom.conv,c(1:22),sep="")
 X = list()

 for(i in 1:length(chr)){
  rg = RangedData(IRanges(start=1,end=3e8),space=chr[i])
  ### set params
  param <- ScanVcfParam(which=rg,geno=c("AD","DP","GQ","GT","PL"),
	info = c("VQSLOD","DB","BaseQRankSum","Dels","FS",
  ### read in file
  vcf = readVcf(filename,genome,param)
  X[[i]] = pDNM(vcf,pat.col,mat.col,child.col)
  ## report progress
  elapsed = proc.time()[3] - time.st
  tot.est = elapsed/prop.done[i]
  remaining = round(tot.est-elapsed,0)
  cat(paste("estimated completion in",round(remaining/60,1),"minutes [",
	format(Sys.time()+remaining, "%a %b %d %X"),"] \n"))

 ### do the sex chromosomes
  rg = RangedData(IRanges(start=1,end=3e8),space=paste(chrom.conv,"X",sep=""))
  ### set params
  param <- ScanVcfParam(which=rg,geno=c("AD","DP","GQ","GT","PL"),
	info = c("VQSLOD","DB","BaseQRankSum","Dels","FS",
  ### read in file
  vcf = readVcf(filename,genome,param)
  X[[23]] = pDNM_X_male(vcf,mat.col,child.col)
  ## report progress
  elapsed = proc.time()[3] - time.st
  tot.est = elapsed/prop.done[23]
  remaining = round(tot.est-elapsed,0)
  cat(paste("estimated completion in",round(remaining/60,1),"minutes [",
	format(Sys.time()+remaining, "%a %b %d %X"),"] \n"))

  rg = RangedData(IRanges(start=1,end=3e8),space=paste(chrom.conv,"Y",sep=""))
  ### set params
  cat("working on Y chromosome...")
  param <- ScanVcfParam(which=rg,geno=c("AD","DP","GQ","GT","PL"),
	info = c("VQSLOD","DB","BaseQRankSum","Dels","FS",
  ### read in file
  vcf = readVcf(filename,genome,param)
  X[[24]] = pDNM_Y(vcf,pat.col,child.col)
  X = do.call("rbind",X)
  rg = RangedData(IRanges(start=1,end=3e8),space=paste(chrom.conv,"X",sep=""))
  ### set params
  param <- ScanVcfParam(which=rg,geno=c("AD","DP","GQ","GT","PL"),
	info = c("VQSLOD","DB","BaseQRankSum","Dels","FS",
  ### read in file
  vcf = readVcf(filename,genome,param)
  X[[23]] = pDNM_X_female(vcf,pat.col,mat.col,child.col)
  X = do.call("rbind",X)
  ## report progress
  elapsed = proc.time()[3] - time.st
  tot.est = elapsed/prop.done[23]
  remaining = round(tot.est-elapsed,0)
  cat(paste("estimated completion in",round(remaining/60,1),"minutes [",
	format(Sys.time()+remaining, "%a %b %d %X"),"] \n"))

 ## remove duplicates (if any)
 X = X[!duplicated(paste(X$chr,X$pos,sep=":")),]
mbelmadani/forestDNM-archive documentation built on May 30, 2019, 2:17 p.m.