
Defines functions cb.default cb.table cb.data.frame cb.matrix cb

Documented in cb cb.data.frame cb.default cb.matrix cb.table

#' Exporting R objects to clipboard
#' This function exports R objects into the system clipboard in a format that
#' is easy to paste it into Office-like programs (MSWord etc.).  Currently,
#' methods for vectors, matrices, tables and data frames are implemented. For
#' other objects the function tries to coerce its argument to a matrix first.
#' An object is converted to a tab-separated table first. Details of the
#' conversion depend on the class, see below. Such converted object is written
#' into the system clipboard. A message stating the size of the exported table
#' is printed into the console. Content of the clipboard can then be pasted in
#' to MS Word or MS Excel, or any other application. 
#' For making tables in MSWord, LibreOffice, or alike you will have to first
#' create an empty table with appropriate number of rows and columns. To aid
#' you in this, when \code{cb} is called an informative message about the
#' dimensionality of the exported table is printed. As a next step you have to
#' select the whole table in MS Word, preferably via menus: Table|Select|Table.
#' Then paste the content of the clipboard.
#' In MS Excel and alike you are not required to select the appropriate area of
#' the spreadsheet. It is sufficient to put the cursor (cell selector) in the
#' upper-left corner of the to-be-table.
#' If \code{useNames} is \code{TRUE} then the object is expanded to contain row
#' and column names. The first cell in the first row contain dimension names
#' (\code{names(dimnames(object))}) separated with a backslash.
#' Writing to clipboard is performed using \code{\link{write_cb}}.
#' @param object object to be processed
#' @param useNames logical, whether to use dimension names
#' @param ... other arguments to/from other methods
#' @return The converted object is put to clipboard and returned invisibly.
#' @seealso \code{\link{write_cb}}, section Clipboard of \code{?file}, package
#' \pkg{xtable} for exporting R objects to LaTeX or HTML.
#' @export
cb <- function(object, ...) UseMethod("cb")

#' @method cb matrix
#' @export
#' @rdname cb
#' @details
#' If \code{object} is a matrix, the content is pasted into a single string in
#' which columns are separated with tabs and rows with newline characters.
#' Depending on the value of \code{useNames} row and column names are added as
#' initial row and column to the result. If \code{object}'s dimnames have names
#' defined, they are put in the first cell of the first row.
cb.matrix <- function(object, useNames=getOption("clipboard.useNames", TRUE), ...)
	if( !useNames | is.null(dimnames(object)) ) {
	    m <- object
	else {
	    nams <- dimnames(object)
	    dnames <- names(nams)
	    # make a sequence if dimension names are empty
	    if( is.null(nams[[1]]) ) nams[[1]] <- seq(1, dim(object)[1])
	    if( is.null(nams[[2]]) ) nams[[2]] <- seq(1, dim(object)[2])
	    m <- cbind(nams[[1]], object)
	    m <- rbind( c( paste(dnames, collapse="\\"), nams[[2]]), m)
	rval <- apply( m, 1, paste, collapse="\t")
	rval <- paste(rval, collapse="\n")
	write_cb(rval, ...)
	cat("In clipboard:",
	    paste(dim(m), collapse=" x "),

#' @method cb data.frame
#' @export
#' @rdname cb
#' @details
#' If \code{object} is a data frame it is converted to a matrix processed as
#' such. If the data frame contains factors, they are converted to chacracter
#' strings first.
cb.data.frame <- function(object, ...)
	# convert factors two character
	isf <- sapply(object, is.factor)
	d <- object
	d[isf] <- lapply( d[isf], as.character )
	# process as character matrix
	cb( as.matrix(d), ...)

#' @method cb table
#' @export
#' @rdname cb
#' @details
#' If \code{object} is a table it is converted to matrix. Tables with more than two
#' dimensions are not supported. One-dimensional tables are exported horizontally.
cb.table <- function(object, ...)
  # only if table is one- or two-dimensional
  ndim <- length(dim(object))
  if( ndim > 2 )
    stop("'object' has ", ndim, " dimensions, only 1 or 2 supported")
  # horizontal table for one dimension
  if( ndim == 1 )
    rval <- cb( t(as.matrix(object)), ... )
  } else
    class(object) <- "matrix"
    rval <- cb( object, ... )

#' @method cb default
#' @export
#' @rdname cb
#' @details
#' For all other types of \code{object}'s not covered above, \code{cb} tries to
#' convert them to a matrix and process it as such.
cb.default <- function(object, ...)
    cb( as.matrix(object), ... )
mbojan/clipboard documentation built on June 27, 2022, 8:23 p.m.