
print.crosstab <- function(x,dec.places=x$dec.places,subtotals=x$subtotals,...) {
  # http://rstudio-pubs-static.s3.amazonaws.com/6975_c4943349b6174f448104a5513fed59a9.html
  #                                                                                 #
  # Function created by Dr Paul Williamson, Dept. of Geography and Planning,        #
  # School of Environmental Sciences, University of Liverpool, UK.                  #
  #                                                                                 #
  # Adapted from the function print.ctab() in the catspec packge.                   #
  #                                                                                 #
  # Version: 12th July 2013                                                         #
  #                                                                                 #
  # Designed to provide optimal viewing of the output from crosstab()               #
  #                                                                                 #

  row.vars <- x$row.vars
  col.vars <- x$col.vars
  n.row.vars <- length(row.vars)
  n.col.vars <- length(col.vars)
  n.vars <- n.row.vars + n.col.vars

  if (length(x$type)>1) {
    if (x$style=="long") {
    } else {

  if (n.vars==1) {
    if (length(x$type)==1) {
      tmp <- data.frame(round(x$crosstab,x$dec.places))
      colnames(tmp)[2] <- ifelse(x$type=="frequency","Count","%")
    } else {

  #If table has only 2 dimensions, or subtotals required for >2 dimensional table,
  #print table using ftable() on x$crosstab
  if ((n.vars == 2) | ((subtotals==TRUE) & (n.vars>2))) {

    tbl <- ftable(x$crosstab,row.vars=row.vars,col.vars=col.vars)

    if (!all(as.integer(tbl)==as.numeric(tbl))) tbl <- round(tbl,dec.places)


  #If subtotals NOT required AND > 2 dimensions, print table using write.table() on x$crosstab.nosub
  if ((subtotals==FALSE) & (n.vars>2))  {

    t1 <- x$crosstab.nosub

    #Convert numbers to required decimal places, right aligned
    width <- max( nchar(t1[1,]), nchar(t1[2,]), 7 )
    dec.places <- x$dec.places
    number.format <- paste("%",width,".",dec.places,"f",sep="")
    t1[3:nrow(t1),((n.row.vars+1):ncol(t1))] <- sprintf(number.format,as.numeric(t1[3:nrow(t1),((n.row.vars+1):ncol(t1))]))

    #Adjust column variable label to same width as numbers, left aligned, padding with trailing spaces as required
    col.var.format <- paste("%-",width,"s",sep="")
    t1[1,(n.row.vars+1):ncol(t1)] <- sprintf(col.var.format,t1[1,(n.row.vars+1):ncol(t1)])
    #Adjust column category labels to same width as numbers, right aligned, padding with preceding spaces as required
    col.cat.format <- paste("%",width,"s",sep="")
    t1[2,(n.row.vars+1):ncol(t1)] <- sprintf(col.cat.format,t1[2,(n.row.vars+1):ncol(t1)])

    #Adjust row labels so that each column is of fixed width, using trailing spaces as required
    for (i in 1:n.row.vars) {
      width <- max(nchar(t1[,i])) + 2
      row.lab.format <- paste("%-",width,"s",sep="")
      t1[,i] <- sprintf(row.lab.format,t1[,i])



mbonoli/funcionesMBO documentation built on May 22, 2019, 12:56 p.m.