
Defines functions MkNcdf

Documented in MkNcdf

#' List based creation of netcdf files. 
#' \code{MkNcdf} List based creation of netCDF files. Works for most cases. 
#' Creates netcdf version 4 files by default. Appends to unlimited dimensions
#' in existing files. 
#' @param varList        List, the variable list. See structure in examples. 
#' @param globalAttList  List, the global attribute list. See structure in examples. 
#' @param filename       Character, the name of the netcdf file to be created. 
#' @param overwrite      Logical, overwrite (i.e. clobber in netcdf parlance) existing 
#' file? Otherwise, the file will be appended if existing and correct (unlimited) dims 
#' are extended. 
#' @param force_v4       Logical, make netcdf version 4 files. 
#' @param compLev        integer, Optional compression level. If not specified,
#'                       no compression used. 
#' @return Returns the filename invisibly, if successful.
#' @examples
#' # Example 1 - Basic write. 
#' varList = list()
#' varList[[1]] <- list( name='precipMult',
#'                       longname='Precipitation Multiplier',
#'                       units='-',
#'                       precision = 'double',
#'                       missing = -9999,
#'                       dimensionList = list(scalar=list(name='scalar',values=1,
#'                                              units='-', unlimited=FALSE,
#'                                              create_dimvar=FALSE)),
#'                       data = 1:1 )
#' varList[[2]] <- list( name='precipMult22',
#'                       longname='Precipitation Multiplier22',
#'                       units='-',
#'                       precision = 'double',
#'                       missing = -9999,
#'                       dimensionList =
#'                           list(  # n.b. the dimension order: charlen,z,y,x,t
#'                                 y=list(name='y',values=2.5+((0:6)*5),
#'                                        units='lat', unlimited=FALSE,
#'                                        create_dimvar=TRUE),
#'                                 x=list(name='x',values=c(10,20),
#'                                        units='lon', unlimited=FALSE,
#'                                        create_dimvar=TRUE)
#'                                ),
#'                      data = matrix( 1:7, nrow=7, ncol=2 ) )
#' globalAttList <- list()
#' globalAttList[[1]] <- list(name='Restart_Time',value='2012-07-05_00:00:00', precision="text")
#' globalAttList[[2]] <- list(name='Some reall atts',value='#$%^!!', precision="text" )
#' outFile1 <- path.expand('~/test1.nc')
#' dum <- MkNcdf( varList, globalAttList=globalAttList, filename=outFile1, overwrite=TRUE )
#' ncdump(outFile1)
#' unlink(outFile1)
#' #Example 2 - append to an existing file's variable.
#' varList1 = list()
#' varList1[[1]] <- list( name='precipMult22',
#'                       longname='Precipitation Multiplier22',
#'                       units='-',
#'                       precision = 'double',
#'                       missing = -9999,
#'                       dimensionList =
#'                           list(  # n.b. the dimension order: charlen,z,y,x,t
#'                                 y=list(name='y',values=2.5+((0:6)*5),
#'                                        units='lat', unlimited=TRUE,
#'                                        create_dimvar=TRUE),
#'                                 x=list(name='x',values=c(10,20),
#'                                        units='lon', unlimited=FALSE,
#'                                        create_dimvar=TRUE)
#'                                ),
#'                      data = matrix( 1:7, nrow=7, ncol=2 ) )
#' varList2 = list()
#' varList2[[1]] <- list( name='precipMult22',
#'                       longname='Precipitation Multiplier22',
#'                       units='-',
#'                       precision = 'double',
#'                       missing = -9999,
#'                       dimensionList =
#'                           list(  # n.b. the dimension order: charlen,z,y,x,t
#'                                 y=list(name='y',values=99,
#'                                        units='lat', unlimited=TRUE,
#'                                        create_dimvar=TRUE),
#'                                 x=list(name='x',values=c(10,20),
#'                                        units='lon', unlimited=FALSE,
#'                                        create_dimvar=TRUE)
#'                                ),
#'                      data =  c(1:2)+10 )
#' globalAttList <- list()
#' globalAttList[[1]] <- list(name='Some reall atts',value='#$%^!!', precision="text" )
#' outFile2 <- path.expand('~/test2.nc')
#' MkNcdf( varList1, globalAttList=globalAttList, 
#'         filename=outFile2, overwrite=TRUE)
#' ncdump(outFile2)
#' MkNcdf( varList2, globalAttList=globalAttList, 
#'         filename=outFile2 )
#' ncdump(outFile2)
#' unlink(outFile2)
#' @concept ncdf
#' @family ncdf
#' @export
MkNcdf <- function( varList, filename, 
                    compLev=-1) {

  ClassMapper <- c(numeric='float', integer='integer', character='text')

  names(varList) <- plyr::laply(varList,'[[', 'name')
  fileExists <- file.exists(filename)
  ## Create/overwrite the file or append to an existing file?
  if(!fileExists | overwrite) {  
    append <- FALSE
    ## Define all the variables with their proper dimensions.
    doDefVar <- function( var ) { ## var is a list
      ## Handle the dimensions. 
      doDimDef <- function(dim) {
        if(!dim$create_dimvar) {
          dim$units=''  ## required if this condition.
        ncdf4::ncdim_def(name=dim$name, units=dim$units,
                         vals=dim$values, unlim=dim$unlim,
      dimList <- plyr::llply( var$dimensionList, doDimDef )

      if(!length(var$precision)) var$precision <- ClassMapper[class(var$data[1])]
      if (compLev == -1){
        ncdf4::ncvar_def(var$name, var$units, dimList, var$missing,
                         longname=var$longname, prec=var$precision)
      } else {
        ncdf4::ncvar_def(var$name, var$units, dimList, var$missing,
                         longname=var$longname, prec=var$precision,
    defVarList <- plyr::llply(varList, doDefVar)    
    ## there's no "noclobber" option to nc_create, so you have to do 
    ## this manually else get an occasional error.
    if(fileExists) unlink(filename)
    ncid <- ncdf4::nc_create(filename, defVarList, force_v4=force_v4)  

  } else {  #above is starting from scratch, below is appending
    append <- TRUE
    ncid <- ncdf4::nc_open(filename, write=TRUE, readunlim=TRUE)  
    ## for unlimdims
    newVarsUnlim <- plyr::laply(names(varList), 
                                function(vv) ncid$var[[vv]]$unlim)
      warning(paste0('Some variables to append to ', filename,
                     '\n do not have unlimited dimensions in the original file.'),
              immediate. = TRUE)    

  ## Put the vars into the file
  for(varName in names(varList)) {
    var <- varList[[varName]]
    if(append) {
      ## start: at the first non-unlim indices in the next unlimited dim.
      start <- (ncid$var[[var$name]]$varsize * 
                 plyr::laply(ncid$var[[var$name]]$dim,'[[', 'unlim')) + 1
      ## count: how much data was passed in?
      count <- plyr::laply(varList[[var$name]]$dimensionList, 
                           function(dd) length(dd$values))  

      ## have to redefine the dimension?
      varDimInfo <- ncid$var[[var$name]]$dim
      names(varDimInfo) <- plyr::laply(varDimInfo, '[[', 'name')
      unlimDimName <- subset(plyr::ldply(varDimInfo,'[[','unlim'),`[[`)$.id
      ncdf4::ncvar_put( ncid, unlimDimName, 
      ncdf4::ncvar_put( ncid, var$name, var$data, 
                        start=start, count=count)
    } else {
      count <- ncid$var[[var$name]]$varsize
      start <- count*0 + 1
      ncdf4::ncvar_put( ncid, var$name, var$data, start=start, count=count )

  ## variable attributes
  GetVarAtts <- function(ll) {
    whStdAtts <- which(names(ll) %in%
                       c('units', 'dimensionList',  ##keep 'name', dont include here
                         'missing', 'longname', 'precision', 'data') )
  varAttList <- plyr::llply(varList, GetVarAtts)
  for(nn in names(varAttList)) {
    theAtts <- varAttList[[nn]][-which(names(varAttList[[nn]])=='name')]
    for(aa in names(theAtts)) {
      ## cant really differentiate between single and double precision
      attPrec <- ClassMapper[class(theAtts[[aa]])]
      ncdf4::ncatt_put( ncid, nn, aa, theAtts[[aa]], prec=attPrec)
  ## global attributes
  if(!is.null(globalAttList)) {
    doPutGlobalAtts <- function( att )
      ncdf4::ncatt_put( ncid, 0, att$name, att$value, prec=att$precision )
    dum <- plyr::llply( globalAttList, doPutGlobalAtts )
  ## Close
  ## Return the filename for reference.
mccreigh/rwrfhydro documentation built on Feb. 28, 2021, 1:53 p.m.