
Defines functions generate_mv_normal_rnd initialize_with_dm initialize_with_dapprox initialize_with_aitchison initialize_with_bootstrap initialize_with_bootstrapstep nm_fit f.prob.approx f.prob f.m1 f.m2 nm_fit_1d nm_expected dm_fit dm_expected

Documented in dm_expected dm_fit initialize_with_aitchison initialize_with_bootstrap initialize_with_bootstrapstep initialize_with_dapprox initialize_with_dm nm_expected nm_fit

generate_mv_normal_rnd = function(n, dim){
  if(dim <= 6){
    Z = matrix(randtoolbox::halton(n, dim = dim, normal = TRUE), ncol=dim)
    Z = matrix(randtoolbox::sobol(n, dim = dim, normal = TRUE), ncol=dim)
#' Initialization using the expected values obtained
#' from a Dirichlet-Multinomial fitting
initialize_with_dm = function(X){
  E = dm_fit(X)$expected

  H = ilr_coordinates(E)
  MU = colMeans(H)
  SIGMA = cov(H)
  list(H = H, MU = MU, SIGMA = SIGMA)
#' The expected values are obtained from the solution
#' of an approximation to the parameters of a Dirichlet model (see Dirichlet estimation article)
initialize_with_dapprox = function(X){
  X.closured = X / rowSums(X)
  m = colMeans(X.closured)
  v = apply(X.closured, 2, var)
  K = ncol(X)
  E = X + matrix(m * exp(1/(K-1) * sum(log(m*(1-m)/v-1))), ncol=ncol(X), nrow=nrow(X), byrow = TRUE)

  H = ilr_coordinates(E)
  MU = colMeans(H)
  SIGMA = cov(H)
  list(H = H, MU = MU, SIGMA = SIGMA)
#' Approximation to Mu and Sigma parameters obtained
#' from raw data as proposed by Aitchison.
#' Expected values are initiated using the obtained Mu
initialize_with_aitchison = function(X){
  P = colMeans(X)
  P = P / sum(P)
  MU = ilr_coordinates(P)
  B = t(replicate(1000, colMeans(X[sample(1:nrow(X),nrow(X), replace=TRUE),])))
  SIGMA = nrow(X) * cov(ilr_coordinates(B))

  G = P
  K = cov(X/rowSums(X))

  TAU = matrix(0, nrow=nrow(K), ncol=ncol(K))
  tau = function(i,j){
    K[i,i]/G[i]^2 - 2 * K[i,j]/(G[i]*G[j]) + K[j,j]/G[j]^2 + 1/4 * (K[i,i]/G[i]^2 - K[j,j]/G[j]^2)^2
  for(i in 1:nrow(K)){for(j in 1:ncol(K)){ TAU[i,j] = tau(i,j) }}
  Fn = cbind(diag(1,nrow(K)-1), -1)
  S = -0.5 * Fn %*% TAU %*% t(Fn)
  SIGMA = solve(ilr_to_alr(nrow(K))) %*% S %*% t(solve(ilr_to_alr(nrow(K))))

  H = matrix(MU, nrow = nrow(X), ncol = ncol(X)-1, byrow = TRUE)

  list(H = H, MU = MU, SIGMA = SIGMA)
#' A bootstrap method is used to obtained estimates of Mu and Sigma
#' The expected values are initialized using vector Mu
initialize_with_bootstrap = function(X){
  B = t(replicate(1000, colMeans(X[sample(1:nrow(X),nrow(X), replace=TRUE),])))

  MU = ilr_coordinates(colMeans(X))
  SIGMA = nrow(X) * cov(ilr_coordinates(B))

  H = matrix(MU, nrow = nrow(X), ncol = ncol(X)-1, byrow = TRUE)

  list(H = H, MU = MU, SIGMA = SIGMA)
#' A bootstrap method is used to obtained estimates of Mu and Sigma
#' The expected values are calculated using one iteration of EM algorithm
initialize_with_bootstrapstep = function(X, steps = 1, parallel.cluster){
  B = t(replicate(1000, colMeans(X[sample(1:nrow(X),nrow(X), replace=TRUE),])))

  MU = ilr_coordinates(colMeans(X))
  SIGMA = nrow(X) * cov(ilr_coordinates(B))

  if(nrow(SIGMA) <= 6){
    Z = matrix(randtoolbox::halton(1000, dim = nrow(SIGMA), normal = TRUE), ncol=nrow(SIGMA))
    Z = matrix(randtoolbox::sobol(1000, dim = nrow(SIGMA), normal = TRUE), ncol=nrow(SIGMA))
  for(s in 1:steps){
      FIT = parallel::parApply(parallel.cluster, X, 1, expectedMonteCarlo2, MU, SIGMA, Z)
      FIT = apply(X, 1, expectedMonteCarlo2, MU, SIGMA, Z)
    H = t(sapply(FIT, function(fit) colMeans(stats::na.omit(fit[[2]]))))
    SIGMA = cov(H)
  list(H = H, MU = MU, SIGMA = SIGMA)

#' Log-ratio normal-multinomial parameters estimation.
#' The parameters mu and sigma are expressed with respect
#' basis given by function @ilrBase.
#' @param X count data set
#' @param eps maximum error accepted on the last EM-step
#' @param nsim number of simulations used in the E-step
#' @param parallel.cluster parallel Socket Cluster created with function @makeCluster
#' @param max.em.iter maximum number of steps allowed in the EM-algorithm
#' @param min.em.iter minimum number of steps before allowing to double the number of iterations
#' @param expected if TRUE the expected probabilities are returned (default:TRUE)
#' @param verbose show information during estimation
#' @param init.method how to initiate the method (default 'dm' initiating with
#' dirichlet-multinomial estimation). Another options are: 'aitchison',
#' 'bootstrap'. Initiating with aproximation from raw data and using bootstrapping respectively.
#' For stability, we recommend to use 'dm' method.
#' @param development show diagnostic messages
#' @return A list with parameters mu and sigma and the number of iterations before convergence
#' @examples
#' X = rnormalmultinomial(100, 100, rep(0,4), diag(4))
#' nm_fit(X, verbose = T)
#' @export
nm_fit = function(X, eps = 0.001, nsim = 1000, parallel.cluster = NULL,
                       max.em.iter = 100, min.em.iter = 10, expected = TRUE, verbose = FALSE,
                       init.method = 'dm', development = FALSE){

  if(! init.method %in% c('dm', 'bootstrap', 'aitchison')){
    stop(sprintf("Method %s not available", init.method))
  if(init.method == 'dm'){
    init = initialize_with_dm(X)
  if(init.method == 'dapprox'){
    init = initialize_with_dapprox(X)
  if(init.method == 'bootstrap'){
    init = initialize_with_bootstrap(X, parallel.cluster)
  if(init.method == 'bootstrapstep'){
    init = initialize_with_bootstrapstep(X, 1, parallel.cluster)
  if(init.method == 'aitchison'){
    init = initialize_with_aitchison(X)
  E = init$H
  MU = init$MU
  SIGMA = init$SIGMA

  Z = generate_mv_normal_rnd(nsim, nrow(SIGMA))

  err = eps + 1
  iter = 0
  iter_n = 0
  verror = rep(0, min.em.iter)
  while(err > eps & iter < max.em.iter){
    iter = iter + 1
    iter_n = iter_n + 1

      FIT = parallel::parSapply(parallel.cluster, 1:nrow(X),
                                  expectedMonteCarloFast(X[i,], MU, SIGMA, Z, E[i,]), simplify = FALSE)
      E = t(matrix(parallel::parSapply(parallel.cluster, FIT, function(fit) fit[[2]]), nrow=length(MU)))
      L = parallel::parLapply(parallel.cluster, FIT, function(fit) fit[[3]])
      FIT = sapply(1:nrow(X), function(i) expectedMonteCarloFast(X[i,], MU, SIGMA, Z, E[i,]), simplify = FALSE)
      E = t(matrix(sapply(FIT, function(fit) fit[[2]]), nrow=length(MU)))
      L = lapply(FIT, function(fit) fit[[3]])

    delta = colMeans(E)-MU
    err = sqrt(sum(delta^2))
    verror[-min.em.iter] = verror[-1]
    verror[min.em.iter] = err

    if(verbose | development){ cat(sprintf('Step %d, error %f', iter, err)) }

    if(iter_n > min.em.iter){
      x = 1:min.em.iter
      max.trend = confint(lm(verror~x))['x',2]
      if(verbose | development){ cat(sprintf('| Trend %f', max.trend)) }
      if(max.trend > 0){
        iter_n = 0
        if(verbose | development){ cat(sprintf('| nsim: %d', 2*nsim)) }
        nsim = 2 * nsim
        Z = generate_mv_normal_rnd(nsim, nrow(SIGMA))
    if(verbose | development){ cat('\n') }

    MU = MU + delta
    SIGMA = Reduce(`+`, L) / nrow(X)  - MU %*% t(MU)
        mu = MU,
        sigma = SIGMA,
        iter = iter,
        expected = inv_ilr_coordinates(E),
        fit = FIT
    list(mu = MU,
         sigma = SIGMA,
         iter = iter,
         expected = inv_ilr_coordinates(E))
    list(mu = MU,
         sigma = SIGMA,
         iter = iter)
f.prob.approx = function(n, k, mu, sigma){
  q = k/n
  1/(sqrt(2*pi) * sigma) * exp(-(1/sqrt(2)*log(q/(1-q))-mu)^2/(2*sigma^2)) *
    1/(sqrt(2)*q*(1-q)) / n
f.prob = function(n, k, mu, sigma){
  K = lgamma(n+1) - lgamma(k+1) - lgamma(n-k+1)
  function(h) 1/(sqrt(2*pi) * sigma) *
    exp(K - n * log(exp(h/sqrt(2))+exp(-h/sqrt(2))) -(h-mu)^2/(2*sigma^2) + h*(2*k-n)/sqrt(2))
f.m1 = function(n, k, mu, sigma){
  K = lgamma(n+1) - lgamma(k+1) - lgamma(n-k+1)
  function(h) h * 1/(sqrt(2*pi) * sigma) *
    exp(K - n * log(exp(h/sqrt(2))+exp(-h/sqrt(2))) -(h-mu)^2/(2*sigma^2) + h*(2*k-n)/sqrt(2))
f.m2 = function(n, k, mu, sigma){
  K = lgamma(n+1) - lgamma(k+1) - lgamma(n-k+1)
  function(h) h^2 * 1/(sqrt(2*pi) * sigma) *
    exp(K - n * log(exp(h/sqrt(2))+exp(-h/sqrt(2))) -(h-mu)^2/(2*sigma^2) + h*(2*k-n)/sqrt(2))

nm_fit_1d = function(X, eps = 0.00001, parallel.cluster = NULL,
                     max.em.iter = 100, expected = TRUE, verbose = FALSE){

  MU = ilr_coordinates(matrix(apply(X/apply(X, 1, sum), 2, sum), nrow=1))[1,]
  SIGMA = 1

  N = rowSums(X)

  err = eps + 1
  iter = 0
  while(err > eps & iter < max.em.iter){
    probs = sapply(1:nrow(X), function(i) integrate(f.prob(N[i], X[i,1], MU, SIGMA), -Inf, Inf, rel.tol = 10^-8)$value)
    E = sapply(1:nrow(X), function(i) integrate(f.m1(N[i], X[i,1], MU, SIGMA),
                                                -Inf, Inf, rel.tol = 10^-8)$value) / probs
    M2 = sapply(1:nrow(X), function(i) integrate(f.m2(N[i], X[i,1], MU, SIGMA), -Inf, Inf)$value) / probs

    sel = apply(X, 1, min) > 10000
    probs.aprox = f.prob.approx(N, X[,1], MU, SIGMA)
    probs[sel] = probs.aprox[sel]
    E[sel] = 1/sqrt(2) * log(X[sel,1]/X[sel,2])
    M2[sel] = E[sel] * E[sel]

    delta = (mean(E)-MU)
    err = sqrt(sum(delta^2))

    MU = MU + delta

    SIGMA = mean(M2) - MU * MU
    iter = iter + 1
    print(c('MU' = MU, 'SGIMA' = SIGMA))
    if(verbose){ cat(sprintf('Step %d, error %f\n', iter, err)) }
    list(mu = unname(MU),
         sigma = unname(SIGMA),
         iter = iter,
         expected = inv_ilr_coordinates(matrix(E, ncol=1)))
    list(mu = MU,
         sigma = SIGMA,
         iter = iter)

#' Calculate the expected probabilities
#' Calculate the probabilities conditioned on parameters mu and sigma
#' more likely to generate dataset X
#' @param X count data set
#' @param mu paramater mu
#' @param sigma parameter sigma
#' @param nsim number of simulation used to calculated the expected values
#' @param parallel.cluster instance of a Socket Cluster (see function makeCluster from package parallel)
#' @return the expected probabilities
#' @examples
#' X = rnormalmultinomial(100, 100, rep(0,4), diag(4))
#' fit = nm_fit(X, verbose = T)
#' P = nm_expected(X, fit$mu, fit$sigma)
#' head(P)
nm_expected = function(X, mu, sigma, nsim = 1000, parallel.cluster = NULL){
  if(nrow(sigma) <= 6){
    Z = matrix(randtoolbox::halton(nsim, dim = nrow(sigma), normal = TRUE), ncol=nrow(sigma))
    Z = matrix(randtoolbox::sobol(nsim, dim = nrow(sigma), normal = TRUE), ncol=nrow(sigma))
    FIT = parallel::parApply(parallel.cluster, X, 1, expectedMoment1, mu, sigma, Z)
    FIT = apply(X, 1, expectedMoment1, mu, sigma, Z)
  inv_ilr_coordinates(t(sapply(FIT, function(fit) colMeans(stats::na.omit(fit[[2]])))))

#' Dirichlet-multinomial parameter estimation.
#' @param X count data set
#' @param eps maximum error accepted for alpha parameters
#' @param max.iter maximum number of steps allowed
#' @return A list with parameter alpha and the number of iterations before convergence
#' @examples
#' X = rnormalmultinomial(100, 100, rep(0,4), diag(4))
#' dm_fit(X)
#' @export
dm_fit = function(X, expected = TRUE, eps = 10e-5, max.iter = 5000){
  res = c_dm_fit(X, eps, max.iter)
  res[[1]] = as.numeric(res[[1]])
  names(res) = c('alpha', 'iter')
    res$expected = dm_expected(X, res$alpha)

#' Calculate the expected probabilities
#' Calculate the probabilities conditioned on parameters alpha
#' more likely to generate dataset X
#' @param X count data set
#' @param alpha paramater alpha
#' @return the expected probabilities
#' @examples
#' X = rnormalmultinomial(100, 100, rep(0,4), diag(4))
#' fit = dm_fit(X)
#' P = dm_expected(X, fit$alpha)
#' head(P)
dm_expected = function(X, alpha){
  X = t(alpha+t(X))
mcomas/normalmultinomial documentation built on May 22, 2019, 3:15 p.m.