## R package rmgarch by Alexios Ghalanos Copyright (C) 2008-2013.
## This file is part of the R package rmgarch.
## The R package rmgarch is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
## the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
## (at your option) any later version.
## The R package rmgarch is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## GNU General Public License for more details.
# Some functions imported directly from QRMlib and mvtnorm and adjusted for use in this package
# Copula densities take the form:
# dMultivariate/Product(dUnivariate)
# log(dMultivariate) - Sum(log(dUnivariate))
.Spearman = function(data)
Rho = cor(apply(data, 2, rank))
return( Rho )
.Pconstruct <- function(theta){
n <- length(theta)
d <- (1 + sqrt(1+8*n))/2
A <- matrix(0,nrow=d,ncol=d)
A[lower.tri(A)] <- theta
diag(A) <- rep(1,d)
Q <- A %*% t(A)
P <- cov2cor(Q)
.Pdeconstruct <- function(P){
A <- t(chol(P))
Adiag <- diag(diag(A))
Astar <- solve(Adiag) %*% A
.vechR = function(Rho)
.ivechR = function(theta)
n = length(theta)
n = (1 + sqrt(1+8*n))/2
Rho = matrix(NA, n, n)
Rho[lower.tri(Rho)] = theta
Rho[upper.tri(Rho)] = theta
diag(Rho) = 1
.vech2 = function(Rho)
A = t(chol(Rho))
Adiag = diag(diag(A))
Astar = solve(Adiag) %*% A
return( Astar[lower.tri(Astar)] )
.ivech2 = function(theta)
n = length(theta)
d = (1 + sqrt(1+8*n))/2
A = matrix(0, d, d)
A[lower.tri(A)] = theta
diag(A) = rep(1,d)
Q = A %*% t(A)
Rho = cov2cor(Q)
return( Rho )
# about 3 times faster than "cor" function
# NO LONGER USED...replaced by cor.fk of pcaPP package
#.Kendall = function(data)
# n <- dim(data)[1]
# d <- dim(data)[2]
# Rho <- matrix(0, nrow = d, ncol = d)
# gr = as.matrix(combn(1:d, 2))
# z = apply(gr, 2, FUN = function(x) Kendall(data[,x[1]], data[, x[2]])$tau)
# Rho[lower.tri(Rho)] = z
# Rho = Rho + t(Rho)
# diag(Rho) = 1
# nms <- dimnames(data)[[2]]
# dimnames(Rho) <- list(nms, nms)
# return( Rho )
#.fit.kendall = function(Udata)
# Rho = .Kendall(Udata)
# Rbar = sin(pi * Rho/2)
# n = dim(Udata)[2]
# dimn = n * (n - 1) / 2
# vRbar = Rbar[lower.tri(Rbar)]
# X = diag(dimn)
# estimate = lm(vRbar ~ X - 1)$coef
# A = matrix(0, ncol = n, nrow = n)
# A[lower.tri(A)] = as.numeric(estimate)
# A = A + t(A)
# diag(A) = 1
# return( A )
# From corpcor package:
# Method by Higham 1988
.makeposdef = function(m)
d = dim(m)[1]
es = eigen(m)
esv = es$values
delta = 2*d*max(abs(esv))*.Machine$double.eps
tau = pmax(0, delta - esv)
dm = es$vectors %*% diag(tau, d) %*% t(es$vectors)
return( m + dm )
# copula likelihood functions (cpp coded)
# .tvtcopulafn = function(pars, data, type = "LLH")
# {
# nu = pars[1]
# alpha = pars[2]
# beta = pars[3]
# # this is the slowest part of the routine (student quantile)
# # qt is vectorized but no discernable difference in using apply instead
# Qdata = apply(data, 2, FUN = function(x) rugarch:::qstd(p = x, shape = nu))
# n = dim(data)[1]
# m = dim(data)[2]
# Qbar = cov(Qdata)
# Rbar = cov2cor(Qbar)
# ans = try(.Call("dccCopulaStudent", Qbar = Qbar, U = Qdata, Rbar = Rbar, dcca = alpha,
# dccb = beta, tnu = nu, dccorder = c(1,1,1), dccsum = alpha + beta,
# PACKAGE="rmgarch"), silent = TRUE)
# if(inherits(ans, "try-error")){
# ret = Inf
# } else {
# ret = switch(type, LLH = -ans[[3]], ALL = ans)
# }
# return(ret)
# }
.tcopulafn = function(pars, data, Rbar, type = "LLH")
nu = pars[1]
Qdata = apply(data, 2, FUN = function(x) rugarch:::qstd(p = x ,shape = nu))
#ans = try(.Call("staticCopulaStudent", U = Qdata, Rbar = Rbar, tnu = nu), silent = TRUE)
ans = dcopula.student(U = Qdata, Corr = Rbar, df = nu, logvalue = TRUE)
ret = switch(type,
LLH = -ans,
ALL = list(LLH = ans, Rbar = Rbar))
# .tvgausscopulafn = function(pars, data, type = "LLH")
# {
# alpha = pars[2]
# beta = pars[3]
# Qdata = apply(data, 2, FUN = function(x) qnorm(p = x))
# n = dim(data)[1]
# m = dim(data)[2]
# Qbar = cov(Qdata)
# Rbar = cov2cor(Qbar)
# ans = try(.Call("dccCopulaNormal", Qbar = Qbar, U = Qdata, Rbar = Rbar, dcca = alpha,
# dccb = beta, dccorder = c(1,1,1), dccsum = alpha + beta,
# PACKAGE="rmgarch"), silent = TRUE)
# if(inherits(ans, "try-error")){
# ret = Inf
# } else {
# ret = switch(type, LLH = -ans[[3]], ALL = ans)
# }
# return(ret)
# }
.gausscopulafn = function(pars, data, Rbar, type = "LLH")
Qdata = apply(data, 2, FUN = function(x) qnorm(p = x))
ans = dcopula.gauss(U = Qdata, Sigma = Rbar, logvalue = TRUE)
ret = switch(type,
LLH = -ans,
ALL = list(LLH = ans, Rbar = Rbar))
# Auxiliary Functions
.cor2cov = function(corr, sigmas)
V = (sigmas)%o%(sigmas)*corr
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