
Defines functions cintegral

# to do : 
# override exp calculation in cov_mat to indeed generate sparse matrices,...
# and that should do it ! 
# M. Crucifix  Wed Oct  2 23:31:12 CEST 2013

cintegral <-
function(rhoarray, X, cgen, p)
 # X is the expanded grid filling space (assuming equal weights)
 # cgen is the outer generator 
 # rhoarray is an array of scalars
 n <- dim(rhoarray)
 m <- length(dim(rhoarray))
 lsum <- function(x) 
  # used to do the third integral, over x_p
  # considers the possibility that genmatrix has
  # in fact returned a list
  { inames <- names(x[[1]])
     shapes <- sapply(x[[1]], dim, simplify=FALSE, USE.NAMES=TRUE)
     if (is.null(inames)) 
        } else 
            out <- rsum( sapply( x, function(x) { x[[iname]] } ) ) 
            ishape <- shapes[[iname]]
            if (! is.null (ishape)) array(out, ishape) else out 
          } , 
         simplify=FALSE, USE.NAMES=TRUE) 

 genmatrix <- function(ccmatrix, ip=1)
   ## this is the service function computing the double integral
   ## over -p|p
   ## which will then need  to be intgrated over rho_p
     rhorhomatrix  <- outer(as.numeric(rho[[ip]]$mpp), 
                             as.numeric(rho[[ip]]$mpp))   # matrix
     if (class(ccmatrix) == "list")
       # if ccmatrix is a list, it must be named ! 
       # use the above rather than 'is.list' because
       # a sparseMatrix is also a list
         sapply ( ccmatrix, function(ccmatrix) 
            if (!is.array(ccmatrix))
              return (ccmatrix * rhorhomatrix * rho[[ip]]$p)
              return ( isum(sweep(ccmatrix, 
                         c(1,2), rhorhomatrix,"*") ) * rho[[ip]]$p  )
           USE.NAMES=TRUE, simplify=FALSE)
         isum(sweep(ccmatrix, c(1,2), rhorhomatrix,"*") ) * rho[[ip]]$p 
 if (is.null(p))
    # the user requests p = the entire domain. 
    # just the one provided. 
   rho <- list(list(mpp= rhoarray / sum(rhoarray), p=1))
   ccmatrix   <- cgen(X)                 # generates matrix

 } else 
   rho <- MarginalDens(rhoarray,p)
   Xgrid <- rho$grid
   rho <- rho$marginals
   lsum   ( 
     # that's the double integral for all elements of space p
     # should result in a vector of scalars
         marginal <- Xgrid$p[ip,]
         names(marginal) <- colnames(Xgrid$p)
         grid <- convert(combinepmp(Xgrid$mp, Xgrid$p[ip,, drop=FALSE]),n)
         ccmatrix   <- cgen(X[na.fail(grid),, drop=FALSE])    
         # generates matrix
         genmatrix(ccmatrix, ip)
     ) ) 
mcrucifix/gp documentation built on July 29, 2023, 8:58 p.m.